Issues and trends in financial education




Financial Education, Socioeconomics, Personal finances, Household finances, Well-being and poverty, Systematic Literature Review (SLR)


Financial education is the process that allows individuals to develop skills for making financial decisions efficiently in different areas of life. The objective of this study is to systematize contributions, issues and trends in research on financial education from the social or economic sphere. This theoretical review uses a qualitative descriptive documentary design with article-type secondary sources carried out according to the guidelines suggested by Tranfield et al. (2003) for Systematic Literature Reviews (SLR). The results show authors' contributions in the following thematic areas: financial behavior, financial literacy, socio-demographics and gender, corporate social responsibility and sustainability, business performance, entrepreneurship and poverty, digital finance, corporate governance, ethics and financial inclusion, and household finance.


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Author Biographies

Douglas Jahir Morelo Pereira, Universidad del Sinú

He´s Accounting and Tax Advisor. Master in Education, specialist in Tax Management, Tax Auditor and External Audit, Public Accountant, Lawyer (c). Research Coordinator, Professor and Researcher at the Universidad del Sinú, Montería-Colombia.

Deivi David Fuentes Doria, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

He´s Postdoctor in Science and Technology Management, Doctor of Science-Management, Public Accountant, lawyer (c). Professor and researcher of the Business Administration Program of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Montería

Diocelina Torres Castro , Universidad del Sinú

She´ s Master in Administration (c), specialist in Financial Management, Public Accountant. Professor and researcher of the Public Accounting Program of the Universidad del Sinú, Montería-Colombia.

Katia Rafaela Hoyos Núñez, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

She´ s Master in Administration, specialist in Corporate Finance and Financial Management, Business Administrator. Research Professor of the Business Administration Program of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Montería-Colombia


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How to Cite

Morelo Pereira, D. J., Fuentes Doria, D. D., Torres Castro , D. ., & Hoyos Núñez, K. R. . (2023). Issues and trends in financial education. ECONÓMICAS CUC, 44(2), 75–96.



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