Environmental Education Guidelines for the use and disposal of drinking water in the Serranilla neighborhood


  • Ivan Arrieta Fernandez
  • Alexa Senior Naveda Universida de la Costa


aguas subterráneas, calidad del agua, nivel de vida, saneamiento básico


San Andrés Island is one of the Colombian departments that registers one of the most critical situations in terms of the provision of basic sanitation services, this is defined as the minimum actions that must be adopted in an urban or rural location, so that people They can live in a healthy environment, which includes: (Water supply for human consumption, Management and proper final disposal of wastewater and excreta, and proper final disposal of municipal solid waste. According to DANE data, public service coverage home aqueduct is only 30.7% and 17.8% in sewerage (DANE, 2020), given these conditions people must opt for other means to supply themselves with drinking water where most homes do not have accounts the minimum technical requirements (Coralina, 2009) Therefore, the objective of this project Formulate operational guidelines for the disposal and storage of drinking water in order to enable the improvement of the quality of life of the inhabitants of the Serranilla de la Isla neighborhood of San Andres. The methodology consisted of documentary analysis, review of researchers' trajectories, as well as 2 instruments for data collection that were surveys and interviews that were applied to the sampled population.


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How to Cite

Arrieta Fernandez, I., & Senior Naveda, A. (2023). Environmental Education Guidelines for the use and disposal of drinking water in the Serranilla neighborhood. La Casa Del Maestro, 1(5), 347–361. Retrieved from https://ojstest.certika.co/RVCDM/article/view/5537