Instructions for Authors


The MODULO ARQUITECTURA CUC Journal is a refereed scientific journal with national and international visibility, created with the purpose of being a communication channel of original contributions to researchers, professionals, academics and any public interested in the fields of Design, Architecture and Art. Research and review articles are welcome, written in English, Spanish and Portuguese.


The works that fit the scope of the journal and meet the minimum evaluation criteria, will be submitted to a review process by referees through the double blind procedure. MODULO ARQUITECTURA CUC adopts COPE code of ethics and will be able to consult with the ethics session in the Publication, it is an open access electronic publication, which does not charge to publish and is continuously edited with biannual packaging.


The journal is under the care of the Universidad de la Costa and its Editorial and the areas of interest include and are not limited to the following:


Urbanism (history, theory and design)

Urban design

Architectural design

Technology in Architecture

Structural Design in Architecture

Sustainable Development (territory, society, economy, politics, culture)

Sustainable construction




Public space

Public Art

Participatory Design

Urban-Regional Planning (plans, programs and projects)

Habitat Management

Urban Law




The postulated articles must comply with the following typology:


1. Scientific research article. Document that presents in a detailed manner, the original results of completed research projects. The required structure is the following:



2. Summary in Spanish

3. Keywords

4. Title in English

5. Abstract

6. Keywords

7. Introduction

8. Developing

9. Methodology


11. Conclusions

12. References



2. Article of reflection. Document that presents results of finished research from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author. The structure to be presented is the following:


1. Title

2. Summary in Spanish

3. Keywords

4. Title in English

5. Abstract

6. Keywords

7. Introduction

8. Discussion

9. Conclusions

10. References



3. Review article. Document result of a finished research where the results of published or unpublished research are analyzed, systematized and integrated, on a field in science or technology, in order to account for the advances and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 60 references. The structure is as follows:


1. Title

2. Summary in Spanish

3. Keywords

4. Title in English

5. Abstract

6. Keywords

7. Introduction

8. Research results-Review

9. Conclusions

10. References




Language: Articles must be presented and written in Spanish or English with abstract, abstract and keywords, keywords.


If the native language is English, the article and summary will be written in your native language as well as the keywords, but the summary, abstract and the keywords will be translated into Spanish.


Description of methodological elements:

Title: the title of the article to be published must be capitalized and must not exceed 15 words in length, descriptive of the categories and / or dimensions of the subject to be treated, concise, attractive and original.


Likewise, the author must insert a footnote indicating the research project from which the article is derived or proceeded (if applicable), research group and institution that finances the project.


The author or authors: include up to 5 authors, they must write their full names and surnames, in the order of position prior agreement between authors according to the scientific contribution of each, additionally indicate in the initial footer of the article, its level of academic training beginning with the highest degree obtained until the undergraduate degree is related, the group, body, research line to which it belongs with the respective Institution of higher education where it works and for the purposes of contacting it, the institutional electronic address, the personal email, ORCID, city.


Summary: It must be well structured, it must be concise and synthetic with the work done and it must not have more than 150 words, written in the same paragraph and without indentation. It must contain a brief description of the problem or issue addressed, include the purpose or purpose of the dissertation, mention of the methodology used and some important conclusions.


Keywords: Maximum 6 keywords should be established, which are a brief idea about the content of the article and a reflection of the summary. They must be ordered alphabetically. Initial indentation is placed, then two points at the end of the word, starts in lowercase and ends without a period.


Title in English: It is the same title, but translated into English.


Abstract: The abstract is the literal translation into English of the abstract. Note: It is mandatory for the authors to enter the metadata requested by the OJS.


Number of pages and letters: The article must be written in Spanish or English, a minimum of 15 and not exceed a maximum of 25 pages.


Keywords: A maximum of 6 keywords must be established in English which are a brief idea about the content of the article and a reflection of the summary. They must be ordered alphabetically.


Graphics, Tables and Illustrations: include the graphics, figures, tables, illustrations and photographs, in their original format (preferably in Excel, Power Point or in high resolution image format).




List with Arabic. Eg Table 1 (Top)

Put a title in italics, brief, clear and explanatory. (Below Table 1)

Use 3 fillets or horizontal lines to make the table

Vertical lines should not be placed. The headers identify the columns.

The basic content of the body of the table can be single or double spaced.

Letter 12 points (Body of the table).

You must have a Note. on italic

With a brief description and references of where it was adapted

Aligned to the left margin

Without indentations

Letter 10 points and double space.

