Information For Authors


CULTURA EDUCACIÓN Y SOCIEDAD is an international and indexed peer-reviewed journal that publishes original articles in the field of Social and Human Sciences. The journal has the seal of scientific and editorial quality of the Universidad de la Costa. The types of articles published by the journal are: scientific research articles, reflection articles, review articles and book reviews. The papers can be presented in English and Spanish, published under the standards of the APA Standards.

The central thematic areas of interest of the journal are comprised by the publication of disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies in the field of Human and Social Sciences.

Cultura Educación y Sociedad provides a specialized academic space for research results of the highest quality. It mainly encourages the submission of articles in English in the following fields of knowledge:

1. Educational innovation

2. Technological education.

3. Educational quality management.

4. Curriculum and pedagogical processes.

5. Educational psychology.

Within the framework of the assurance of international standards, the journal has adopted, within its editorial principles, the follow-up of the Code of Ethics in Publications Committee: COPE. The works that fit the scope of the journal and meet the criteria of form, will be submitted to a process of evaluation by referees through the double blind procedure. The journal is an open access publication, which does not charge to publish and is published through a model of continuous publication with six-monthly numbering.
The editorial team especially invites the scientific community, in the field of knowledge of Social and Human Sciences (researchers, teachers and other professionals representing institutions, organizations and communities) to submit their articles and actively participate in the community of readers. In accordance with the field of expertise and trajectory also invites you to submit your profile to participate as evaluators and / or members of the Scientific Committee and Editorial of our magazine.

 Cultura Educación y Sociedad is aimed at researchers in the areas mentioned, whose contributions are significant for the international scientific community; also teachers, consultants and entrepreneurs who find in publications as a source to expand and promote knowledge.

Specifications of the Editorial Process: Cultura Educacion y Sociedad

 Source: SCImago Research Group (January, 2018). Available at:

Within the editorial quality standards that the Journal CULTURA EDUCACIÓN Y SOCIEDAD has incorporated, the following are the Specifications of the Editorial Process, aimed at optimizing the development of all the procedures contemplated from the submission, initial review, peer review, review and author (s) adjustments, review and editorial decision, production and publication, correction and final retraction of the article. These specifications allow to deepen the editorial process to which the article will be submitted, the time standards that the journal imposes for each of them, the commitments assumed as author and the quality controls that the editor has introduced in each of them. the stages of this editorial process that has been estimated within the period comprised approximately in (12) weeks from submission of the article to its corresponding publication.

 Quality is essential to sustainable scientific publishing. Journals from the reception of a manuscript implement a standardized editorial process and comprehensive quality control procedures. All articles, except the Editorial or book reviews, are subject to a rigorous prior review, which once passed can lead to a peer review and editorial decision. The controls continue until 15 days after the article has been published. Although the quality assurance process is rigid and strict, it must be perceived as a process that adds value and a friendly, fluid and fast service for the authors. The authors must have the opportunity to present replies against suggestions or editorial decision. Editors must take immediate action in response to queries or requests from the authors.
The stages of the editorial process are the following: pre-check or pre-check, peer review, review, editorial decision, production, galley test and production, corrections and retraction.Within the quality control systems during the editorial process, the following criteria have been established: quality of the editors, quality of the reviewers, quality of the peer review, quality of the editorial decision, quality after publication.

 Cultura Educación y Sociedad is published every six months. Contributions to the journal written in English or Spanish, following the APA Standards (6th) Version and must be sent through the OJS journal management platform. The following is the suggested structure for the research articles admitted in the evaluation process:


Title (Spanish and English)

Structured Summary (Spanish and English)

Keywords (Spanish and English)


Literary Review


Results or discussion



Recommendations on the Title

 It is recommended that the title does not exceed (12) words, with their corresponding versions in Spanish and English.

 It is important that the title reflects the nature, theme and scope of the manuscript.

 It is recommended to avoid the use of acronyms where possible.

 Recommendations on the Abstract

 It is necessary to present a clear and concise summary, which does not exceed 150 words and is structured according to the following headings (separated and written in bold).

 "Introduction": Present a brief introduction that contextualizes the topic of study.

 "Objective": Briefly describe the objective (s) of the investigation.

 "Methodology": Briefly describe the methodological design of the study.

 "Results": Summarize in a concise way the main results of the research or study.

 "Conclusions": Present concisely the main conclusions of the article.

 In the abstract, the inclusion of bibliographic references should be avoided; if it is strictly necessary, include the author and year. Similarly avoid the inclusion of unusual abbreviations, if necessary the abbreviation must be defined at the first mention.

