Long-term (6 months) neurological and psychiatric consequences in mild COVID community patients

Consecuencias Neurológicas y Psiquiátricas a largo plazo (6 meses) en pacientes con COVID leve de la comunidad.


  • Fabián Román Ministerio de Salud de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
  • Ismael L. Calandri Instituto Neurológico Fleni
  • Aldo Caridi Ministerio de Salud de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
  • María-Andrea Carosella Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Pablo-Alejandro Palma Ministerio de Salud de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
  • Jose-Javier Llera Hospital Interdisciplinario Psicoasistencial José Tiburcio Borda
  • Leonardo-Carlos Bartoloni Hospital Zubizarreta
  • Pablo Sanz Hospital de Agudos Parmenio Piñero
  • María-Emilia Mouchet Red Iberoamericana de Neurociencias
  • Paula-Carolina Fernandez-Díaz Universidad Maimónides
  • Carlos A. Morasso Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Adriana Tarulla Ministerio de Salud




post-COVID, síntomas neurológicos, psiquiátricos, long-COVID, COVID leve.


Long-term neurological complications of coronavirus infection have been described in the acute episode in hospitalized patients. 63% had fatigue and muscle weakness, 26% sleep disorders; 24% gait disorders and 23% anxiety and depression. The greater the severity of the acute episode, the greater the probability of long-term neurological symptoms. The objective of this work was to study the prevalence at 6 months in a cohort of mostly mild outpatients. 96 subjects with a mean age of 48 years, 54% women, and 86% mild outpatients were evaluated by means of a telephone interview. Of these, at 6 months, 32% of the population presented neurological or psychiatric symptoms. Anxiety (31%), Fatigue (26%), Mental fog (24%), Insomnia (22%), Depression (21%), Headache (19%) among others. Conclusions: In this work with subjects who suffered from mild COVID, neurological and psychiatric symptoms were still prominent as reported in acute severs ones.


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How to Cite

Román, F., Calandri, I. L., Caridi, A., Carosella, M.-A. ., Palma, P.-A., Llera, J.-J., Bartoloni, L.-C., Sanz, P., Mouchet, M.-E., Fernandez-Díaz, P.-C., Morasso, C. A., & Tarulla, A. . (2022). Long-term (6 months) neurological and psychiatric consequences in mild COVID community patients: Consecuencias Neurológicas y Psiquiátricas a largo plazo (6 meses) en pacientes con COVID leve de la comunidad. Journal of Applied Cognitive Neuroscience, 3(1), e00264623. https://doi.org/10.17981/JACN.3.1.2022.03

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