Generation of Early Warnings in the Identification of Changes in Deliverables in The Execution Stage of Construction Projects


  • Juan-Sebastián González-Sanabria
  • Fabián-David Guiza-Pinzon Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
  • Jorge-Andrés Sarmiento-Rojas Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
  • Oscar-Javier Gutierrez-Junco Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
  • Juan Felipe González Bermúdez Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia



Construction Projects, Project management, Change management, external internal changes, causes


In construction projects, changes continue to present themselves as a challenge that influences the normal development and success of the construction processes and stages of execution. Most of these changes are due to events and causes that in many cases could have been avoided. In this research, through a qualitative and documentary methodology, an extensive theoretical review of the causes of change and the impacts on cost and time was carried out, which, once analyzed and filtered, allow the most important causes and their impacts to be described and presented at a general level. Similarly, in the development of the research, the classification and level of importance of these types of changes and causes was validated through the implementation of a collection instrument, thus contrasting the findings of the review with the real context of the construction sector in Colombia. This information allowed the generation of a model for the generation of early warnings in order to prevent these changes in the execution stage of the construction process.


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How to Cite

González-Sanabria, J.-S., Guiza-Pinzon, F.-D., Sarmiento-Rojas, J.-A., Gutierrez-Junco, O.-J., & González Bermúdez, J. F. (2024). Generation of Early Warnings in the Identification of Changes in Deliverables in The Execution Stage of Construction Projects. INGE CUC, 20(1).

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