Investigating the psychological and physiological responses to isolation and confinement using the THOR space analog simulation




Analog Astronaut performance, spaceflight conditions, isolation, confinement, heart rate variability, HRV, psychological health, sleep patterns, physiology, Cognitive function, autonomic response, short duration spaceflight, spaceflight physiology, neuropsychology, high-demand environments


This research investigates astronaut performance under simulated space conditions, using THOR, an analog astronaut training protocol, during a week-long confinement in an Analog Astronaut Training Center in Poland. Materials and Five participants, including four military and one civilian, underwent a week of isolation. Tests were conducted to assess heart rate variability –HRV–, psychological health, and sleep patterns. Data collection and analysis were standardized, with an alpha level of p < 0.05 and power of 80%. The study found reductions in fat percentage and weight, while muscle mass and water content remained stable. HRV showed significant changes. Increased sleep and state anxiety levels were noted, along with decreased cognitive abilities. Personality traits exhibited heightened hostility and social anxiety, culminating in psychological discomfort. HRV values were normal with variations likely due to stress. A significant correlation was found between mental performance and
HRV, indicating potential influence of sleep on cognitive function during isolation. The study highlights the need for more research on the psychological and physiological implications of long-duration space missions and similar high-demand environments.


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How to Cite

Malpica, D., Pico, N., Lozano, J. E., Cortes, D., Campos, C., & Bejarano, X. (2024). Investigating the psychological and physiological responses to isolation and confinement using the THOR space analog simulation. Journal of Applied Cognitive Neuroscience, 4(2).