e-ISSN: 2745-0031
Periodicity: Semiannual, continuous edition
External Peer Review: Double-blind
Open Access: No APC
Copyright: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Journal of Applied Cognitive Neuroscience (JACN) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal with open publication that continuously accepts submissions.
Its objective is to disseminate unpublished content in English, Portuguese and Spanish related to all fields of cognitive neurosciences, from an applied, clinical or basic research perspective with a transdisciplinary approach, in a continuous search for innovation.
Contributions to the Journal must be original and unpublished in any other medium, except in the form of abstracts or presentations at conferences or other scientific meetings. Once a manuscript is submitted to the Journal, it should not be sent to any other publication until the Editorial Board of the Journal has concluded its review.
Papers will be published in English, Portuguese or Spanish, and should always include an abstract in two languages. The journal publishes Editorials, Reviews, Original Articles (full and short communications), Images in Neuroscience, Book Reviews, Comments to Relevant Articles, Letters to the Editor, Erratum and Retractions. Must be uploaded through the Open Journal System (OJS) platform and strictly comply with publication policies, which are based on the principles defined by the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE), as well as ELSEVIER: Kit de publication ethics resources for publishers and the Singapore Declaration on Research Integrity.
The published scientific articles are available in electronic format with open access to ensure a high level of visibility and accessibility. The Journal is published with semestral periodicity, and it receives applications permanently throughout the year without charging fees.
Editorials: The Editorial Board is exclusively responsible for deciding on the timelines and characteristics of the Editorials.
Original articles: Clinical, basic and surgical research related to cognitive neurosciences will be considered. They should be as concise as possible. A maximum length of 8 000 words is recommended. Manuscripts on experimental or observational work will normally, though not necessarily, be divided into sections under the following headings: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions. Abstracts must be included in two languages, preceded by the corresponding title. Each abstract should not exceed 200 words and references to tables and figures should be avoided. On the same page, 5 keywords must be specified in two languages. Articles must conform to the template used by the journal.
Reviews: Reviews should document and synthesize current knowledge on a specific topic in the area of interest. Reviews must not exceed 4 500 words, and must include summaries in two languages, preceded by the corresponding title. Each abstract should not exceed 200 words. On the same page, 5 keywords must be specified in two languages. Articles must conform to the template used by the journal.
Short communications: These types of articles must not exceed 1 250 words and must introduce innovative concepts that must be published as soon as possible. It should not exceed 8 pages with no more than 15 references and 2 tables or figures. Abstracts must be included in two languages, preceded by the corresponding title. Each abstract should not exceed 200 words. On the same page, 5 keywords must be specified in two languages according to the Index Medicus.
Images: in Neurosciences: Images may include photographs of patients, neuroradiological images or other iconographic material related to neurosciences. The images do not necessarily have to be exceptional, but they should be illustrative, and must be accompanied by an explanatory legend. As a whole, they must not exceed one printed page and 10 bibliographic citations.
Book Reviews: This section will include commentaries on recently published book in this specialty. The books may be either submitted by their authors to the Journal’s Editor or selected by the Editorial Committee, and the Director will assign a reviewer. It must not exceed 600 words.
Comments on relevant Articles: A member of the Editorial Committee will be in charge of assigning a Guest in each issue to select and comment on the 5 best articles of the year selected. Each comment cannot exceed 400 words and must be in the form of a critical review, rather than a simple transcription of the abstract.
Letters to the Editor: They may be submitted to comment on works published in the Journal, in which case they will be answered by the work’s author, who may also include a very brief account of any new and recent findings. They cannot exceed 200 words, 6 references and 1 table or figure.
Language: Articles must be presented and written in English, Portuguese or Spanish, and must include abstracts and keywords in two languages.
If the article is originally in English, the article, abstract, and keywords will be published in the original language, but the abstract and keywords must additionally be translated into Spanish.
If the article is originally in Spanish, the article, abstract, and keywords will be published in the original language, but the abstract and keywords must additionally be translated into English.
If the article is originally in Portuguese, the article, abstract, and keywords will be published in the original language, but the abstract and keywords must additionally be translated into English.
Description of methodological elements:
Title: The title of the article to be published must be written in capital letters and must not exceed 15 words. The title must be descriptive of the categories and/or dimensions of the topic to be discussed, concise, attractive and original. Likewise, the author must insert a footnote indicating the research project from which the article is derived or proceeds (if applicable), research group and institution that finances the project. Be translated into a second language, depending on.
The author or authors: All authors must indicate their full name and surname, name of the institution to which they belong or organisation where they work, city, country, affiliation to a research group (if applicable), email address and their ORCID author ID or others such as Redalyc, Research Gate, Mendeley, Academia, Google Citations.
When the submitted article is by more than one author, they must assign the author for correspondence, who will be responsible for communicating with the journal and the other authors during the article submission, peer review and publishing process, and in general for all communications even after the article has been published. Additionally, each author must describe the scientific contribution of the postulated article, folowing the CRedit (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) criteria.
