Information For Readers

CULTURA EDUCACIÓN Y SOCIEDAD is an international and indexed peer-reviewed journal that publishes original articles in the field of Social and Human Sciences. The journal has the seal of scientific and editorial quality of the Universidad de la Costa. The types of articles published by the journal are: scientific research articles, review articles. The papers can be presented in English and Spanish, the standards of the APA Norms that are in force.

The central thematic areas of interest of the journal are comprised by the publication of studies from a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary point of view, with the purpose of disseminating new knowledge.

Cultura Educación y Sociedad provides a specialized academic space for research results of the highest quality. It mainly encourages the submission of articles in English in the following fields of knowledge:

1. Educational innovation

2. Technological education.

3. Educational quality management.

4. Curriculum and pedagogical processes.

5. Educational psychology.

Within the framework of the assurance of international standards, the journal has adopted, within its editorial principles, the follow-up of the Code of Ethics in Publications Committee: COPE. The works that fit the scope of the journal and meet the criteria of form, will be submitted to a process of evaluation by referees through the double blind procedure. The journal is an open access electronic publication, which does not charge for publication and is published by means of a continuous publication model with six-monthly numbering.

The editorial team especially invites the scientific community, in the field of knowledge of Social and Human Sciences (researchers, teachers and other professionals representing institutions, organizations and communities) to submit their articles and actively participate in the community of readers. In accordance with the field of expertise and trajectory also invites you to submit your profile to participate as evaluators and / or members of the Scientific Committee and Editorial of our journal.

We encourage readers to register for the journal's publication notification service. Use the Register link located at the top of the magazine's homepage. As a result of the registration, the reader will receive by email the table of contents of each issue of the journal. This list also allows a certain level of support or number of readers to be attributed to the journal. Read the journal's Privacy Statement, where readers are assured that neither their name nor their email will be used for other purposes.