Business processes affecting value creation in charcoal production




Charcoal, inputs, map, processes, outputs.


The creation of organizational value is a fundamental pillar for the differentiation of products and services, charcoal production is no exception and that is why this research consists of carrying out a study of the processes that create value in the production of charcoal, with the objective of designing a procedural proposal, to be able to identify each activity and process involved in the creation of value during the production of charcoal. A theoretical approach related to processes and their management in Cuban agroforestry enterprises is carried out. For this purpose, it defines a methodology with a systemic approach, using theoretical and descriptive methods to approve each one of the results reached and to be in conditions to elaborate the research with its corresponding structure, taking as a basis the Agroforestry enterprise of Pinar del Río. Allowing then, once this proposal is finished, to make the right decisions on the part of the managers and workers of the entity, to structure those inputs that produce outputs reflected in terms of value and efficiency in the production to establish itself in the market.


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Author Biographies

Dairon Rojas Hernández, Universidad de Pinar del Río

The research consists of a procedural proposal, to be able to identify each activity and process involved in the creation of value during the production of charcoal. A theoretical approach related to the processes and their management in Cuban agroforestry companies is carried out. For this, it defines a methodology with a systemic approach, through the use of theoretical and descriptive methods to approve each of the results achieved, based on the Pinar del Río Agroforestry company. Allowing then, once said proposal is finished, to make the correct decisions by the directors and workers of the entity.

Ahmed Yasser Saab Marrero, Universidad de Pinar del Río

Degree in Accounting and Finance from the University of Pinar del Río.

Estela Gertrudis Espinosa Martínez, Universidad de La Habana

Degree in Mathematics from the University of Havana. PhD in Economic Sciences from the Universidad de La Habana, full professor. Member of the Social Impact Project of banking in Cuba.

Arístides Pelegrín Mesa, Universidad de Guadalajara

Degree in Economics from the University of Minsk, Belarus, PhD in Accounting and Finance from the University of Havana and postdoctoral at the Universidad de La Habana. He is currently a professor at the Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico.


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How to Cite

Rojas Hernández, D., Saab Marrero, A. Y., Espinosa Martínez, E. G., & Pelegrín Mesa, A. (2023). Business processes affecting value creation in charcoal production. ECONÓMICAS CUC, 44(2), 173–190.



Articles: Administration, Organization and Methods