 An example of a structured abstract is shown below, it should be noted that in the preparation of the summary it is recommended to incorporate the following components: introduction, objective, methodology, results and conclusions.

Components of the Abstract

 Introduction: There are several didactic proposals for the development of the learning process, each of them responding to the educational needs and the different teaching styles existing in a classroom.

 Objective: This article explores the use of Problem Based Learning (PBL) in the area of ​​Design of experiments, based on the principles of the model and the implementation of the methodology.

 Methodology: The study is composed of the execution of 7 steps or stages: clarification of concepts, definition of the problem, analysis of the problem (brainstorming), systematic classification, formulation of learning objectives, research and individual study, and discussion and report .

 Results: It was evidenced that the learning objectives with the highest approval percentage are the construction and development of ANOVA and the application of comparative methods (LSD and TUKEY tests) with a percentage of 93.8 and 89.2% respectively; Otherwise, weaknesses in learning objectives are obtained, such as the approach of the systemic approach and the execution of blocking of the factors quantified by 20% for each one.

 Conclusions: In conclusion, it is evident that in 77% of the cases the methodological guide is executed and it manages to acquire a series of basic and necessary competences for the development of the profession from the field of design of experiments. It can be applied in engineering areas such as production management, method engineering, process engineering, ergonomics, among others, because the methodology of problem-based learning has proven to be compatible in cases of quantitative type, in which it is necessary articulate theoretical elements with problems within an industrial context.

 Note: Finally, the components mentioned in the abstract are integrated as follows:

There are various didactic proposals for the development of the learning process, each of them responding to the educational needs and the different teaching styles existing in a classroom. This article explores the use of Problem Based Learning (PBL) in the area of ​​Design of Experiments, based on the principles of the model and the implementation of the methodology. The study consists of the execution of 7 steps or stages: clarification of concepts, definition of the problem, analysis of the problem (brainstorming), systematic classification, formulation of learning objectives, research and individual study, and discussion and report. It was evidenced that the learning objectives with the highest approval percentage are the construction and development of ANOVA and the application of comparative methods (LSD and TUKEY tests) with a percentage of 93.8 and 89.2% respectively; Otherwise, weaknesses in learning objectives are obtained, such as the approach of the systemic approach and the execution of blocking of the factors quantified by 20% for each one. In conclusion, it is evident that in 77% of the cases the methodological guide is executed and it manages to acquire a series of basic and necessary competences for the development of the profession from the field of design of experiments. It can be applied in engineering areas such as production management, method engineering, process engineering, ergonomics, among others, because the methodology of problem-based learning has proven to be compatible in cases of quantitative type, in which it is necessary articulate theoretical elements with problems within an industrial context.

 Recommendations on Keywords

 It is recommended to review the thesauri of the discipline, especially the UNESCO Thesaurus (Link:, among others.

 You can incorporate between 5 and 8 keywords with their corresponding version in Spanish and English.

Submission of Contributions

 Authors can register through the Register section by completing the requested information and selecting the Author role at the end of the form. After completing this step, you will receive in your email a username and password with which you can access the platform and start sending your contribution. In case of presenting problems in the registration process, you can contact us through the email:

Step 1: When entering with your user and password to the magazine management platform, enter the option Start a new shipment, to start the process of sending the article. In the first step of the process select the Items section in the drop-down list. Then check each of the requirements in the Check List of the shipment and check the corresponding boxes. If necessary, write comments for the editor in the text box provided. To continue to the next step, click on the Save and Continue option.

 Step 2: In the next step, select and upload the article file in Word format, making sure to meet the format and presentation requirements, along with the Requirements to Ensure an Anonymous Review.

 Step 3: In the third step, you must register the information of the article. Enter the complete information of Authors, Title, Abstract, Collaborating Institutions and References in APA format (6th Version). You must complete the versions of the form in both Spanish and English.

 Step 4: In the fourth step you must include additional or complementary material to the article. Include the following documents as additional files:

 Graphics, Tables and Illustrations: include the graphics, figures, tables, illustrations and photographs, in their original format (preferably in Excel, Power Point, or programs such as Photo Shop, Corel Illustrator etc) or in high resolution image format.

Information from Authors: it is necessary to send the Authors Information Format, in Word format, with the information of each one of the authors of the manuscript.

Letter of Originality: must fill out and send the Originality Letter format of the manuscript, signed by the authors of the article.

Research Information: In a document in Word format, include information related to:

Title of the research project from which the manuscript derives.

