Aplicación del Estudio de Métodos y Tiempos: Caso Empresarial. Muebles & Colores La 30


  • Karolay Assan-Barrios Universidad de la Costa
  • Lia-Valentina Castro-García Universidad de la Costa
  • Diana Fontalvo-Altamiranda Universidad de la Costa
  • Edrey García-Ríos Universidad de la Costa
  • Stefanía Ramírez-Giraldo Universidad de la Costa
  • Aida Huyke-Taboada Universidad de la Costa




Improved productivity, Process analysis, Study of the job, Wooden furniture


The work study is a systematic method to increase productivity in a company that seeks to examine and investigate all the factors that influence the efficiency of performance, in the development of this it is recurrent to mention various topics such as working conditions, analysis of operations, process diagrams, among others. The objective of the following project is to analyze production processes applying work study tools in order to find bottlenecks and propose improvements to increase the productivity of the company. For this reason, a visit was made to a company to analyze its productivity and the bottlenecks present in the company's process. This is how a study of methods and times was implemented, allowing a better critical analysis of the process, thanks to which it was possible to establish a better distribution of the process and future proposals for the improvement and growth of the company's productivity.



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How to Cite

Assan-Barrios, K., Castro-García , L.-V., Fontalvo-Altamiranda, D., García-Ríos , E., Ramírez-Giraldo , S., & Huyke-Taboada, A. . (2023). Aplicación del Estudio de Métodos y Tiempos: Caso Empresarial. Muebles & Colores La 30. Boletín De Innovación, Logística Y Operaciones, 5(1), 65–86. https://doi.org/10.17981/bilo.5.1.2023.06




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