Sustainable use of groundwater and rainwater in concrete construction


  • Salma Nayeth Eljaiek Martinez Universidad de la Costa
  • Daniel Andrés Badillo Romero Universidad de la Costa
  • Daniel Enrique Abudinen Ordoñez Universidad de la Costa
  • Heidis Patricia Cano Cuadro Universidad de la Costa


agua subterranea, agua de lluvia, agua de grifo, construcciones, resistencia a la compresion, sostenibilidad


Currently, the search for environmentally friendly alternatives in the construction industry is evident, especially in the use of water for concrete mixes. In this research, hydraulic mortar cubes were manufactured and characterized, using groundwater (ASUB), rainwater (AL-GL and AL-BG), and tap water from different cities (AG-BG and AG-GL). Previously analysed by physical and chemical tests. Likewise, the mechanical resistance of the mortars was evaluated using compression tests and they were compared against control mortar cubes prepared with drinking water (AG-BQ). The results indicated that the groundwater is suitable for the manufacture of mortars because the average resistance of the mortar cubes made with this type of water was 96.5% resistance at 7 days with respect to the sample. standard, thus being within the permissible limits according to ASTM C1602-18. The physical and chemical characterization of tap water (AG-BG, AG-GL), rainwater (AL-GL, AL-BG), and groundwater (ASUB) showed similar values ​​in most of the physicochemical parameters measured, except for dissolved oxygen and hardness


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How to Cite

Eljaiek Martinez, S. N., Badillo Romero, D. A., Abudinen Ordoñez, D. E., & Cano Cuadro, H. P. (2023). Sustainable use of groundwater and rainwater in concrete construction. MÓDULO ARQUITECTURA CUC, 32, 25–48. Retrieved from



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