Figures: (Charts, diagrams, maps, drawings, photographs, etc.)


The figures do not have a title.

Figure caption must have a Legend caption, numbered with Arabic and italicized. Eg Figure 1. What is the title? It works as an explanation of the figure, it should be a brief but descriptive phrase.

Place the reference where it was adapted as in the note of the table.

Aligned to the left margin.

Without indentations.

Letter 10 points, double spaced.

APA Standards and references: Research articles should have a rigor in the citations of text and references according to national and international standards that are currently in force and that are suggested by the American Psychological Association (APA).



Citation format


Textual or direct quote: Less than or more than 40 words.

* Before starting the appointment there should be an introductory text prepared with your own words.

Less than 40 words


Add introductory text Quote with quotation marks immersed in the text, without f | inal point.

Then the source goes to the end of the cited text, in parentheses and point Ej. (Castro, 2017, | p.3).

More than 40 words


Unfold it in a block independent of the text.

Skip the quotes.

Apply a 2.54 cm indentation on the left margin.

If there are other paragraphs within the appointment, add a half cm indentation.

All appointments must go to double space.

Add introductory text, quotation, period, then the source goes to the end in parentheses. Ex. (Celin, 2017, pp. 2-3)

Non-textual quotation or paraphrasing


It is immersed in the text.

Quote paraphrased, the Author, year, page and end point are placed in parentheses. Ex. (Celin, 2017, p.3).

Indirect Appointments


Gould (1989) attributes Darwin's success to his ability to make appropriate metaphors.

In a recent study about the impact of the telenovela industry in Latin America (Mazziotti, 1996) it is said that ...

Quote by Author: Less or more than 40 words


* Before starting the appointment there should be an introductory text prepared with your own words.

Less than 40 words


Add introductory text It starts with the author's last name and the year between parentheses. Ej. Castro (2017)

The quotation goes with quotes immersed in the text, without end point.

Then in parenthesis page or paragraph and point Ex (p.3). (pp. 2-3). (Para 3)

More than 40 words


Unfold it in a block independent of the text.

Skip the quotes.

Apply a 2.54 cm indentation on the left margin.

If there are other paragraphs within the appointment, add a half cm indentation.

All appointments must go to double space.

Add introductory text, source: Author (year) Appointment, point at the end of the appointment, then the page goes to the end in parentheses Ex. (P.2)

Quotes from several authors:


Muñoz, Reyes, Covarrubias and Osorio (1991) point out that "the incorporation of women into the labor market (...) is the most important explanatory action in the modal configuration of the Chilean family" (p 29)

"The incorporation of women into the labor market (...) is the most important explanatory action in the modal configuration of the Chilean family" (Muñoz, Reyes, Covarrubias & Osorio, 1991, p.29).

The undesirable behaviors in the classroom are three: incompetence, indolence and irreverence (Kearney et al., 1991)

Referencing format


Book: A reference must contain the name of the author, the date of publication (year), the title of the work and the publication data (city, country and publisher). Each book brings a description in the preliminary pages that provides the necessary data to make the bibliographic reference.

Example: Moreno C. F, Marthe Z. N. and Rebolledo S., L. (2010). How to write academic texts according to international standards: APA, IEEE, MLA, Vancouver and ICONTEC. Barranquilla, Colombia: Ediciones Uninorte



Book in electronic version

Surname, A. A. (Year). Title. Retrieved from

Gutiérrez, H. (2013). Statistical control of quality and Six Sigma. Retrieved from



Chapter of book: A chapter of a book is referenced when the book is with an editor, that is, that the book consists of chapters written by different authors.

Surname, A. A., and Surname, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter or the entry. In A. A. Surname. (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. Xx-xx). City, Country: Editorial.

Duncan, M., and Fajans, E. (2016). "Formative research": a way to build knowledge in legal education. In J. S. Trujillo (Ed.), Lessons and comparative experiences on the teaching of law (pp. 353-374). Sabaneta, Antioquia, Colombia: Editorial Fund Unisabaneta.



Articles of scientific journals.

Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B, and Surname, C. C. (Date). Article title. Name of the journal, volume (number), pp-pp.

Marenco-Escuderos, A. D, and Ávila-Toscano, J. H. (2016). Dimensions of social support associated with burnout syndrome in teachers of academic media. Psychological Thought, 14 (2), 7-18



Journal article: variation according to the authors

An author

Surname, A. A. (Date). Article title. Name of the journal, volume (number), pp-pp.

