Editorial boards

Editorial team


Dr. Freddy Marín-González. Universidad de la Costa, Colombia ORCID. EMAIL

Editor in Chief

Freddy Marín-González, Graduate, Specialist and Master in Education (Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela). PhD and Postdoctorate in Human Sciences (Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela). Full Professor at the Universidad de la Costa, Colombia. Emeritus Professor at the Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela. Senior Researcher recognized by MINCIENCIAS – Colombia. Leader of the line of research in Calidad Educativa at the Universidad de la Costa, Colombia. Member of the Research Group: Gestión Educativa at the Universidad de la Costa, Colombia. With more than 25 years in the design, execution of research projects, intervention and innovation in the socio-educational area in the inter-institutional field and international collaboration, as well as in the publication of high-impact scientific articles, books and book chapters, in topics such as educational quality, public policies in education, didactics, curriculum and pedagogical processes, scientific interdisciplinarity, educational development, local development, sustainability, among others. With extensive experience directing doctoral theses and in postgraduate and undergraduate training in different countries. Evaluator expert of scientific projects in MINCIENCIAS - Colombia. He collaborates as a peer reviewer of articles for high-impact scientific journals worldwide, highlighting: Sustainability; social sciences; Sage Open; Applied Sciences; International journal of environmental research and public health; Frontiers in Psychology; Frontiers in Education; Ensaio; Avalaciao; Formación Universitaria; Revista de Ciencias Sociales; Revista Venezolana de Gerencia; Magis, among others. He is a speaker at important scientific events in the international ambit. Member of academic networks and research groups in Latin America, such as IESED Chile, GEPPAYA Brazil, Colombia, Chile and Mexico; FREI Colombia, among others. During his professional career, he has received multiple academic distinctions in recognition of his contribution to the generation of research products of significant scientific and social scope..

Dr. Vicente Javier Clemente-Suárez. Universidad Europea de Madrid, España. ORCID. EMAIL

Associate Editor

Vicente Javier Clemente Suárez, graduate in Sports Sciences, Degree in Psychology, Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Master in Research, Master in Education, MBA, Doctor in Sports Performance, Doctor in Biomedicine and Health Sciences. Professor at the Universidad Europea de Madrid (Spain). Director of the Consolidated Research Group in Applied Psychophysiology at the Universidad Europea de Madrid (Spain). Director of the Center for Applied Combat Studies (Spain). Member of the Research Group Cultura Educación y Sociedad, Universidad de la Costa (Colombia). More than 250 peer-reviewed publications in high-impact scientific journals, including: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; Physiology; Cancers; BMJ Military Health; Sustainability; International Journal of Molecular Sciences; Journal of Risk and Financial Management; BMC Medical Education; Physiology & Behavior; Children; Nutrients, Symmetry, Applied Sciences, among others. He collaborates as a peer reviewer of articles for high-impact scientific journals worldwide, highlighting: Applied Sciences; behavioral sciences; biology; healthcare; International journal of environmental research and public health; Medicine; Nutrients; Psycho, among others. Researcher at Universidad Castilla de la Mancha, Spain. Technical Director Triatlon Tritoledo team, Madrid, Spain.

Dr. Jesús Nicasio García-Sánchez. Universidad de León, España ORCID CORREO

Associate Editor

Jesús Nicasio García- Sánchez, Psychology PhD, Full Time Professor at the Universidad de León, Spain. He has been recognized for six years with the Research Period Awards National Commission Evaluation of Research Activity Ministry Education & Science (CNEAI MEC Spanish Government) and with important awards in the practice of teaching, where he has more than 40 years of professional experience. More than 800 peer-reviewed publications in high-impact scientific journals, as well as significant production in book chapters. With 54 competitive research projects, most as principal investigator. Director of Research Group Excelencia (JCyL GREX259). Among the most recent projects financed with inter-institutional cooperation, the following stand out: The Literacy Environment of the Home in the Acquisition of Written Competence of Primary Education Students with and without Learning Difficulties; Technological-Preventive Approach to Writing Learning Difficulties: Learning Monitoring and Evidence-Based Practices (TECPRE_DAE). Evaluator expert of the MEC, MCT, MICINN, ANEP, ANECA, of the Galician and Andalusian quality agencies (DEVA, GESVAL); Murcia (Seneca), from quality agencies of Chile, European Union (Alban). Member of important scientific networks such as: COST EU 2007-2012 - Spanish representative member in the European Research Network Learning to Write Effectively (ERN-LWE). Participant in COST Action IS1401 - Strengthening Europeans Capabilities By Establishing The European Literacy Network ELN- (2016-2019) (34 countries). Associate Editor in high-impact scientific journals such as Frontiers in Psychology, Sustainability Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health; Journal Writing Research, Behavior & Information Technology, Computers & Human Behavior, Journal Psychodidactics, Psychothema, Journal Study Educat & Development, Psychology Studies, Culture & Education, Revista Educación, Estudios sobre Educación, European Journal of Education and Psychology. With extensive experience directing doctoral theses and in postgraduate and undergraduate training in different countries.

Editorial and Scientific Committee 

Dr. Ana Miranda Casas, University of Valencia, Spain ORCID EMAIL

Dr. Rui A. Alves, University of Porto, Portugal ORCID EMAIL

Dr. Marilda Pasqual Schneider, Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina, Brazil ORCID EMAIL

Dr. Claudio Longobardi Alves, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy ORCID EMAIL

Dr. Benito León del Barco, University of Extremadura, Spain ORCID EMAIL

Dr. Mariby Boscán, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela ORCID EMAIL

Dr. Patricia Robledo, University of León, Spain ORCID EMAIL

Dr. Johan Pirela, Universidad de la Salle, Colombia ORCID EMAIL

Dr. Olga Bravo, Universidad Tecnológica Empresarial de Guayaquil, Ecuador ORCID EMAIL

Dr. Ramón Uzcátegui, Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile ORCID EMAIL

Dr. Igor Esnaola Echanis, University of the Basque Country, Spain ORCID EMAIL

Dr. Ángel Huguet, University of Lleida, Spain ORCID EMAIL

Dr. José Gutiérrez, University of Granada, Spain ORCID EMAIL

Dr. José Antonio Bueno Álvarez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain ORCID EMAIL

Dr. Manuel Peralbo Uzquiano, University of La Coruña, Spain. ORCID EMAIL

Dr. Javier Rosales Pardo, University of Salamanca, Spain ORCID EMAIL

Dr. María del Mar García Señorán, University of Vigo, Spain ORCID EMAIL

Dr. Maria Teresa Pessoa, University of Coimbra, Portugal ORCID EMAIL

Dr. Rosario Ortega Ruiz, University of Cordoba, Spain ORCID EMAIL

Dr. Steven Van Vaerenbergh, University of Cantabria, Spain ORCID EMAIL

Dr. David Padilla Góngora, University of Almería, Spain ORCID EMAIL

Dr. José Antonio del Barrio del Campo, University of Cantabria, Spain ORCID EMAIL

Dr. Andrés Manuel Pérez Acosta, Universidad del Rosario, Colombia ORCID EMAIL

Dr. Judit García Martín, University of Salamanca, Spain ORCID EMAIL

Editorial Coordinator

Mg. Paola Martínez Sande, Universidad de la Costa, Colombia ORCID EMAIL