Abstract: It must be well structured and concise, summarizing the central focus of the paper in not more than 200 words, written in the same paragraph and without indentation. The abstract must contain in strict order. Introduction: a brief description of the problem or topic discussed. Objective / Purpose: research verbs should be used. Design / Methodology / Approach: briefly describe the methodological design implemented. Results / Findings: Describe the main scopes of the study and its importance for the neuroscience sciences. Originality / Value / Contribution: mention the contributions made in the area of knowledge. Conclusions: final considerations of the study that respond to the stated objectives / purposes. To de translated into Spanish.
Keywords: Separated by semicolons, a maximum of six key words should be stated, which are a brief idea about the content of the article and a reflection of the abstract. To be translated into Spanish.
Graphs, Tables and Illustrations: include graphs, figures, tables, illustrations and photographs, in their original format (preferably in Excel, Power Point or in high resolution image format).
-List with Arabic numerals. E. g. Table 1 (Top)
-Provide a brief, clear and explanatory title in italics (below table).
-Use 3 fillets or horizontal lines to make the table
-No vertical lines should be placed. The headings identify the columns.
-The basic content of the body of the table can be single or double spaced.
-12-point font size (body of the table).
-Must include a note in italics with a brief description and reference to the source from which it was adapted, left-aligned with no idents, double space and 10-point font size
Figures: (Graphs, diagrams, maps, drawings, photographs, etc.)
-Figures should not have a title.
-The figure’s caption must have a legend, numbered with Arabic numerals and in italics. E. g. Figure 1, which serves as a title. The caption should include a short descriptive sentence explaining the figure.
-Include the source from which it was adapted, as described above in notes for tables.
-Aligned to the left margin.
-No indentation.
-10-point font size, double spaced.
For the citation, the references and the presentation of tables and figures, the APA Standards 7th Edition will be used. The bibliography must be up to date.
Citation format
Textual or direct citation:
-The citation should be preceded by an introductory text in your own words.
Less than 40 words:
-Add introductory text. Quote with quotation marks immersed in the text, without a period.
-Indicate the source at the end of the cited text, in parentheses, followed by a period. E. g. (Castro, 2017, p. 3).
More than 40 words.
-Present it in a separate block from the text.
-Do not include quotation marks.
-Apply an indentation of 2.54 cm from the left margin.
-If the citation has more than one paragraph, add 1/2 cm indentation.
-All citations must be double spaced.
-Add introductory text, quote, period, and at the end cite the source in parentheses. E. g. (Celin, 2017, pp. 2-3)
Non-verbatim or paraphrase citation:
-It should be immersed in the text.
-Paraphrased citation: Cite the Author, year and page in parentheses. E. g. (Celin, 2017, p. 3).
Indirect quotes:
-Gould (1989) attributes Darwin's success to his ability to make appropriate metaphors.
-In a recent study about the impact of the telenovela industry in Latin America (Mazziotti, 1996) it is said that …
Citation by Author
-The citation should be preceded by an introductory text in your own words.
Less than 40 words
-Add introductory text, starting with the author's last name and the year in parentheses. E. g. Castro (2017)
-The quotation should be enclosed by quotation marks immersed in the text, without a period
-At the end, indicate in parentheses the page or paragraph, followed by a period. E. g. (P. 3). (pp. 2-3). (para. 3).
More than 40 words.
-Present it in a separate block from the text.
-Do not include quotation marks.
-Apply an indentation of 2.54 cm from the left margin.
-If the citation has more than one paragraph, add 1/2 cm indentation.
-All citations must be double spaced.
-Add introductory text, source (author, year), the Citation, period at the end of the citation, and page number at the end in parentheses E. g. (P. 2)
Quotes from various authors:
-Muñoz, Reyes, Covarrubias and Osorio (1991) point out that "the incorporation of women into the labor market (...) is the most important explanatory action in the modal configuration of the Chilean family" (p. 29)
-"The incorporation of women into the labor market (...) is the most important explanatory action in the modal configuration of the Chilean family" (Muñoz, Reyes, Covarrubias & Osorio, 1991, p. 29).
-There are three undesirable behaviors in the classroom: incompetence, indolence and irreverence (Kearney et al., 1991)
Book: The reference must contain the name of the author, the date of publication (year), the title of the work and the publication data (publisher). The information required for bibliographic references is included in the first pages of every book. Example: Moreno C. F, Marthe Z. N. and Rebolledo S., L. (2010). How to write academic texts according to international standards: APA, IEEE, MLA, Vancouver and ICONTEC. Uninorte Editions
Book in electronic version: Surname, initials (A. A.) and Surname, initials A. A. (Year). Title. Example: Gutiérrez, H. (2013). Statistical quality control and Six Sigma.
