Publication Ethics





JURIDICAS CUC declares its commitment to upholding ethics and good practices in its publishing process, to which end its publishers shall take reasonable measures to identify and prevent the publication of articles that may involve cases of misconduct. To these effects, we have subscribed to COPE: the Committee on Publication Ethics and ELSEVIER: Publishing Ethics Resource Kit for Editors and the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity.

The editors shall undertake to ensure that no misconduct takes place at any level in violation of the journal’s declared Publishing Ethics policy. The Editor shall also be responsible for addressing any report submitted on the publication, as indicated below:


The articles submitted to JURIDICAS CUC must be original and unpublished and must not have been submitted or be currently under review for publication in other scientific publications. They must be submitted with the consent of all the authors, and they all must commit to maintaining such conditions until a final decision is made as to whether accept or turn down its publication.

The authors must commit to the journal to provide retractions or corrections of errors at any process stage. If they are detected, the requests must be made by e-mail to the editor, who shall proceed following the Publications Ethics policy.

The authors must specify the sources of financing for the research from which the submitted article is derived (research typology), to which end they must specify: the title of the project, the entity or person who financed it, and the project code or identifier (optional).

The received articles will be identified with a code. They will be initially reviewed by the journal’s Editor and/or publications coordinator to verify the relevance of the subject matter, the application of standards, and scientific structure before initiating the peer review process (double-blind) and its possible publication.

The reviewers’ results will be forwarded to the authors to perform the respective corrections as a condition for accepting the paper through the OJS journal management platform. Because it is a peer-reviewed journal, JURIDICAS CUC shall consider the peer reviews for the effects of the publication decision.

Before publishing the article, the authors’ property rights must be assigned to the journal JURIDICAS CUC, using the Publishing Team's form. This form must be filled out and signed by each one of the authors.

The Editorial and Scientific Committee reserves the right to change the title and the body of the accepted articles and make any editing changes it considers appropriate to improve the article's clarity as much as possible. Consequently, authors are advised to carefully draft and spell-check their articles, use short and homogeneous paragraphs, and use adequate punctuation.


All authors appearing in the article should declare their contribution in one of the following aspects: substantive contributions to the design of the paper; collection, review and analysis of data or categories; writing of the paper; critical review of the content of the manuscript.

Form certifying that the article is an original work by the author

Processes of Best Practices in Publications

Intellectual Property - Copyright.

The published articles are exclusively the responsibility of their authors and do not necessary reflect the views of the editorial committee. 

The Journal JURIDICAS CUC respects the moral rights of the authors, who assign their property rights of the published materials to the editorial committee. In turn, the author must certify that the article is original and has not been previously published.

Agreement for the assignment of the authors’ property rights

Form certifying that the article is an original work by the author

The Journal JURÍDICAS CUC abides by international rules on intellectual property and copyrights, and specifically by the provisions of article 58 of the Political Constitution of Colombia, Law 23/1982 and Law 1915/2018.

Plagiarism management

JURIDICAS CUC declares that it finds plagiarism unacceptable, which implies that all articles submitted to the review process must have fulfilled the following before their acceptance:

The authors are responsible for the material included in their work, including tables, graphics, photographs, figures, and other contents associated with the article, and they must certify that they do not infringe any copyrights.

All articles will be subject to a strict peer-review process and submitted to plagiarism detection software, which implies that there must be no cases of total or partial copying or paraphrasing without due references or any other information misuse or mismanagement practices.

If the article does not fulfill the originality criteria, it will not be published in the journal or removed from the journal if such a defect is found after the article has been published. The journal will also issue any appropriate retraction or other amendment required for the effects of good publishing practices.

