Improvement of the pork crackling production process in a food company in the city of Barranquilla


  • Sebastián Morales-Mejía Universidad de la Costa CUC, Barranquilla. (Colombia)
  • Angie Goethe-Flores Universidad de la Costa CUC, Barranquilla. (Colombia)
  • Andrea Niebles-Soto Universidad de la Costa CUC, Barranquilla. (Colombia)
  • Jaime Villareal-Escorcia Universidad de la Costa CUC, Barranquilla. (Colombia)
  • Carlos Navarro-García Universidad de la Costa CUC, Barranquilla. (Colombia)
  • Joaquin Coba-Gamero Universidad de la Costa CUC, Barranquilla. (Colombia)
  • Aida Huyke-Taboada Universidad de la Costa CUC, Barranquilla. (Colombia)



Analytical process, innovation, strategies


This project was applied in a company dedicated to pork cracklings, provides a great service of a nice product and good quality, has very good working tools and a good environment that makes the company draws the attention of the customer and excels a lot to the cracklings, has good operators and has a good organization as a company that so far has achieved successes that are reflected in their sales and overcoming in competition with other local companies dedicated to the sale of cracklings. Different analytical processes of a thematic based on work study were developed, where different knowledge and strategies were applied. This company is mainly dedicated to the sale of pork rinds. Each process requires methods, stations, an analysis, and an execution to provide improvements loaded with solutions in an approximate time that requires constancy and dedication to gradually see the improvements.Processes observed in detail were those that allowed the execution of some improvement strategies that are implemented to seek new processes that allow innovation and efficiency of many routes managed within the company, as students we have applied the knowledge seen in class to apply innovative ideas that seek solutions to problems commonly seen and looking for a process full of formulas that are responsible for implementation of our improved analytical process.


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How to Cite

Morales-Mejía, S. ., Goethe-Flores, A. ., Niebles-Soto, A. ., Villareal-Escorcia, J., Navarro-García, C. ., Coba-Gamero, J. ., & Huyke-Taboada, A. . (2022). Improvement of the pork crackling production process in a food company in the city of Barranquilla. Boletín De Innovación, Logística Y Operaciones, 4(1).

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