Entity / University Funding of the research project.

Start and end dates of the research project.

Step 5: In the fifth and last step of the process, click on the option Finish Submission. A notification will be sent to your email indicating the success of the process.

 Through the OJS management platform of Culture Education and Society, the authors will be able to consult the status of the editorial process of the manuscript and will receive through this means the results of the evaluation process and the comments and / or suggestions of the peer reviewers.

The articles presented for publication must not have been or be in review by other publications where copyright is assigned. These must be original and unpublished, and submitted with the consent of all authors, who commit themselves to Culture Education and Society to maintain these conditions until a decision is made regarding their publication or not.

 The articles received will be identified with a code and will be previously reviewed by the Editorial Committee and by the Editor of the journal, to verify the relevance of its publication. Then, the selected articles will enter a double blind review process by expert peers in the thematic field.

 The results of the evaluation will be provided to the authors as suggestions for the acceptance of the writing, through the OJS journal management platform. Being an arbitrated review, the Culture and Education Journal and Society will base its final concept on these results.

 Prior to the publication of the article, the patrimonial rights of the author must be assigned to the magazine Cultura Educación y Sociedad, through the format that the Editorial Team will send them. This format must be completed and signed by each of the authors.

Format of Presentation of Articles.

 The articles submitted for the journal's consideration for publication should be based on APA presentation and style standards (American Psychological Association - 6th Version) for the presentation of scientific articles.

 The following is a summary of the APA standard, as a guide for authors.

 Articles must be written in Spanish or English, in a maximum of 20 pages, in a single space.

 Authors must provide detailed information corresponding to: full name, institutional affiliation (organization, company, university, research center, technology center, etc.), academic training, email, city, country.

 The title must be presented in Spanish and English, as well as the abstract (abstract) and the keywords (keywords). The abstracts and abstracts should be structured according to the indications. The keywords and keywords must be between 5 and 10 descriptive terms that allow the bibliographic localization of the developed topic. The author is suggested that they be part of the UNESCO Thesaurus.

 The format of the file must be (Word) with A4 paper size, the sections will be separated by Roman numerals and subsections by capital letters. For the representation of graphics and figures, otherwise any other image must be consigned both in the article, as in the original editable file, attached in JPEG or TIFF format, with a resolution of 300 dpi at the size considered for publication. All abbreviations and acronyms must be conceptualized the first time they are used, it is suggested to the author to avoid abbreviations in the title, unless it is essential.

 Type of Articles

The articles that wish to be published in the institutional journal must fit into one of the following types of Research and Innovation articles:

ü Scientific and technological research articles: respond to the results of research activities, an extension of no more than 20 pages (between 5,000 and 7,000 words) is foreseen. The following components are considered for its structure: summary, abstract, introduction, methodology, analysis of results and conclusions.

ü Articles of Reflection: through which results of finished research are presented from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author on a specific topic, using original sources. An extension of 15 pages (between 3000 to 5000) is foreseen.

ü Review articles: this responds to the results of research whose foundation is based on theoretical components that allow the understanding and analysis of the object of study. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references. An extension of 15 pages (between 3000 to 5000) is foreseen.


The articles are submitted to an initial evaluation by the Editorial Committee and then of national or international pairs before their publication. The evaluative parameters to be taken into account are due to the quality and rigor of the contents, the validity and updating of the data, the bibliography and the coherence and textual structure. In this process there is a space for correspondence between the editor and the authors for the necessary adjustments. The prompt publication of the article will depend to a large extent on the opportune response that the authors give to each requirement of the Editor.

The Editorial Committee appoints peer reviewers to the pre-selected articles and to those that were subject to adjustments at the suggestion of the Editorial Committee. The peer reviewers will issue a concept on the thematic content of the article from the quality and scientific rigor, in the format established by the Journal. Three options will be given: published, published after review or rejected. In the second and third cases, the observations will be sent back to the author for adjustment; If after a maximum period of two months, the journal does not receive from the authors the adjustments required by the evaluators, the journal will reject the work and the editorial process must be started again. The "double blind pair" system will always be used.

All articles must be registered in the OJS platform, accessible from the website of the magazine Culture Education and Society, in the AUTORES section, under the heading Material Submission. Simultaneously, a cover letter must be attached, signed by all the authors, following the model under the title, Guide for the presentation of the article.

Once the authors, send the article and together with it, the cover letter. They agree not to present it to any other journal, nor to withdraw it once the evaluation process begins. In case of withdrawal, this can only be done after knowing the result of the evaluation.