Conflicts of interest

JURIDICAS CUC ensures that there are no conflicts of interest in the peer-review process. To this effect, it has established the following criteria: a) The selected peer reviewers with expertise in the article's subject matter must have prior publications of scientific nature on the selected subject. b) For the effects of initiating the review process, its double-blind nature shall be verified to ensure that the authors and the reviewers do not know each other’s identities to assure objectivity in handling the paper. c) Based on the reviewers’ opinions, a consensus will be reached with the editor to jointly determine whether the article is accepted without changes or accepted with changes (minor or substantial) to be made by the author(s) or turned down. The author(s) will receive the said decision from the editor.

Authors should also have all required permissions to disclose any information that involves naming or mentioning other entities or persons and should clearly state any relevant previous results used for the research, including informed consents and mentions or acknowledgments of sources of financing and persons who assisted in the research.

For additional information on the review process, please see our instructions for authors. 

Fraud in research:

JURIDICAS CUC only receives articles resulting from research of a scientific nature, and to this effect, the author must submit information on the research from which the paper is derived. Also, during the peer review process, the experts consider aspects such as methodologies, presentation of results, argumentation, and derived conclusions to ensure the consistency and accuracy of the presented information and its relevance and contribution to the field of study.

Authors are advised to have available evidence on the information used because such information and data and other sources of the contents may be requested by the editor and/or the reviewers. Any manipulation, forgery, or fabrication of citations and data will be grounds to turn down the article.

Submission of a copy of the article

JURIDICAS CUC establishes in its instructions for authors that the articles submitted for publication must not have been or be currently under review by other publications. The articles must be original and unpublished and must be submitted with the consent of all the authors, who must commit to JURIDICAS CUC to maintain such conditions until a decision is made on whether or not it will be published.

The plagiarism management policy does not allow the publication of papers that do not adequately handle “paraphrasing.” When the idea is derived from several articles, the original text must be cited using quotation marks, and an appropriation citation must be included.

The journal has also established that it will not publish articles that have been previously published in a different language. JURIDICAS CUC does not accept such an option.


JURIDICAS CUC establishes that all articles must be unpublished and original. Since the fragmentation of larger works may confuse readers, authors are advised that if their work mentions other studies that have been previously published, adequate citations must be provided for such studies. The same information should not be repeated because it could be detected as a match that runs against the originality criteria established by the journal. The author must also be available to reply to any inquiries from the publishing team and the peer reviewers regarding previous works published on the topic.

JURIDICAS CUC has committed to the community to issue any retractions or erratum that may be required to ensure the journal's transparency and due process in the event of any case detected or reported.

Complaints and appeals process

Responsibles: Publishing Team, Editorial Committee, Authors, Readers and Relevant Institutional Instances.

Time limits: In the event of a report, 1 week to start the protocol

Documentation: Meeting Minutes, Institutional Protocols and Ethical Guidelines of COPE: Committee of Publishing Ethics, ELSEVIER: Publishing Ethics Resource Kit for Editors and the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity, the Editor’s Decision, Actions derived from the recommendations of the ethical protocols of COPE, ELSEVIER and the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity.

JURÏDICASCUC is an Open Access publication, which implies that anyone can view and verify the text without limitations and at no cost. If you as a reader have any questions about an article, you may submit your concerns, comments and suggestions by e-mail to revistajurí You can also send an e-mail to the Chief Editor at:

If you find any errors or demonstrable ethical issues, please contact us in order to initiate the appropriate investigation and take immediate action. If the error or ethical problem is confirmed, the appropriate correction or retraction process will be initiated.

Corrections of important errors after the article has been published on line will be published separately by means of a retraction document at the end of each edition of the journal.

Minor errors that do not affect understanding of the study will be corrected in the on-line versions within 15 days from publication.

Retractions are published when the authors, readers or editors find important errors in a published article. Such errors may be unvoluntary or the result of scientific misconduct.

The publishers will study the document in question, and will contact the authors and the appropriate bodies of Universidad de la Costa CUC before making the final decision on the retraction. To this effect, institutional protocols will be followed, as well as the recommendations of COPE, ELSEVIER and the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity for the identification of the alleged misconduct or malpractice.

For additional information, please contact the Editor by e-mail at: or: