Application Based on Augmented Reality to Support the Learning in Mathematics


  • Jorge Gomez Gomez Universidad de Córdoba
  • Diego Herrera Ferrer Universidad de Córdoba
  • Daniel Salas Alvarez Universidad de Córdoba
  • Byron Oviedo Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo



The teaching-learning process of mathematics is of increasing theoretical and methodological complexity that, due to the rigor of all the concepts, theories, and theorems, make it a subject that many students find difficult and unattractive, so it is necessary to rethink the role of the teacher and student towards the teaching of mathematics. The purpose of this research work was to implement an application based on Augmented Reality (AR) to improve the academic performance of second grade elementary school students in mathematics. This research responds to a quantitative study under a quasi-experimental design. Whose methodological process responds firstly to the application of a diagnostic test (pretest) with the intention of identifying the level of students in terms of the mathematical code, and from there continue with the insertion of Augmented Reality in the classroom. Then, the research continues with the appropriation of the application developed by the students and the teacher in charge, to continue with the application of the activities for the experimental group (second grade A) and the control group (Second grade B). The results achieved point out the significant impact that the implementation of Augmented Reality (AR) had, since the students and the teacher's acceptance was obtained, determining the influence of Augmented Reality on learning, reflected in the students' ability to understand mathematical code in a fun and animated way.

The students who used the developed application overcame the deficiencies related to basic mathematical operations, developing cognitive skills that contributed to the successful performance from the implementation of Augmented Reality.


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How to Cite

Gomez Gomez, J., Herrera Ferrer, D., Salas Alvarez, D., & Oviedo, B. (2023). Application Based on Augmented Reality to Support the Learning in Mathematics. Computer and Electronic Sciences: Theory and Applications, 4(1).


