Competitive positioning and commercial dynamism of the department of Santander in 2020.




Export dynamics, Export behavior, exportable basket, import dynamism, Santander Deparment.


The objective of this research article is to determine the positioning and commercial dynamics of the department of Santander (Colombia) in the year 2020 through the application of the indicators of commercial concentration at the product level, proportions in world commercial exchanges, number of destinations/main origins, Relative Commercial Balance Index-IBCR and the Balassa index. An analytical and deductive method is used, in which initially the export behavior of the department of Santander is analyzed by chapters of the customs tariff, in order to select the exportable offer based on this behavior. Then, the first 5 tariff chapters are taken as the exportable basket of the department of Santander, according to the participation and export dynamics in the year 2020. Among the main results, the high level of concentration of Santander's exports in the year 2020 stands out, where oil and coffee occupy 64% of the total exports of the department. The first import tariff items concentrate 51% of the total imports of Santander in 2020, presenting a lower concentration compared to exports. Santander contributed 0.002% of world exports in 2020. The products with the highest percentage of participation are coffee with a share of 0.29% of world exports of the grain. The department of Santander contributes 0.003% of world imports in 2020. The products that have a higher percentage of participation of Santander in world imports in 2020 are agricultural products with percentage shares of: corn (0.29%), concentrated milk (0.21%), soybean oil residues (0.19%) and wheat (0.14%). The United States is Santander's main trading partner, having a greater weight in imports, contributing 49.6% of the department's international purchases.


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Author Biographies

Julio Cesar Ramírez Montañez, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Is a professional in International Relations from Jorge Tadeo Lozano University (Colombia). Master in International Relations from Flinders University of South Australia (Australia). Associate Researcher of Colciencias. Director of the GRICAN Research Group of the Faculty of International Business Administration of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana-UPB Bucaramanga (Colombia). Experience as coordinator of the Specialization in International Marketing, coordinator of Research School. Research professor and leader of the research group of the International Business Administration faculty of the UPB (Colombia). Coordinator of the SIGI Research Seminar of the Faculty Advisor of the United Nations Model. He has more than 30 scientific articles published in journals in Colombia, Spain, Venezuela, Chile, Peru, Argentina, South Korea. He has experience as a university professor in the subjects of Geopolitics and International Relations, Intercultural Negotiation, Research Methodology and Research Seminar. Extensive knowledge of Geopolitics, International Affairs, Asian International Politics and International Business Research.

Jaime Enrique Sarmiento, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Is a Systems Engineer and Industrial Engineer from Universidad Industrial de Santander (Colomiba). Specialist in Finance from the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga (Colombia). Master in Administration from the Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga - Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico). PhD Candidate in Technology and Innovation Management at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Colombia). Research Professor at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Sectional Bucaramanga). Undergraduate and graduate teaching at different universities. Experience in the administrative field. Consultant, lecturer and researcher. Gricani Research Group.

Gladys Mireya Valero Córdoba , Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Is an economist by training, with a master's degree in administration and a doctorate in business administration and management. Linked to the education sector at the higher education level, teacher to date, with an interest in internationalization, competitiveness, international economics and strategies for global markets. Currently Dean of the School of Economics, Administration and Business and Director of the Faculty of International Business Administration. Recognized as a research associate.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Montañez, J. C. ., Sarmiento, J. E. ., & Valero Córdoba , G. M. (2022). Competitive positioning and commercial dynamism of the department of Santander in 2020. ECONÓMICAS CUC, 43(2), 73–92.



Articles: Administration, Organization and Methods

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