Guide for prioritization of project management processes (PMBoK) in vertical construction projects


  • Luz Marina Sierra Martínez Universidad del Cauca
  • Señor Egresado Maestría en gerencia de proyectos
  • Profesor Universidad de Cartagena



Projects, Project Management, Project building, Construction building project, Guide of priorization, PMI; Project Management Institute, PMBoK


Introduction: The use of good practices for the management of vertical construction projects constitutes an issue of vital importance in order that its planning, execution, and results are in accordance with the desired success criteria at a productive level, cost reduction, anticipation drawbacks, among others. Therefore, it is pertinent to study the way construction projects are managed, considering the implementation of methodologies or guides that favor good project management.

Objective: This article proposes a tool that extracts information from repositories hosted on GitHub. It analyzes the data using computational techniques and presents the results through visualizations that identify the field's technological evolution studied through the most used programming languages, central repositories, and organizations.

Method: A diagnosis of the current situation was made through a review of the literature and the collection of lessons learned from experts through a survey; Subsequently, the guide was formulated and structured, and finally, validated through expert judgment and analysis of text polarity.

Results: Obtaining a process to design the guide that can be extrapolated to other contexts, the proposed guide, and a detailed validation process, which allowed obtaining positive perceptions regarding its use and usefulness. Additionally, an instrument was developed to support the prioritization of project management processes which is published.

Conclusions: The proposed methodological guide allows prioritizing the management of the processes of the knowledge areas and was evaluated with good opinions. The process followed provides a guide for adapting project management processes in other contexts and application areas.


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Author Biographies

Señor, Egresado Maestría en gerencia de proyectos

Juan Francisco Cuestas-Ramirez Civil Engineering, Magister in Project management. Account and sales consultant manager at INGEDUCTOS INGENIERIA ESPECIALIZADA SAS, Bogota Colombia.

Profesor, Universidad de Cartagena

Gabriel Elías Chanchí-Golondrino Electronic and Telecommunications Engineer, Master in Telematic Engineering, PhD of Telematic Engineering. Professor Universidad del Cartagena. Cartagena, Colombia. Member of the DaTos (Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Sociedad) research group.Associate Researcher.


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How to Cite

Sierra Martínez, L. M., Cuestas Ramírez, J. F., & Chanchí Golondrino, G. E. (2024). Guide for prioritization of project management processes (PMBoK) in vertical construction projects. INGE CUC, 20(1).

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