Factors related to academic performance in higher education: a multilevel approach


  • Jaime A. Gutiérrez-Monsalve Universidad CES. Medellín (Colombia)
  • John F. López-Velásquez Universidad Católica de Oriente –UCO–. Rionegro (Colombia)
  • Julián Andrés Castillo Grisales Institución Universitaria Digital de Antioquia –IUDigital–. Medellín (Colombia)
  • Angela M. Segura-Cardona Universidad CES. Medellín (Colombia)




Academic performance; sociodemographic factors; institutional factors; contextual factors; quality of education; multilevel analysis


Introduction: Academic performance can be addressed as the degree of knowledge a student can demonstrate in a given subject area compared to that expected of his or her peers. Higher education institutions can use it as an indicator to manage academic quality policies. Objective: Determine the institutional-pedagogical, sociodemographic, and contextual factors that predict academic performance in a Colombian university. Methodology: A multilevel approach was used with students nested in 14 undergraduate academic programs to explain the semester Academic Performance –AP– of the 2014-1 cohort configuring 3437 individuals. Results: At an individual level, being a man and having a subsidy or scholarship increases the AP at this university. Contrary to the older the age and the greater the number of subjects enrolled, the AP decreases. From the contextual point of view, at the program level, positive perceptions regarding pedagogy, academic management, institutional identity, didactics, and teacher management significantly promoted the increase in AP in students. Conclusions: The university AP must be explained from individual and contextual variables. The inclusion of contextual variables related to pedagogy, academic management, institutional identity, and teacher qualification in the 14 undergraduate programs managed to significantly increase the explained variance of the AP compared to the sole use of individual-level variables. This study is innovative since most reports related to university AP only consider individual-level variables, leaving aside the context in which the university student lives.


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Author Biographies

Jaime A. Gutiérrez-Monsalve, Universidad CES. Medellín (Colombia)

MSc., PhD(c) in Epidemiology and Biostatistics from the Universidad CES (Colombia). Master in Engineering Sciences and Process Engineer from Universidad EAFIT  (Colombia). Researcher in applied statistics, data science and machine learning. Consultant and researcher in student permanence and university early warning systems. Graduate School, Doctorate in Epidemiology and Biostatistics from the Universidad CES (Colombia), Research Group in Higher Education. . https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4976-2666


John F. López-Velásquez, Universidad Católica de Oriente –UCO–. Rionegro (Colombia)

MSc. Systems and Computer Engineer from the Universidad Nacional (Colombia). Master in Systems Engineering from the same university. Professor in simulation and operations and statistics research at the Universidad Católica de Oriente (Colombia).  https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4976-2666

Julián Andrés Castillo Grisales , Institución Universitaria Digital de Antioquia –IUDigital–. Medellín (Colombia)

MSc. Systems Engineer and Master in Engineering from the Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia). Professor in data science, applied programming and simulation. Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia).  https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4976-2666

Angela M. Segura-Cardona, Universidad CES. Medellín (Colombia)

Ph.D. Disciplines: public health, epidemiology, infectious diseases, statistics and biostatistics. Skills and expertise in epidemiology of infectious diseases, tropical diseases, mortality, quality of life, sampling design, health risk management, senior citizens and epidemiology. Research Group in Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Universidad CES (Colombia). https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0010-1413



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How to Cite

Gutiérrez-Monsalve, J. A., López-Velásquez, J. F., Castillo Grisales , J. A., & Segura-Cardona, A. M. (2024). Factors related to academic performance in higher education: a multilevel approach. CULTURA EDUCACIÓN Y SOCIEDAD, 15(1), e03414663. https://doi.org/10.17981/cultedusoc.15.1.2024.4663