Female Entrepreneurship in Latin America: A Theoretical Approach





Entrepreneurial woman, Entrepreneurial motivation, Inclusion, Leadership, Socioeconomic, Political, Business and psychological determinants


Women's entrepreneurship has been a topic that has increasingly aroused the interest of governments, academics and society in general, because it has become a factor that allows facing important challenges of humanity, such as inclusion, inequality and gender stereotyping. In the specific case of Latin America, approximately 3 out of 10 women do not have their own income, and according to ECLAC, 118 million women in this region work in the informal sector, an issue worsened by the Covid-19 pandemic, which will bring the female labor participation rate in 2021 to 46%, further exacerbating the inequality between men and women at the regional level. Therefore, given the unquestionable relevance of the topic, this paper analyzes research on female entrepreneurship in Latin America to identify its determinants and learn how it has evolved. To this end, a systematic literature review of the documents published in Web of Science was carried out. The main findings made it possible to identify the determinants that make a woman decide to become an entrepreneur through a classification of 4 categories: socioeconomic, business, political and psychological. In addition, an analysis was made of female entrepreneurship from the institutional theory. Finally, some future research extensions are suggested due to the importance and lack of deepening of gender entrepreneurship in Latin America.


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Author Biographies

Fabio Andrés Hincapié Mesa, Universidad de Caldas

is Economist and Master in Economics from the University of Manizales. PhD student in Economics at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Cali. Professor of Plant of the Universidad de Caldas. Research interests in Labor Market, Female Entrepreneurship, Social Determinants in Health and Regional Economy.

Alexa Juliana Montoya Morales, Universidad del Quindío

Business Administrator and Master in Administration from the Universidad de Quindío. PhD student in Economics at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Cali. Professor of contract of the Public Accounting program of the Universidad de Quindío. Research interests in strategy, business sustainability, corporate social responsibility.

Pedro Duque Hurtado, Universidad de Caldas

Business Administrator, Universidad Nacional sede Manizales. Master in Administration, Universidad Nacional sede Manizales. Ph.D (c) in Administration, Universidad Nacional sede Manizales. Professor of Plant of the Universidad de Caldas. Research interests Social Marketing.


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How to Cite

Hincapié Mesa, F. A., Montoya Morales, A. J., & Duque Hurtado, P. (2023). Female Entrepreneurship in Latin America: A Theoretical Approach. ECONÓMICAS CUC, 44(2), 191–234. https://doi.org/10.17981/econcuc.44.2.2023.Org.3



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