About the Journal

The MÓDULO ARQUITECTURA CUC journal is a refereed scientific journal with national and international visibility, created with the purpose of being a communication channel of original contributions to researchers, professionals, academics and any public interested in the fields of Design, Architecture and Art. Research and review articles, written in English, Spanish, are welcome.


The works that fit the scope of the journal and meet the minimum evaluation criteria, will be submitted to a review process by referees through the double blind procedure. MÓDULO ARQUITECTURA CUC adopts COPE code of ethics and will be able to consult with the ethics session in the Publication, it is an open access electronic publication, which does not charge to publish and is continuously edited with biannual packaging.


The journal is under the care of the Universidad de la Costa and its Editorial and the areas of interest include and are not limited to the following:


Urbanism (history, theory and design)

Urban design

Architectural design

Technology in Architecture

Structural Design in Architecture

Sustainable Development (territory, society, economy, politics, culture)

Sustainable construction




Public space

Public Art

Participatory Design

Urban-Regional Planning (plans, programs and projects)

Habitat Management

Urban Law




The visibility and accessibility of the published scientific articles are available in electronic format in open access, with a biannual periodicity, continuous publication and receive applications permanently throughout the year without charge of fees.

As a guideline to ensure periodicity, the journal establishes that the first issue must be fully published before the end of the first calendar semester of the current year and the second issue of the year in coincidence with the second semester as part of the purpose of early publication, however, post-print versions will be available once the editorial and review process is completed prior to the generation of the final published documents.


Copyright Notice

The articles that appear in the journal are the exclusive responsibility of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Editorial Board. The reproduction of the material published in the journal  MÓDULO ARQUITECTURA CUC is strictly prohibited without prior authorization. The journal MÓDULO ARQUITECTURA CUC respects the moral rights of the authors that appear in the journal and to it belong all the patrimonial rights of those who publish it.


Indexations and Bibliographic Indices


 Modulo Arquitectura CUC Journal  was incorporated into the database since September 15, 2011 :

Since July 2014, it has been part of Latindex: an information system on scientific, technical-professional and scientific and cultural dissemination journals published in the countries of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.


Since 2014, it is indexed in EBSCO
