
  • La Casa del Maestro


    Descripción de la revista. LA CASA DEL MAESTRO, es una revista de divulgativa y científica, arbitrada, indexada, internacional, de edición continua, convocatoria permanente y de espacio abierto, que tiene como propósito difundir contenidos inéditos (en español e inglés), relacionados con todos los campos de Educación, Pedagogía, Ciencias sociales y humanas, con perspectivas epistemológicas-metodológicas pertinentes e innovadoras. Aceptamos artículos de investigación, revisión y reflexión que serán sometidos a arbitraje tipo doble ciego, que cumplan con el código de ética COPE al cual estamos adscritos: Ética de la publicación y violaciones a la ética, tambien ELSEVIER: Publishing Ethics Resource Kit for editors y la La Declaración de Singapur sobre la Integridad en la Investigación

  • Journal of Applied Cognitive Neuroscience

     Journal of Applied Cognitive Neuroscience (JACN) is an international scientific journal published in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Its purpose is to disseminate unpublished content related to all fields of cognitive neuroscience, from a clinical applied and basic transdisciplinary perspective and with a continuous search for innovation. The topics that comprise this journal are focused on neuroscience applied to clinical, health, sports, marketing, education, basic sciences, psychophysiology and, finally, a miscellaneous area that would cover new topics outside those presented.

    JACN is a biannual journal of continuous publication and open access. It is distributed in two issues per year from January to June and July to December. The number of articles corresponds to the editorial flow of the journal.

    The journal is directed to researchers and is in permanent call for papers. JACN publishes scientific articles per year with more than 70% of the authors being external and without charge for article processing. It is externally peer-reviewed, using the double-blind method.

    Contributions to the journal must be original and not published in any other medium, except in the form of abstracts for communication to Congresses or other scientific meetings. It is understood that the work sent to the Journal may not be submitted to another during the period in which the manuscript will be under consideration of the Editorial Committee of the Journal. We accept Editorials, Reviews, Original Articles (Full Papers and Short Communications), Images in Neuroscience, Book Reviews, Comments on Relevant articles, Letters to the Editor, errata and retractions, received through the Open Journal System (OJS) platform.

    The articles received must comply with the rigorous editorial policy, which is supported by the principles defined by the Ethics Committee of COPE Publications. Plagiarism detection tools are used.

    Its publishing institution and sponsorship is in charge of Universidad de la Costa.

  • Computer and Electronic Sciences: Theory and Applications

    CESTA is a scientific peer-reviewed international journal that aims to be a communication channel of original articles to researchers in all fields of engineering. The journal welcomes original research articles, written in English or Spanish.

    Articles that fit within the journal’s scope and fulfill the minimum assessment criteria will start a double-blind review process. CESTA adopts ethic guidelines from COPE, is an open-access electronic journal, without publication charges and is edited through a continuous publication model with biannual issues.

    The journal is supported by Universidad de la Costa and the interest areas include, but are not limited to:

    Engineering Systems
    Electronic Engineering
    Electrical engineering
    Other engineering and technologies

  • LADEe Latin American Developments in Energy Engineering


    LADEE is an international and multidisciplinary journal focused on new developments and applications in environmental engineering, with emphasis also on the economic and social dimensions of sustainable development. LADEE provides a serious and fast publication process in free open access, with high ethical standards.

    The journal aims to communicate original developments and applications from fields related to environmental research, from the perspective of environmental engineering and sustainable development (ie science, technology, environment, innovation and development) and political, economic, social and environmental implications. LADEE accepts original research, case studies and review articles, in English or Spanish, presenting solutions, new ideas and technologies for environmental applications. Articles submitted to the journal undergo a double-blind peer review process. The review process and publication time are efficient and fast.

    LADEE considers articles on the following topics, provided there is a clear link with environmental applications:

    Thematic areas:

    • Renewable energy
    • Sustainable development
    • Disaster risk management
    • Sustainable Agriculture
    • Comprehensive Management of Natural Resources
    • Environmental assessment
    • Sustainable economy and technology
    • Social and corporate responsibility
    • Environmental Education for Sustainable Development
    • Governance, legislation and sustainability policy
    • Connectivity in marine environments



    INGE CUC is a scientific peer-reviewed international journal that aims to be a communication channel of original articles to researchers in all fields of engineering. The journal welcomes original research articles, written in English or Spanish.

    Articles that fit within the journal’s scope and fulfill the minimum assessment criteria will start a double-blind review process. INGE CUC adopts ethic guidelines from COPE, is an open-access electronic journal, without publication charges and is edited through a continuous publication model with biannual issues. 

    The journal is supported by Universidad de la Costa and the interest areas include, but are not limited to:

    Environmental Engineering
    Geological Engineering
    Chemical Engineering
    Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
    Civil Engineering
    Transportation Engineering
    Electrical and electronic engineering
    Communication engineering and systems
    Mechanical engineering
    Materials engineering
    Other engineering and technologies




    Revista Económicas CUC, is a scientific journal from Universidad de la Costa, published on a six-monthly basis and created in 1978.  Its editorial management is oriented towards diffusion of scientific developments generated through research (theory) and consolidated experiences (practice).  The presentation of submissions requires standards promoted by the editorial committee and of international order. its editorial structure allows the submission of: Original articles, Review articles, Essays and Literature Review, whereby over four decades’ knowledge has been socialized from an interdisciplinary view supporting new trends in social sciences; all of this achieved through scientific rigor and the use of the double-blind method.