When the article is accepted and begins processes of style correction and layout, authors must fill out and sign the assignment of rights, which can be downloaded from the website. As of this moment, the article can not be withdrawn.

In the process of style correction, new suggestions may arise from the editorial team, in which case, the support of the authors will be required again. However, if the above instructions have been followed well, style suggestions are substantially reduced.

Tables, figures, tables and graphs, in addition to being in the content of the article, must be attached at the time of submitting the article in the OJS platform, in separate files (a graphic or table per file, in Excel or Word) in its original format, with the links from where they were extracted, unless they are of own elaboration. They must contain: name, number and source.

Concerns should be sent to the address:, or through the CONTACT US section of the website.

Finally the Editorial receives the adjusted articles to start the layout after which the Editor orders the publication.

General Characteristics of Style Rules

SPACING. Type font Times New Roman 12, single space.

MARGINS. No margin at the beginning of each paragraph, which must be presented in a single column. Upper, lower and right and left margins 2.54.


chap. Chapter

Vol. Volume

Ed. Edition

Vols. Volumes

Ed. Rev. Revised Edition

No. Number

Part Part

Trad. Translator

S.F. Without date

p.p. pages

  1. Page


1) When the quote is textual

When the citation contains less than 40 words, it will be enclosed in quotation marks and the paging of one of these two forms will be placed between parentheses:

For example:

According to Sierra (2010), "Family-type companies must be subdivided into family, family, investment, natural persons and family businesses" (page 34).

For example.

"Family-type companies should be subdivided into family, family, investment, natural persons and family businesses" (Sierra, 2010, p.34).

2) When the quote is textual and contains more than 40 words,

The quotation is written separately from the indented text without quotation marks:

For example.

In Spain, Pérez-Fadón (2005) stated:

Individual companies have a benefit, that is, those that do not have a corporate or other form, in which the entrepreneur or owner is the natural person, provided that he / she carries out the economic activity in question in a habitual, personal and direct manner and constitutes its main source of income, extending the exemption, not only to the elements of the entrepreneur or professional, but also to the part of the assets over which he has shared ownership with his spouse (p.21).

3) When the quote is not textual.

For example.

Kaku (2009) refers that the things that affect us can have repercussions in other places of the universe because there is an interlacing that connects our wave functions in its far reaches.

The things that affect us can have repercussions in other places of the universe because there is an interlacing that connects our wave functions in its far reaches (Kaku, 2009).

4) When they are two authors, their last names are separated by "&".

For example.

Pérez (cited by Harris, 2010), thinks that mathematics (...)

5) When there are three to five authors, the first time they are mentioned, the surnames of all are indicated. Subsequently, only the first is cited and et al is added, followed by a period (et al.).

When there are six or more authors, the surname of the first one is cited followed by et al. from the first citation.

In the case of being a corporate author, the name of the organization is placed instead of the surname: UN (2010) affirms (...) / (...) the displaced (UN, 2010).

6) Appointment appointment

Appointment appointment is made when you are having access to secondary sources of information. That is, when you access information from an author or entity through another author, who has cited it in your text. If, for example, a book by Gustavo Sierra is being read and he cites an opinion or statement by Juan Carlos Leyva, the following is cited:

For example.

Leyva (cited by Sierra, 2010) thinks that the International Accounting Standards in Central America (...)

7) Explanatory notes

When it is necessary to clarify some additional information, or expand an explanation of what is developed in the text; they can be marked with an index (1) and write the note at the end of the page.


The references are a list of the data of each source consulted for the preparation of the article and that are cited in the text. This list allows to identify and locate the sources to verify the information contained there or complement it if necessary.

What is the difference between the list of references and the bibliography?

In the list of references, the author chooses and includes only those sources that he used in his work. In this sense, "a list of references cites works that specifically support a particular article. In contrast, a bibliography cites works that served as a basis or are useful for later reading, but are not necessarily cited in the text.

All authors cited in the body of an article must be referenced at the end. An author that has not been cited in the text and vice versa should never be referenced.

The list of references is done with single line spacing, each must have a French indentation and the list must be organized according to the alphabetical order of the surnames of the authors of the sources. For the reference of numbers or volumes of some publication it is necessary to use Arabic and non-Roman numerals.


Surname, Initial of the name (Year). Title in italics, Place of publication: Editorial.

For example:

Polo, J (2012). Learning the English language in Latin America, Barranquilla, Colombia: Educosta.

Book in electronic version.

