Español Español


  • Jennifer García-Cañate Universidad de la Costa
  • Santiago Medina-Escamilla Universidad de la Costa
  • Eduard Martínez-García Universidad de la Costa
  • Aida Huyke-Taboada Universidad de la Costa



Ergonomía, Inspección de puesto de trabajo, Productividad Laboral


With this project we seek to improve the efficiency, productivity, and work environment of this large company, through different changes in the workspaces.

We did an evaluation of the workplace where we were able to notice several flaws in the distribution of the workplace, order and even in the operator's posture. With these problems identified, we began to make different proposals to provide a solution such as: Establish a detailed plan to implement the new distribution, coordinate the redistribution and installation of the equipment for better performance.

With respect to the improvements in the operator's posture and his environment, tests were carried out with the OWAS method, light and sound tests to know the conditions in which the operator was. After these tests we were able to notice that there was little lighting , a lot of noise and that the operator handled constant “level 4” problems that needed an immediate change; Based on everything said, we implemented the improvements to the floor by adding unevenness and grating, order in the boxes, we raised the conveyor belt, added fans, cold colored light and helmets to avoid additive contamination of the area


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How to Cite

García-Cañate, J., Medina-Escamilla, S., Martínez-García, E., & Huyke-Taboada, A. (2024). Español Español. Boletín De Innovación, Logística Y Operaciones, 6(1), 17–25.




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