Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics


In order to be eligible for publication, articles submitted to MODUO ARQUITECTURA CUC must be original and unpublished; must not have been submitted or be in the process of being reviewed or published in other scientific publications; must be subject to consent by all the authors, who shall be committed to maintaining such conditions until a publishing acceptance or rejection decision is issued.

Submitted articles will be assigned a code and will be initially reviewed by the magazine’s Editor and/or Publication Coordinator to verify the relevance of the topic, conformance to standards and scientific structure before initiating the peer review process (double blind) and possible publication.

The review results will be provided to the authors as suggestions in order to accept the manuscript, through the OJS journal management platform. Because it is an arbitrated review, MODULO ARQUITECTURA CUC will base its final decision on the review results.

Before publishing the article, the author’s property rights must be assigned to the magazine MODULO ARQUITECTURA CUC, using the form provided by the Editorial Team. This form must be filled out and signed by all the authors.

The Editorial and Scientific Committee reserves the right to make changes to the title and body of accepted articles, and to make any relevant editorial changes, aimed at adding clarity to the article. Consequently, authors are advised to write as clearly as possible, to carefully check spelling and grammar, to use concise and homogeneous paragraphs, and to make proper use of punctuation.

Handling of Plagiarism

MODULO ARQUITECTURA CUC declares that it will not accept plagiarism, which implies that prior to acceptance all articles submitted for review must fulfill the following:

The authors are responsible for the materials included in their work, such as tables, graphs, photographs, figures and other contents included for publication, and must declare that none of these violate any copyrights.

All articles will be subject to a strict peer review process and to plagiarism detection software. Consequently, there must be no cases of full or partial copying or paraphrasing without adequate references or any other improper practices in handling and using information.

In the event the article does not fulfill originality criteria, it will not be published in the magazine. In the event it has already been published, the article will be removed from the magazine and an appropriate retraction will be issued, along with any other corrective actions required by good publication practices.

Conflicts of interest

MODULO ARQUITECTURA CUC takes steps to ensure that the review process does not involve any conflicts of interest. To this end, it selects experts in the theme area of the article who have previously published scientific articles in the relevant field. The review process itself is of the double-blind type, which ensures objectivity in the review of the manuscript, since neither the authors nor the reviewers will know each other’s identities. Lastly, based on the peer review results, a consensus is reached with the editor to decide whether the article will be accepted without changes, or accepted with changes (minor or substantial) to be made by the author(s), or otherwise rejected. The Editor will inform the author(es) of the decision made.

Authors should also have all the authorizations required to publish information that involves naming other entities or persons in the text, as well as any authorizations required previously for performing research, such as informed consents. They should also mention or acknowledge any sources of financing and people who assisted in the research.

For additional information on the review process, please see our instructions for authors. 

Fraud in research:

MODULO ARQUITECTURA CUC only receives articles that are the result of a scientific research process, which implies that the author must submit information on the research sources it is based on. Also, during the peer review process the experts’ assessment takes into consideration aspects related to methodology, presentation of results, argumentation, and conclusions reached to ensure the consistency and accuracy of the presented information, as well as its relevance and contribution to knowledge in the field.

Authors are advised to have available evidence on the data that were used, given that such data and all other sources may be requested by the editor and/or the reviewers.

Submission of duplicate articles

The instructions for authors of MODULO ARQUITECTURA  CUC establish that articles submitted for publication must not have been published or have been submitted for publication in any other publications that require the assignment of copyrights. The articles must be original and unpublished and must be submitted with the consent of all the authors, who are committed to MODULO ARQUITECTURA CUC to maintaining such status until a decision is made regarding its publication or non-publication.


In accordance with the magazine’s plagiarism policies, no inadequate paraphrasing will be allowed in the publication. If the idea is derived from other articles, the original text must be mentioned using quotation marks and an appropriate citation must be made.

The magazine has established that it will not publish articles that have been previously published in a different language. Though publishing rights in general do contemplate this practice, MODULO ARQUITECTURA CUC has decided not to use this option.


MODULO ARQUITECTURA CUC has established that all articles must be original and unpublished. Since the fragmentation of large studies may cause confusion among readers, if the article is part of other research that has been previously published, authors are requested to include clear reference to such work, and to refrain from repeating any relevant information, as it may be detected as a match that would violate the originality requirements established by the publication. Additionally, the author must be available to answer any inquiries from the editorial staff and peer reviewers about previously published work on the same subject.

Through these policies, MODULO ARQUITECTURA CUC declares its intent of maintaining high ethical standards and good publishing practices. All the established criteria are in line with the guidelines provided by COPE and the Ethics criteria for Research and Publications of Elsiever ( For additional information, please contact the editor at the following e-mail address:


Open Access Policy

MODULO ARQUITECTURA CUC offers free immediate access to its contents, based on the policy of making research information available to the public free of charge, with the aim of promoting global sharing of knowledge.

Article Processing Fees

There are no fees or charges for submitting or publishing articles.