Sustainability and environmental accounting: Bibliometric analysis and documentary review of scientific research in the 2013-2017 period




Bibliometric análisis, Sustainability and environmental accounting


The work aims to describe the main bibliographic characteristics of world scientific production related to sustainability and environmental accounting (hereinafter CA) in the fields of administration, business and accounting, based on a descriptive analysis of the quantitative evolution of publications , methodological approaches, study units, thematic clusters, countries, main authors and scientific journals with related publications. The methodology corresponds to a descriptive documentary study, reflective of literature, based on the publications of Scopus indexed scientific documents by Elsevier and the use of VOSviewer software. The texts were selected based on various criteria including as keywords "sustainability" and "environment accounting", limited in the field of "Business, Management and Accounting", during the period between 2013 and 2017. The results identified 66 texts, identifying how the years with the highest number of publications correspond to 2013 with 25.8% and 2017 with 19.7% of the total documents. Likewise, the research approaches applied in the field of sustainability and CA are oriented from the qualitative paradigm with 64%, and quantitative 33%. The types of studies, with greater application are exploratory investigations with 70%, descriptive 20% and correlational with 8%. Regarding the units studied, the documents are focused from research in companies, with 68%, distributed in 77% large companies and 33% small and medium. The most relevant sectors focus on the tertiary sector with 44%, secondary 33% and primary 3%; The countries with the highest number of studies are the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and Italy. Finally, the limitations of the study focus on the methodological strategy proposed by the author, taking into account a single Scopus database. There are some studies that generate contributions without being indexed in the database.


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Author Biographies

Deivi David Fuentes Doria, Pontificia Bolivariana University

He has a PhD in Science, Management Mention from the Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín University. Master in Financial Economic Management from the Distance University of Madrid. Financial Management Specialist of the CEIPA University Foundation. Public Accountant of the Caribbean University Corporation - CECAR, professor of the Cooperative University of Colombia (Montería).

Aníbal Enrique Toscano Hernández, University of Sinú.

He is a PhD in economics and business from the University of Oviedo. Master in Administration of the Technological University of Bolívar. Economist at the University of Cartagena, professor at the University of Sinú.

Valentina Murillo Vanegas, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia.

He is a student of the Public Accounting program, Cooperative University of Colombia.

Manuel Antonio Pérez Vásquez, University of Sinú.

He is a Doctor in Social Sciences, mention Management of the University of Zulia. International MBA Master in Business Administration and Management from Camilo José Cela University. Master in international business and integration of the Technological University of Bolívar. Specialist in International Business Management of the Technological University of Bolívar. Professional in International Business of the Autonomous University of the Caribbean. Professor at the University of Sinú.

Alex Jiménez Díaz, University of Sinú (Colombia)

He has a Master in Research and Development Project Management from the Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín Private University. Master in Logistics Management of the Naval School of Cadets "Almirante Padilla". Logistics Specialist of the Naval Cadet School "Almirante Padilla". Professional in International Business of the University of Sinú - Elías Bechara Zainum. Professor at the University of Sinú.


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How to Cite

Fuentes Doria, D. D., Toscano Hernández, A. E., Murillo Vanegas, V., Pérez Vásquez, M. A., & Jiménez Díaz, A. (2019). Sustainability and environmental accounting: Bibliometric analysis and documentary review of scientific research in the 2013-2017 period. ECONÓMICAS CUC, 41(1), 163–186.



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