    The MÓDULO ARQUITECTURA CUC Magazine is a refereed scientific journal with national and international visibility, created with the purpose of being a communication channel of original contributions to researchers, professionals, academics and any public interested in the fields of Design, Architecture and Art. Research and review articles, written in English, Spanish, are welcome.


    The works that fit the scope of the journal and meet the minimum evaluation criteria, will be submitted to a review process by referees through the double blind procedure. MÓDULO ARQUITECTURA CUC adopts COPE code of ethics and will be able to consult with the ethics session in the Publication, it is an open access electronic publication, which does not charge to publish and is continuously edited with biannual packaging.


    The magazine is under the care of the Universidad de la Costa and its Editorial and the areas of interest include and are not limited to the following:


    Urbanism (history, theory and design)

    Urban design

    Architectural design

    Technology in Architecture

    Structural Design in Architecture

    Sustainable Development (territory, society, economy, politics, culture)

    Sustainable construction




    Public space

    Public Art

    Participatory Design

    Urban-Regional Planning (plans, programs and projects)

    Habitat Management

    Urban Law





     The visibility and accessibility of the published scientific articles are available in electronic format in open access, with a biannual periodicity, continuous publication and receive applications permanently throughout the year without charge of fees.



    Copyright Notice

    The articles that appear in the journal are the exclusive responsibility of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Editorial Board. The reproduction of the material published in the magazine MÓDULO ARQUITECTURA CUC is strictly prohibited without prior authorization. The magazine MÓDULO ARQUITECTURA CUC respects the moral rights of the authors that appear in the magazine and to it belong all the patrimonial rights of those who publish it.


    Jurídicas CUC is a scientific, peer-reviewed, indexed, open-access international journal that is published on a continuous basis in an annual volume. Its purpose is to publish original contents (in Spanish and English) related to the legal and political sciences that offer innovative and relevant epistemological and methodological approaches. We publish research results, reviews and reflection articles that are subject to double-blind peer reviews and which must fulfill the requirements of the COPE ethics code to which we subscribe: Committee on Publication Ethics, as well as ELSEVIER: Publishing Ethics Resource Kit for Editors and the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity.

    Jurídicas CUC is aimed at researchers, students, professionals and anyone interested in the fields of Law and Political Science, as a medium for the dissemination of knowledge and facts from the broad field of the social sciences, with the intention of contributing constructs, theories, methods and other epistemic and philosophical approaches to addressing social problems in the legal and political areas in the context of Latin America and the world.





    CULTURA EDUCACIÓN Y SOCIEDAD is a serial publication identified with e-ISSN: 2389-7724 / ISSN: 2145-9258, it continues to be packaged in semi-annual issues, of a scientific and refereed nature, that publishes original and unpublished articles in the area of education in the framework of the social and human sciences from a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary vision with the purpose of disseminating new knowledge.

    Cultura Educación y Sociedad provides a specialized academic space for research results of the highest quality. It mainly encourages the submission of articles in English in the following fields of knowledge:

    1. Educational innovation

    2. Technological education.

    3. Educational quality management.

    4. Curriculum and pedagogical processes.

    5. Educational psychology.

    Cultura Educación y Sociedad has been consolidating into a scientific medium that publishes research results or systematic reviews and is aimed at researchers in the journal's topics, whose entire collection is available through open access on its Web page.

    Likewise, the Cultura Educación y Sociedad Journal  frames its procedures in a strict peer review process in a double-blind format and  it does not accept papers that have been previously published, submitted simultaneously to other journals, that present redundant data or information or any indication of malpractice in the research work, therefore strictly adheres to the appropriation of what is established by the code of ethics of COPE and what is defined in the editorial policies of Publishing Ethics Resource Kit for editors of Elsevier, these guidelines are expanded in the section of ETHICS POLICY AND TREATMENT OF MALPRACTICE.

    Cultura Educación y Sociedad is not responsible for the opinions expressed by the authors. In turn, authors must strictly comply with the ethical policies and editorial standards for the publication of their work.

    Cultura Educación y Sociedad reserves the rights of printing, total or partial reproduction of the material, as well as the right to accept or reject the corresponding article. It also reserves the right to make any editorial modification it deems convenient to obtain a publication with the highest possible editorial quality.

  • Boletín de Innovación, Logística y Operaciones

    El Boletín de Innovación, Logística y Operaciones (BILO) con ISSN 2711-3280 (Online), es una publicación académica de acceso abierto (open access), Está dirigida a estudiantes, profesores y profesionales de las diferentes áreas de la ingeniería. Tiene como objetivo la divulgación de resultados de consultorias, investigación o de proyectos académicos productos del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, trabajos de aula, artículos académicos, de investigación, documentos de trabajo (working papers) o artículos de revisión, todos estos en idioma español o inglés.