User Profile for the Internet of Things based on Ontologies


  • Miguel Angel Niño Zambrano Universidad del Cauca
  • Andrea Yazmin Pabón Guerrero
  • Lider Julian Rojas Bolaños Universidad Carlos III de Madrid



User Profile, Context, Ontology, Internet of Things (IoT), Semantic Web


Determining the context in which the user is located is key to personalizing services in the Internet of Things. Therefore, a generic, semantic, interoperable mechanism that manages the user profile is required. A user profile management mechanism for IoT is proposed that uses ontologies to model user preferences and their context according to their location and the activities they are executing. This enables users to establish preferences on smart objects that create personalized services with minimal human intervention. The methodology used in creating this user profile ontology facilitates the rapid building of a formal, evolutionary model. To validate the solution, a case study adopted a semantic interaction scenario of smart objects, which incorporated real users and measured their ability to personalize the services provided. The results suggest that ontology offers a good solution for this kind of scenario that adapts its services to user characteristics and context. Testing verified that services were automatically adjusted within an acceptable time (52 seconds) in comparison with manual adjustments that might require several minutes


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Author Biographies

Miguel Angel Niño Zambrano, Universidad del Cauca

The author is a systems engineer with a master's degree in Informatics, currently a PhD in Telematics of Universidad del Cauca. He has experience in areas such as IoT, web application development, semantic web and project management. He is currently working as a researcher and full professor for the department of systems  at the university of Cauca.

Andrea Yazmin Pabón Guerrero,

The author is a systems engineer with a master's degree in computer science, currently a PhD student at Universidad Carlos III of Madrid. He has experience in areas such as IoT, web application development, semantic web and project management. She is currently working as a researcher for the department of computer science at the university Carlos III of Madrid.

Lider Julian Rojas Bolaños, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

The author is a systems engineer with a master's degree in computer science, currently a PhD student at the Carlos III University of Madrid. He has extensive experience in areas such as IoT, web application development, embedded systems, hardware prototyping and cloud development. He is currently working as a researcher for the computer science department of the Carlos III University of Madrid.


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How to Cite

Niño Zambrano, M. A., Pabón Guerrero, A. Y., & Rojas Bolaños, L. J. (2024). User Profile for the Internet of Things based on Ontologies. INGE CUC, 20(1).