Surname, Initial of the name (Year). Title in italics, Retrieved from

For example:

Navarro L. (2010). The autonomy of the teacher in Colombia. Retrieved from

Chapter of the book

Surname, Initial of the name (Year). Title of the chapter or the entry. In Initial of the name, Surname. (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. Xx-xx). City: Editorial

For example:

Sierra, G (2014). The VAT Progressivity in Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia: In Editorial Tributaria de Colombia, The sales tax in Colombia (26-43).

Scientific articles

Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B. & Surname, C. C. (Date). Article title. Name of the journal, Volume No., xx (p-p).

For example:

Sierra, G (2011). The good, the bad and the ugly property tax in Colombia. Revista Económicas CUC, 32 (1), 99-110

Articles in periodicals

Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B. & Surname, C. C. (Date). Article title. Name of the journal, Volume No., xx (p-p).

For example:

Martínez, (1995). Moral education: a necessity in plural and democratic societies. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, Editorial Sello Rojo, 91-105.

Symposia and Conferences

Author, Initial of the name., (Month, Year). Title of the paper. In A. Last name of the president of the congress (Presidency), Title of the symposium or congress. Conference in the congress Name of the organization, Place.

For example:

Manrique, D. (June, 2011). Evolution in the study and conceptualization of consciousness. In H. Castillo (Presidency), Psychoanalysis in Latin America. Conference at the XXIII Ibero-American Congress of Psychology, Medellín, Colombia.

Newspapers (with author)

Surname, Initial of the name (Year, Day, Month). Article title. Name of the newspaper, pp-pp.

Newspapers (without author)

Name of the article (Year, Day, Month). Name of the newspaper, xx (p-p).

On-Line Newspaper

Surname, Initial of the name (year, month, day). Article title. Name of the newspaper. Recovered from

For example:

Bonet, E. (2011, February 2). Thousands of people pray in Tahrir Square in Cairo.

Time. Recovered from

Magazine Articles (Magazine)

Surname, Initial of the name (year, month, day). Article title. Name of the magazine. Volume No., p-p.

For example.

Navarro, V. (2010, November 13). The information: in the glass case? Week, (15), 10-12.

On-Line Magazine Articles

Surname, A. A. (year, month, day). Article title. Name of the magazine. Recovered from

For example:

Coronel, D. (2011, January 29). A counter-evident decision. Week. Retrieved from:

Note: The month and year should be included for journals that have monthly publications. In the event that the publication is daily or weekly, the day is included.

Reports, Corporate author, Government reports.

Organization name's. (Year). Title of the report (Publication number). Retrieved from

For example:

Ministry of Social Protection (1994). Scientific report of cases of yellow fever in the Department of Meta. Retrieved from


Author, Initial of the name (Year). Title of the thesis (Undergraduate, master's or doctoral thesis). Name of the institution, Place.

For example:

Aponte, L, & Cardona, C. (2009). Environmental education and evaluation of population density for the conservation of life in Los Nevados Park. University of Caldas, Manizales, Colombia.

References of web pages

Surname, Initial of the name (Date). Page title. Place of publication: Publishing house, address

For example:

Otálora A. (2007). Visible Body: Discover: Human Anatomy. New York: Argos Publishing. Retrieved from


The receipt of contributions entered through the OJS platform (Open Journal System) or the email, must necessarily respond to what is established in the Available Guidelines for Authors section and this process does not generate any obligation for evaluation or publication. It is granted to the Editor and the Editorial Committee, the responsibility of ruling the origin or not of the contributions to be submitted to the arbitration process by the team of experts.

The Editor, the Editorial Committee and the Universidad de la Costa, are not responsible for the ideas or concepts issued by the authors of the different articles, but they do reserve the right of publication according to the content of the texts.

Preliminary list for the preparation of shipment

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify that their submission meets all the elements shown below. Authors who do not comply with these guidelines will be returned to the authors.

ü The submission has not been previously published nor has it been submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Editor's Comments).

ü The file sent is in Microsoft Word format with adjustment to the APA Standards (6th Version).

ü Whenever possible, URLs are provided for references.

ü The text has a simple line spacing, a font size of 12 points, italics instead of underlining (except in URLs), and all illustrations, figures and tables are placed in the appropriate text places, instead at the end.

ü The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic conditions included in Guidelines for the author, in About the journal.

ü In the case of sending the text to the peer evaluation section, the instructions included in Ensuring an anonymous evaluation are followed.

Privacy statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or other person.

Charges for Application or Processing of Articles.

The authors of Culture Education and Society will not pay any type of charge for application or processing of the article.

