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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission is original and has not been previously published nor has it been simultaneously submitted to any other journal.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format.
  • All references contain complete and verifiable bibliographical information, including a DOI identifier or an URL. Only the sources mentioned in the text are included in the list of references.
  • The text complies with all format and presentation guidelines mentioned in the Authors Guidelines.  All illustrations, figures, and tables are correctly placed and in the description is clearly stated its source.
  • The submission file complies with the Instructions to Ensure an Anonymous Review.
  • The complementary documents requested in the section of Guidelines for Authors (Letter of Originality, Information of Authors and Information of the Research Project) will be attached to the submission in the next steps (Complementary files).
  • In the next steps (Complementary files) the complementary documents requested in the Guidelines for Authors section (Letter of Originality , Author Information and Research Project Information).

Author Guidelines

INGE CUC is a scientific peer-reviewed international journal that aims to be a communication channel of original articles to researchers in all fields of engineering.The journal welcomes original research and review articles, written in English or Spanish.

Articles that fit within the journal’s scope and fulfill the minimum assessment criteria will start a double-blind review process. INGE CUC adopts ethic guidelines from COPE, is a biannual, open access, electronic journal, without publication charges. 

The journal is supported by Universidad de la Costa and the interest areas include, but are not limited to:

  • Renewable energies, sustainability and environment
  • Civil and structural engineering
  • Decision sciences 
  • Computer sciences

INGE CUC is aimed to researchers of the areas mentioned above whose contribution may be meaningful to national and international scientific communities. Professors, Consultants, and businesspeople, likewise, might find in INGE CUC’s publications a source to widen and promote their knowledge.

INGE CUC is edited biannually and accepts papers written in English or Spanish, submitted through the Open Journal System platform. Papers admitted in the evaluation process should follow the next structure:

  • Title (English and Spanish)
  • Structured Abstract (English and Spanish)
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results or Discussions
  • Conclusions
  • References
  • Acknowledgments (optional)

Structured Abstract

A clear and concise abstract must be presented, not exceeding 300 words and structured according to the following headings. 

“Introduction:” A brief introduction that contextualizes the topic.

“Objective:” Describe briefly the research’s main objective.

“Method:” A brief description of the methodological design of the study.

“Results:”  Briefly, mention the main results of the research.

“Conclusions:” Present the article’s main conclusions.

Bibliographic references must be avoided within the abstract content, if necessary, include the author’s last name and year. Also, avoid the inclusion of noncommon abbreviatures, if necessary, please define it in the first mention.

Submission Process

Authors can sign up at Register section by completing all the required information and selecting Author at the end of the form. Once this step has been completed, a user name and a password will be sent to the registered email address which will allow you to sign in the platform and start the contribution’s submission process. If any difficulty is presented during your registration process, please contact us by email

Step 1: Click on Start a New Submission option to start the submission process. First, select Papers under Section drop-down list. After, check on the corresponding request from the Submission Checklist. When necessary, write comments to the Editor in the text box. To continue, click on Save and Continue.

Step 2: Select and upload the paper’s file in Word format making sure you fulfill all the Requirements to Grant Anonymous Revision criteria.

Step 3: In the third step, manuscript’s information must be registered. Enter full information regarding Author(s), Title, Resumen/Abstract, Institutional affiliation, and References (IEEE format).

Step 4: Afterward, the following complementary information files must be submitted using a compressed folder.

  • Figures, Tables, and Graphs: Graphs, figures, tables, illustrations, and pictures need to be attached in their original format (Excel, Power Point, Photo Shop, Corel, Illustrator, preferably), otherwise, use high-resolution image formats.
  • Authors Information Form: Authors Information Form is requested. It should contain the complete information of each author.
  • Submission Letter: The declaration of originality form must be completed and signed by each author.
  • Funding and Research Information: In a Text or Word file, include the following information:
  1. The title of the research project.
  2. Entity funding the research project.
  3. Research starting and end dates

Step 5: Finally, click on End submission. A notification will be sent to your email address to confirm successful submission.


Paper Template

To be considered, papers should be based on IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) standards for scientific papers. As it was mentioned before, graphs, figures, tables, illustrations, and photographs must be submitted in separate files and their original format –Excel, Power Point, Photo Shop, Corel, or Illustrator preferably-, otherwise, in high-resolution image formats.  

A sample format can be consulted and downloaded at this link.

Hereunder, a summary of IEEE standards is provided as a guideline for authors.

Manuscripts should be written in English or Spanish using no more than 20 pages and in single space.

Authors need to provide detailed information for full name(s), institutional affiliation (organization, company, university, research center, technology center, etc.), studies, email address, city, and country.

Title, abstract and keywords ought to be presented both in Spanish and English. The structured abstract and its Spanish counterpart–resumen-, must fulfill the previously mention guidelines. Keywords and palabras clave must be 5 to 10 descriptive terms that allow the bibliographic location of the topic. It is suggested to authors that they use index terms from bibliographic records.

Paper sheet size should be A4. Sections will be separated in Roman numerals and sub-sections in capital letters.

Figures and tables should be presented in grayscale and named taking into account the following: Use abbreviation Fig. Xxx to refer to a figure or graph, and Tabla xxx for a table. Please, do not include subtitles as part of figures nor in text boxes. Figures should not be enclosed by any border.

All abbreviations and acronyms must be conceptualized the first time they are being used. It is strongly advised, to avoid abbreviations in titles, unless it is inevitable.

Papers, including equations, should be written in Microsoft Word. MathType complement can be used. After equation is entered, it needs to be numbered by writing in parenthesis the consecutive number that represents it within the article.

For unit usage, resort to the International System of Units (SI), Meter-Kilogram- Second System (MKS) or Centimeter-Gram-Second System (CGS) for primary units, though SI units are preferred. English units may be used as secondary units (in parenthesis). For instance, write “15 Gb/cm2 (100 Gb/in2 )”. An exception is made for English units regarding commercial identification as in “3½ -inch floppy disk”. Avoid combining SI and CGS units, when referring to, for example, units in amperes (electric current) and oersteds (magnetic field).


The Reference list must include DOI links for every source.  References should be cited having into account that they need to be consecutively numbered in square brackets [1]. Sentence period follows brackets [2]. Multiple references need to be separated with a dash [1]-[3]. When quoting a section from a book, page numbers are to be provided. In sentences, just make reference to the number in brackets, as in [3], not “Ref. [3]” nor “reference [3]”, except at the beginning of a sentence: “The reference [3] shows...”. A list of references must be presented in consecutive order, not in order of appearance, i.e., [1],[2],[3], etc.

It is advised to use reference manager software. A quick guide to building reference lists is presented below:


[#] I.I. Author’s family name, Book’s Title. Publishing place (City, Country): Publishing house, year, pp. (consulted pages).

[2] W.K. Chen, Linear Networks and Systems. Belmont, USA: Wadsworth, 1993, pp. 123–135. 97

Book’s Chapter:

[#] I.I. Author’s family name, “Title of the Book’s Chapter”, in Book’s Title, edition, vol. City: Publishing house, year, pp. (consulted pages).

[1] G. O. Young, “Synthetic structure of industrial plastics,” in Plastics, 2nd ed., vol. 3. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964, pp. 15–64.


[#] I.I. Author’s family name. (Year, Month abbr.). Book’s Title. (edition). [Electronic source type]. Volume (number). Available/Retrieved from: (complete URL).

[1] J. Jones. (1991, May 10). Networks. (2nd ed.) [Online]. Available:

Serial Publications:

[#] I.I. Author’s family name, “Article’s Title,” Abbreviation of the Publication’s Name, vol, no., pp., Month abbr. Year.

[2] J. U. Duncombe, “Infrared navigation--Part I: An assessment of feasibility,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol.11, no. 1, pp. 34–39, Jan. 1959.

Online Journal Article:

[#] I.I. Author’s family name. (Year, Month abbr.). Article’s Title. Journal’s Name. [Electronic source type]. Volume (número), pp. Available: www. (complete URL).

[3] R. J. Vidmar. (1992, Aug.). On the use of atmospheric plasmas as electromagnetic reflectors. IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. [Online]. 21(3), pp. 876–880. Available: http://www.halcyon. com/pub/journals/21ps03-vidmar

Conference Article:

[#] I.I. Author’s family name. “Title of the Conference Article”, in Conference’s Name Abbreviation, Conference City, year, pp. xx-xx

[4] D. B. Payne and J. R. Stern, “Wavelength-switched passively coupled single-mode optical network,” in Proc. IOOC-ECOC, 1985, pp. 585– 590.

Conference Article (Online):

[#] I.I. Author’s family name. (Year, Month abbr.) “Title of the Conference Article”, Presented at Conference’s Name Abbreviation, [Electronic source type]. Available: (complete URL).

[1] PROCESS Corp., MA. (2002, Jan) Intranets: Internet technologies deployed behind the firewall for corporate productivity. Presented at INET96 Annual Meeting. [Online]. Available: http://

Master’s Degree Thesis or Dissertation:

[#] I.I. Author’s family name, “Thesis’ Title,” M.S thesis, Dept. abbr., Univ. abbr., University’s City, Dept/State abbr., Country, year.

[1] N. Kawasaki, “Parametric study of thermal and chemical nonequilibrium nozzle flow,” M.S. thesis, Dept. Electron. Eng., Osaka Univ., Osaka, Japan, 1993.

Doctoral Degree Dissertations:

[#] I.I. Author’s family name, “Thesis’ Title,” Ph.D. dissertation, Dep. abbr., Univ. abbr., University’s City, Dept/State abbr., year.

[1] J. O. Williams, “Narrow-band analyzer,” Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Elect. Eng., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, 1993.

Computer Software:

[#] I.I. Author’s family name (Year, Month abbr.). Software’s Name. [Electronic source type]. Available: (complete URL).


Article Submission and Processing Charges

INGE CUC authors are not required to pay submission or processing charges. 

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.