Location of ambulances for Cucuta's emergency medical system


  • Alvaro Caicedo Rolón Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Jaime Hernando Ayala Arciniegas
  • Jhoan Enrique Tovar Flórez




Pre-hospital care, operations research, hospital logistics, optimization, Emergency Medical Services


Introduction. The location of ambulance bases is a strategic decision in the emergency medical system (EMS), which impacts the response time and the probability of saving lives or leaving sequelae in patients who suffer traffic accidents or disease crises.

Objective. The research proposed the location of ambulance bases for EMS to improve the timeliness of pre-hospital care in Cucuta. 


Methodology. First, this research used the center of gravity method to segment the city into sub-quadrants and determine alternative locations. Second, the location factors scoring method was employed to evaluate alternative sites. Third, an integer linear programming model was designed to select the optimal location of ambulances in Cucuta that minimizes the number of ambulance bases to care for traffic accidents in a response time of 8 minutes or less. Finally, a code was developed using Python 3.8.2 and the Google Maps Direction API web service to determine the response times.

Results. This paper proposed two optimal location alternatives, reducing the average response time from 10.96 minutes to 5.39 and 5.72, an improvement of 50.82% and 47.81%, respectively. In addition, the patients cared for in a response time of 8 minutes or less would increase to 85.19% and 78.84%, improving the 30.82% of the current situation.

Conclusions. The second location proposal, which considered four bases, was suggested because it would facilitate EMS control and logistics management of ambulances and enhance the timeliness of pre-hospital care in Cúcuta.


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How to Cite

Caicedo Rolón, A., Ayala Arciniegas , J. H. ., & Tovar Flórez, . J. E. (2024). Location of ambulances for Cucuta’s emergency medical system . INGE CUC, 20(1). https://doi.org/10.17981/ingecuc.20.1.2024.11