Book chapter: A book chapter is referenced in the case of compliation books that contain chapters written by different authors Surname, A. A., and Surname, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter or entry. In A. A. Surname. (Ed.), Book Title (pp. Xx-xx). Publisher. Duncan, M., and Fajans, E. (2016). "Formative research": a way to build knowledge in legal training. In J. S. Trujillo (Ed.), Lessons and comparative experiences on the teaching of law (pp. 353-374). Unisabaneta Editorial Fund.
Articles from scientific journals: Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B, and Surname, C. C. (Date). Article title. Name of the journal, volume(number), pp-pp. Example: Marenco-Escuderos, A. D, and Ávila-Toscano, J. H. (2016). Dimensions of social support associated with burnout syndrome in teachers of academic average. Psychological Thinking, 14(2), 7-18
Journal article, depending on the number of authors
One author: Surname, A. A. (Date). Article title. Name of the journal, volume(number), pp-pp. Example: Arias, G. (2015). One structure, two houses. Axxis, 262(1), 48-49.
Two to seven authors: All authors are written separated by commas, and the last one is written is preceded by "and". Example: Acosta, L., and Medina, R. (2015). The victim and his compensation in the Colombian penal systems. CUC Law Review, 11(1), 39-58. Astocondor, L., Chávez, G., García, and Montalvo, R. (2005). Malignant external otitis with ecthyma gangrenosum in a patient with HIV infection. Infectio: Journal of the Colombian Association of Infectology, 20(1), 41-44.
Internet articles: General form - online documents, Surname, A. A. (Date). Article title. Name of the newspaper. http: //
Newspaper references: General form - newspapers [Published on paper] Surname A. A. (Date). Article title. Name of the newspaper, pp-pp. Ejemplo: Herrera D., L. (March 9, 2017). Venezuelan children, a dilemma for schools. aDN, page 2.
Laws: Title or name of the law (Information such as the decree or resolution number) (Date of issue). Publication name, publication number, year, day, month of publication.
Photographs: [Photograph of Name and Surname of the photographer]. (Place, year). Name of the collection. Location.
Symposiums and conferences: Author, A. and Author, A. (Date). Title of the presentation. In A. Last name of the president of the congress (Presidency), Title of the symposium or congress. Symposium or conference held during the congress Name of the organization. Example: Olaciregui, J. (September 2010). The Myths and Us. In N. Gil (Presidency), Nature, law and democracy. Symposium held at the IX Congress of the Colombian Association of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (ASOFIDES).
Online thesis and degree projects: Author, A. and Author, A. (Year). Thesis title (undergraduate, master's or doctoral thesis). Example: García, A. M. (2013). Design of the salary structure for the administrative area of the company. Aseocolba S.A. in Bogotá (Undergraduate thesis).
Online encyclopedia: Surname, A. (Year) Title of the article. Encyclopedia title [Medium used]. Publishing house, URL Example: Great planet encyclopedia [electronic version]. Editorial Planeta,
Blogs: Surname, A. (Day, month, year). Post title [Post in a blog]. http: / /
Cases: Name vs. Name, source volume page (court date).
Articles must be submitted electronically through our OJS system, using the template model. In addition to the document, you must send the copyright assignment, duly completed and signed.
-Enter the journal's website (
-Enter the option "make a new submission"
-Confirm that the document meets the submission requirements (see submissions)
-Upload the submission. In this step you must upload the original article with all the tables and graphs in place and taking into account the steps to guarantee an anonymous review (See below), and an assignment of rights agreement.
-Enter the requested metadata in the system (name of the authors, article title, abstract, keywords and references)
-Confirm and finalize the submission.
To ensure the integrity of anonymous peer reviews of submissions to this publisher, every effort will be made to prevent authors from knowing the identity of the reviewers and vice versa. To do this, authors, editors and reviewers (who upload documents as part of the review) must verify that the following steps related to the text and the file properties have been followed:
-The authors of the document have deleted their names from the text, and have used "Author" and the year used in the references and footnotes, instead of the name of the author, the title of the article, etc.
-In the case of Microsoft Office documents, the author's identification must also be removed from the file's properties (see the File option in Word), by clicking on the options indicated below. Start with File in the main menu of the Microsoft application: File> Save As> Tools (or Options on Mac)> Security> Remove personal information from file properties when saving> Save.
-In the case of PDF files, it is also necessary to remove the names of the authors from the Document Properties, which can be found in the File option in the main menu of Adobe Acrobat.
In accordance with the provisions of the copyright laws currently in force, publishers must have the explicit authorization of the authors.
JACN has licence Creative Commons — Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International — CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
In accordance with the Statutory Law 1581 of 2012 on Data Protection and concordant regulations, the Titular is informed that, by voluntarily providing and registering their data in the channels enabled on the Website, they authorise their inclusion in a database under the responsibility of EDUCOSTA and the Universidad de la Costa CUC, which will be processed for missionary purposes.
e-ISSN: 2745-0031
Periodicity: Semiannual, continuous edition
External Peer Review: Double-blind
Open Access: No APC
Copyright: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0