Analysis of nonverbal communication in the relationship between teachers and students in post-pandemic post-pandemic


  • Lucía Asencios-Trujillo Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle. Lima (Perú)
  • Christian-Andrés Obispo-Asencios Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Lima (Perú)



Nonverbal communication; assertiveness; interpersonal skills; behavioral styles


Introduction: Immediate is the issuance of appropriate non-verbal behaviors of gestures and postures, perceived as assertive non-verbal behaviors, which allows emotional circuits to be modulated based on a value system, influencing the disposition, motivation, interest and cognition of students for learning. Objective: To describe the level of immediacy of teachers in the interrelation with students, during pedagogical practice in post-pandemic times. Methodology: Study with quantitative approach, type of descriptive research and with a simple cross-sectional analytical descriptive design. The population was 312 Peruvian university professors, selecting 150 subjects by non-probabilistic sampling. The NIS-immediacy-questionnaire adapted by Richmond, McCroskey and Johnson was applied in 2013, with good content validity and high reliability (.808). Results: 22% with a high level of immediacy, manage their emotions, behaving based on their cognitive capacity, assuming open and receptive attitudes, demonstrating prudence and tolerance; 78% have low levels of immediacy, reacting on impulse, proving to be intransigent and inflexible. Conclusions: The impactful social skills in teacher-student interaction is assertive behavior, emitted through non-verbal components, evidencing a style of behavior, with a certain level of immediacy. Teachers with high levels of immediacy tend to have self-control, emit appropriate non-verbal behaviors, creating favorable environments in pedagogical interaction. Those who present low levels reflect emotional discomfort with a greater risk of displaying inappropriate behaviors, evidencing agreeive and/or passive nonverbal behaviors.


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Author Biographies

Lucía Asencios-Trujillo, Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle. Lima (Perú)

Doctor in Educational Sciences from the Universidad Enrique Guzmán y Valle (Peru). Main ordinary teacher at the UNE Faculty of Technology and the Walter Peñaloza Ramella Graduate School (WPR) (Peru). Head of the research group in the Line of pedagogical innovations: Disruptive Scientific Research. She is the author and co-author of articles published in international journals.

Christian-Andrés Obispo-Asencios , Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Lima (Perú)

Graduate in Psychology from the Universidad Federico Villarreal (Peru). Master's degree in neuropsychology from the Cayetano Heredia University (Peru). Psychologist at the Collanac Health Center (Lima, Peru). ACT Therapist at the Pacificando Conciliation Center (Peru). Member of the INCIDI Scientific Research group. Author of publications in international magazines.


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How to Cite

Asencios-Trujillo, L., & Obispo-Asencios , C.-A. (2023). Analysis of nonverbal communication in the relationship between teachers and students in post-pandemic post-pandemic. CULTURA EDUCACIÓN Y SOCIEDAD, 15(1), e03374220.