Valuation and simulation model of forestry projects with commercial purposes in the department of Córdoba-Colombia




Economic benefits, Reforestation, Trade, Business valuation model ., Montecarlo simulations , Exogenous variables


The purpose of the text was to describe the short, medium and long term benefits of reforestation for commercial purposes the department of Córdoba. In order to do so, it was necessary to take into account the different variables such as the vulnerability of the financial system, the limitations of state-of-the-art technologies, forest management and current regulations. The methodology was through the implementation of a business valuation model in Microsoft Excel adapted for forestry units, through the implementation of an exercise in which a model of Monte Carlo simulations is used, which allowed to define a set of exogenous variables (explanatory) that can be obtained a result of equity value. After the realization of the theoretical research, the collection of information and the realization of three simulations proposed by the Monte Carlo model allowed to expose that the different variables affect the economic yields of the forest plantations; in the different simulations it was possible to determine that they help to fix the parameters in such a way that these are in ranges of increases and decreases according to the economic reality


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Author Biographies

Carolina Nader-Mohrez, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

She is a lawyer, specialist in public management, Master in business administration.

Cristóbal Cabrales-Castillo, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

He is a Business Administrator, Master in Administration.

Fernando Corena-Ghisays, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

He is a Master in Economics, Economist, professor at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Belonging to the research group ESDER category B Minciencia.

Deivi David Fuentes Doria, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

He is a Postdoctor in Science and Technology Management, PhD in Sciences-Management, Public Accountant, lawyer (c), research professor at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Peer evaluator of the Ministry of Science and Technology Colombia. Currently working in the lines of: Economic sustainability, Environmental Accounting, inspection, Author of some texts, scientific and academic articles


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How to Cite

Nader-Mohrez, C., Cabrales-Castillo, C., Corena-Ghisays, F., & Fuentes Doria, D. D. (2021). Valuation and simulation model of forestry projects with commercial purposes in the department of Córdoba-Colombia. ECONÓMICAS CUC, 43(1), 153–174.



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