Regional knowledge maps: Agriculture, livestock and tourism in the municipality of Montería - Colombia




Construction of knowledge maps, Actors, Sectors, Knowledge management, Regional innovation system, Territorial intelligence


This article collects the results of a research whose objective is to design knowledge maps (MC) applied to regional knowledge management for the sectors that drive the economy in the municipality of Montería, such as; livestock, agriculture and tourism. This article recognizes the components of a regional information system (SIR) to determine the factors and actors that are immersed in an innovation system. The methodology used is descriptive, based on the SIR that identifies the documentary sources and specific classifications for a region, with this information the profiles containing the MC are built. The discussion revolved around the fact that the sources of information found are diverse to the needs of identification of regional knowledge, in this sense the results reflect three types of MC, one for each sector where the actors, structures, infrastructure, resources and social capital. Likewise, the absence of elements such as technology parks was detected, which help to manage knowledge between actors, and it was concluded that it is relevant to know the information flows between sectors and actors for the analysis of CMs and facilitate knowledge management in the municipality, because they promote innovation and development, for the construction of territorial development plans.


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Author Biographies

Ronny Alberto García Romero, Pontificia Bolivariana University

He is an Industrial Engineer from the National University of Colombia in 1994, Specialist in Financial Management from the Pontificia Bolivariana University, Master in Business Administration from the Externado de Colombia University. Professor of the Faculty of Business Administration of the Montería sectional Pontificia Bolivariana University.

Katia Rafaela Hoyos Núñez, Pontificia Bolivariana University

She is a Business Administrator from the Autónoma del Caribe University - Barranquilla in 1996, Specialist in Financial Management from the Pontificia Bolivariana University 1999, Master in Administration with a Specialty in Corporate Finance from the Viña del Mar University - Chile. Titular Professor of the Faculty of Business Administration of the Montería sectional Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.

Patricia Milena Cassab Martínez, Pontificia Bolivariana University

She is a Business Administrator from the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga in 2001, Specialist in Social Services Management from the Luis Amigó University Foundation, Master in Innovation for Business Development from Tecnológico de Monterrey. Associate Professor of the Faculty of Business Administration of the Montería sectional Pontificia Bolivariana University.

José Luis Díaz Ballesteros

He is a Business Administrator from the Atlántico University in 1994, a Specialist in Human Resources Management from the Del Norte University from 2001, a Specialist in Pedagogical Studies from the CUC from 2008, a Master's in Business Administration and Innovation at the Simón Bolívar University 2019. Teacher and director of the Faculty of Business Administration of the Pontificia Bolivariana University, Montería section.


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How to Cite

García Romero, R. A., Hoyos Núñez, K. R., Cassab Martínez, P. M., & Díaz Ballesteros, J. L. (2020). Regional knowledge maps: Agriculture, livestock and tourism in the municipality of Montería - Colombia. ECONÓMICAS CUC, 42(1), 208–229.



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