Exergy Analysis of Steam Generation Integrated with Biomass Gasification


  • Sofan German S. J. University of Cordoba
  • Mendoza Fandiño J. M. University of Cordoba
  • Rhenals Julio J. D. University of Cordoba
  • Jimenez Lopez J. University of Cordoba
  • De la Vega Gonzalez T. University of Cordoba




Renewable energy, Gasification, biomass, aspen plus, Exergetic Analysis, Syngas, irreversibility


Introduction: Biomass is an important energy source, as it has high potential and produces low environmental impact. Biomass can be harnessed thermochemical processes such as gasification, combustion and pyrolysis. Biomass gasification is a well-studied process as it allows the production of combustible gases with properties that depend on the gasifying agent used. Objective: perform an exergetic analysis of steam generation by gasification of agro-industrial corn residues. Method: First, a biomass characterization was performed to determine its properties. A computational model of the biomass gasification process was then performed in Aspen Plus. The model was made in a stationary state and it was taken into account that all the gases behave in an ideal way. Results: the developed model estimates a syngas with lower heating value (LHV) of 6.18 MJ/Nm3, which was subsequently injected into a boiler for the generation of steam of the system. After this, an exergetic analysis was made with the data thrown in the simulation, which resulted in 14.37 kW are used in the generation of steam, likewise it was determined that the exergetic efficiency of the system is of 35%. Conclusions: Theoretical data could be obtained from a gasification system coupled to a boiler that allows generating steam for use in various applications. Also, it is observed that much of the energy that is produced is not used, due to losses and irreversibility of the system.


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Author Biographies

Sofan German S. J., University of Cordoba

Born in the City of Monteria, Colombia. Mechanical Engineer from the University of Cordoba, graduated in 2019. Currently, I am a Master's degree student in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Cordoba. My research interests are renewable energy, biomass gasification and thermofluid system designs.

Mendoza Fandiño J. M., University of Cordoba

I am Ph.D. Doctor in Mechanical Engineering (2015), from Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla and Mechanical Engineer (2003) awarded by the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Medellín, where he was also a professor and researcher at the Institute of energy and thermodynamics. I started working as a researcher in the field of renewable energies in 2004. Then in 2005 I joined as a teacher in the Thermofluids area of ​​the Mechanical Engineering Program in the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Montería until 2013, in which he began work as a teacher and researcher in the ThermoFluids area at the University of Córdoba. I have experience on these issues in national and international projects (European FP7 / H2020 and Ibero-American), I have published more than 8 articles in peer-review and technical journals, and I have participated in several international conferences and congresses, taught courses, etc.

Rhenals Julio J. D., University of Cordoba

Born in Moñitos, Colombia, he graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Córdoba, Colombia in 2016. His research interests are thermofluid system design, thermodynamic analysis, sustainability studies, cleaner production analysis and life cycle analysis.

Jimenez Lopez J., University of Cordoba

Born in the city of Montería, Colombia. Environmental Engineer from the University of Córdoba, graduated in 2020. My research interests are renewable energies, studies on greenhouse gases.

De la Vega Gonzalez T. , University of Cordoba

I am a mechanical engineer trained at the University of Córdoba, Colombia and graduated in 2020. I am pursuing a master's degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Córdoba. Experience in research projects in renewable energy generation. I have interests in the areas of renewable energies, thermodynamics, energy efficiency.


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How to Cite

Sofan German, S. J., Mendoza Fandiño, J. M., Rhenals Julio, J. D., Jimenez Lopez, J., & De la Vega González, T. D. J. (2024). Exergy Analysis of Steam Generation Integrated with Biomass Gasification. INGE CUC, 20(1). https://doi.org/10.17981/ingecuc.20.1.2024.03

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