Arias, G. (2015). A structure, two houses. Axxis, 262, 48-49.

From two to seven authors


All authors are written separated by a comma and the last one is written "y".


Acosta, L., and Medina, R. (2015). The victim and his compensation in the Colombian criminal systems. Legal Journal CUC, 11 (1), 39-58.

Astocondor, L., Chávez, G., García, Y., Montalvo, R. (2005). Malignant external otitis with ecthyma gangrenosum in a patient with HIV infection. Infectio: Journal of the Colombian Association of Infectious Diseases, 20 (1), 41-44.



Internet articles.

General form – docu


Ethics for the publication



The articles presented in MODULO ARQUITECTURA CUC, must be original and unpublished for possible publication, must not have been postulated or be in the process of revision or publication in other organs of scientific disclosure; must be submitted with the consent of all authors, who undertake to maintain these conditions until a decision of acceptance or rejection regarding their publication is made.


The received articles will be identified with a code and will be previously reviewed by the Editor and / or Editorial Coordinator of the journal, to verify the thematic relevance, application of standards, scientific structure, before starting the process of evaluation by expert peers (double blind ) and possible publication.


The results of the evaluation will be provided to the authors as suggestions for the acceptance of the writing, through the OJS journal management platform. Being an arbitrated review, the MODULO ARQUITECTURA CUC Magazine will base its final concept on these results.


Prior to the publication of the article, the author's patrimonial rights must be assigned to the magazine MODULO ARQUITECTURA CUC, through the format that the Editorial Team will send them. This format must be completed and signed by each of the authors.


The Editorial and Scientific Committee reserves the right to modify the title and body of the accepted articles and make the editorial changes it deems pertinent, in order to give the article the greatest possible clarity. Therefore, authors are recommended to write with the utmost rigor, verifying the spelling, using short and homogeneous paragraphs and using punctuation marks appropriately.


Plagiarism management


MODULE ARCHITECTURE CUC declares the non-acceptance of plagiarism, for this reason it is necessary that all articles postulated to the review process comply with its acceptance beforehand with the following:


Letter of originality and presentation of the article


Transfer of rights signed by all authors


The authors are responsible for the material included in their work such as tables, graphics, photos, figures and other content that may be necessary for the development of the publication, they declare that these do not infringe the copyright.


All evaluated articles will follow a strict process of peer review and will be subject to plagiarism detection software, so that there should be no cases of full, partial copy, paraphrasing without proper reference and other practices of mismanagement and use of the information.


In the event that the article does not meet the criteria of originality, it will not be published in the journal or will be withdrawn from it in case of the effect of its publication, likewise the journal will generate the retraction to the place or any other amendment in pro of good publishing practices.


Interest conflict


ARCHITECTURE MODULE CUC monitors that the evaluation processes do not handle conflict of interest, which is why it is established that the process of choosing experts in the area of ​​the development of the article, with previous scientific publications on the subject of selection. Once the review process begins, it is guaranteed to be doubly blind, which guarantees the objectivity in the handling of the writing, neither the author nor his evaluator will know their identities. Finally, in accordance with the concepts of the peers, a consensus is generated together with the editor who establishes whether the article will be accepted without modifications, accepted with modifications (slight or substantial) to be made by the author (s), or failing that, rejected. This decision is received by the author (s) by the publisher.

Also according to the policy of handling plagiarism are not allowed publications that do not handle adequately the "paraphrase" in case your idea comes from several articles is necessary that the original text is mentioned in quotation marks and that the corresponding citation is made.


The journal has also defined that it does not publish articles that have been previously published in another language, although it is a practice managed under editorial rights, MODULO ARQUITECTURA CUC does not handle this option.




ARCHITECTURE MODULE CUC establishes that all articles must be unpublished and original, therefore the fragmentation of large works may lead to confusion among readers, which is why authors are invited that in case their work corresponds to other research already published these should be duly cited, should not be repeated relevant information because it could be detected as coincidences that would violate the criteria of originality established by the publication. Likewise, the author will be available to requests from the editorial body and the peer reviewers about the previously published works on the subject.


MODULO ARQUITECTURA CUC declares with these policies the search to maintain ethics and good practices in this publication. All the established criteria keep the considerations established by COPE and by the Ethics criteria for Research and Publications of Elsiever ( For more information you can contact the editor at mail: