About the Journal

Aims & Scope

INGE CUC is a scientific peer-reviewed international journal that aims to be a communication channel of original articles to researchers in all fields of engineering. The journal welcomes original research articles, written in English or Spanish.

Articles that fit within the journal’s scope and fulfill the minimum assessment criteria will start a double-blind review process. INGE CUC adopts ethic guidelines from COPE, is an open-access electronic journal, without publication charges and is edited through a continuous publication model with biannual issues. 

The journal is under the editorial care of the Universidad de la Costa and the areas of interest are limited to:

  • Renewable energies, sustainability and environment
  • Civil and structural engineering
  • Decision sciences 
  • Computer sciences

Peer-Reviewed Process

The review process follows a double-blind procedure; this means, neither authors nor reviewers will know the counterpart’s identity. The double-blind review helps publication’s confidentiality, fairness, and impartiality during the process 

Publication Frequency

Since January 2013, INGE CUC has implemented a Continuous Publication model with packaging in biannual issues. Articles accepted for publication are assigned to an issue according to the criteria of the Editor-in-Chief.

As a guideline to ensure periodicity, the journal establishes that the first issue must be fully published before the end of the first calendar semester of the current year and the second issue of the year in coincidence with the second semester as part of the purpose of early publication, however, post-print versions will be available once the editorial and review process is completed prior to the generation of the final published documents.