Dynamics of Colombian cosmetic and toilet products in the Pacific Alliance





Pacific alliance, cosmetics and personal care industry, intra-regional trade, intra-industry trade.


This study addresses the dynamics of trade in cosmetics and personal care products between Colombia and the countries of Chile, Mexico and Peru, with which it forms part of the Pacific Alliance (PA), in order to take a look at the projection of intra-regional productive articulation in this sector.  These products are located in tariff headings 3303; 3304; 3305; 3306 and 3307 of the harmonized system.  The intra-regional trade indexes of exports ICI-EXP, and imports ICI-IMP; and Grubel Lloyd index of intra-industry trade (IGLL) are used, for the five product groups, between the years 2017 - 2021. Among the main findings, it is evident that the intra-regional trade of Colombia's ICE-EXP exports with the PA is located between 0.41 and 0.65, i.e. the PA markets are among the main destinations of Colombian exports for the five products. In the case of imports, the ICE-IMP oscillates between 0.10 and 0.60, these figures reveal that not all imported products in this sector come mainly from the PA. The IGLL index reflects Colombia's intra-industry trade with the PA for some products, especially with Mexico.


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Author Biographies

Edgar Javier Gómez Parada, Universidad Santo Tomas

is a Chemical Engineer. UIS Master's Degree in Evaluation in Education. Santo Tomás University. Currently associate researcher at Minciencias. Dedicated to teaching for more than 20 years, in areas of basic sciences and social sciences. Research experience of 23 years, through participation in research groups, project development and publication of research papers and articles. Experience in editing scientific journals, in research training processes and in collaboration in evaluation of undergraduate, master's and scientific publications.

Julio César Ramírez Montañez , Universidad Potifica Bolivariana

He holds a degree in International Relations (Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano) and a Master's degree in International Relations (Flinders University of South Australia). Associate Researcher of Minciencias. Director of the GRICANI Research Group, Faculty of International Business Administration, UPB Bucaramanga. With experience as Coordinator of the Specialization in International Marketing, School Research Coordinator, Research Professor, leader of the research group of the Faculty of International Business Administration of the Universidad  Pontificia Bolivariana (Bucaramanga), Coordinator of the SIGI Research Seedbed, Faculty Advisor of the Model United Nations. With more than 30 scientific articles published in journals in Colombia, Spain, Venezuela, Chile, Peru, Argentina, South Korea. With experience as a university professor in the subjects of Geopolitics and International Relations, Intercultural Negotiation, Research Methodology and Research Seminar. With extensive knowledge in Geopolitics, International Affairs, Asian International Politics and Research applied to International Business

Paula Ximena Romero Vargas , Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Seccional Bucaramanga.

is an Economist, UIS; Commercial Analyst at GSS Covisian Group. Master's Student in International Trade Management. Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Bucaramanga Section.


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How to Cite

Gómez Parada, E. J., Ramírez Montañez , J. C., & Romero Vargas , P. X. (2023). Dynamics of Colombian cosmetic and toilet products in the Pacific Alliance. ECONÓMICAS CUC, 44(2), 33–50. https://doi.org/10.17981/econcuc.44.2.2023.Econ.5



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