Instructions for authors

Económicas CUC invites researchers to make their scientific contributions in the areas of economic, administrative and accounting sciences within the framework of social sciences with emphasis on: Sustainable development and social responsibility; Innovation, global competitiveness and productivity; Public and business administration (including Labor Psychology), Economics of social sectors (economic analysis in health, education, housing, social welfare, subsidies, justice); Finance, Accounting and auditing, from a multi, inter and transdisciplinary vision. 

The author(s) of Económicas CUC is/are obliged to comply with the editorial requirements established in the present norms, the article that does not comply with all the guidelines detailed in the guide for authors will not be submitted to the editorial process. 

 All articles must be registered in the OJS platform, accessible from the websiteómicascuc, in the AUTHORS section, under the title Article. At the same time, a letter of originality and an author information form must be attached. 

Authors should organize their article according to the specifications detailed in the corresponding template that can be downloaded from the following links. 

Download: Article Template 

Download: Letter to the Editor Template 

General Terms and Conditions 

  • Contributions are accepted in Spanish and English. The Editorial Committee will decide, according to the relevance of the contents, the acceptance of contributions in other languages; 
  • Contributions must be supported by a Letter of Originality, as proof that they have not been presented in other Scientific Journals, and that they respond to an original and unpublished intellectual production; 
  • The applications submitted will be subject to anti-plagiarism review and the similarity indicators will be evaluated and analyzed by the editor-in-chief according to the type of methodology used; 
  • The reception of papers will be effective as long as they respond to the areas of knowledge of the Económicas CUC journal, conceived from a multi, inter and/or transdisciplinary vision; 
  • Papers of up to 3 authors are accepted, unless prior request to the editorial committee with valid justification for the maximum number of 5 authors, to which the committee will respond by e-mail with acceptance or rejection of the request. In any case, the corresponding author must register in the Económicas CUC OJS platform and complete all the required metadata (both in English and Spanish) for all authors; 
  • All proposals must include the curricular summaries of the authors and co-authors, including personal and academic data; home address; institutional address; ORCID (; Google Scholar (; Scopus Author ID (; telephone numbers; fax; postal address; e-mail address; position and institution with which the author works (author information form), as well as the AUTHOR'S COPYRIGHTS AGREEMENT form must be uploaded to OJS; 
  • The acceptance or non-acceptance of the work will be made after validation by the Editorial Committee and the results of the arbitration process. Once accepted, its publication does not generate any restriction on copyright. 
  • Económicas CUC reserves the rights of printing, total or partial reproduction of the material, as well as the right of acceptance or rejection of the corresponding article. It also reserves the right to make any editorial modification it deems convenient to obtain a publication with the highest possible editorial quality and readability 

Type of publication 

Articles to be published in the journal must be original and unpublished and fall into one of the following types of articles: 

Letters to the editor 

They are a short communication of between 500 and 1000 words, whose purpose is interaction between authors and readers; letters to the editor review other articles and offer suggestions; different options for doing things; reinforcing concepts or deleting them and pointing out things that may have been overlooked either by authors or reviewers. 

Letters to the editor should have a reason for being written and should convey your message through a brief but persuasive argument. These letters will be subjected to the usual process for all proposed papers, including double-blind review. If accepted, the authors of the original article will be given the opportunity to reply, when appropriate. 

Económicas CUC accepts letters to the editor of two types: 

  • Observation letters: An original work similar to an original article but concise; they are designed when you want to communicate a result quickly and briefly. 
  • Comment letters: These are a critique of articles related to Económicas CUC published in the last year. They focus on identifying errors and making corrections, raising other theories, including relevant information that was not taken into account in the original article, offering additional or different evidence and showing ideas that contrast with the main idea of the original article. 

In both types there is evidence of positions (in favor or against) of the author of the letter towards some article or topic published by Económicas CUC in the last year, this position is supported with sources of information, so the letter must present bibliographical references, no more than 5 references. 

Tips for drafting a letter to the editor: 

  1. Begin the letter with a greeting. 
  2. Mention which article you are responding to and the date it was published. 
  3. Cover a current issue or something controversial, just cover one point. 
  4. Use a catchy title that captures the reader's attention 
  5. Be ethical. Do not attack the person, be objective and use evidence to justify your opinion (maximum 5 theoretical references). 
  6. Explain at the beginning what the letter is about. Be quick and concise, don't make the editor or the general public guess what it is about. 
  7. Explain why the issue is important. Be persuasive 
  8. Highlight any praise or criticism, be clear in showing why this will give good or bad results. 
  9. Conclude and propose a solution. State your opinion on what should be done. 
  10. Sign the letter. Use your authorship and affiliation 
  11. Review your letter to make sure it is clear. 

Original article        

Respond to the results of original and unpublished research, with important contributions to knowledge, the rigorousness of the scientific method must be evidenced. A minimum of 3,000 and a maximum of 9,000 words are considered; including tables, charts, figures and bibliographical references. 

The original articles may be: 

  • Scientific and technological research: contribution that shows in detail original results of completed research projects. Its general structure contains 4 sections: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions. It must contain no less than 30 theoretical references. It is expected to be between 5000 to 8000 words long. 
  • Reflection: contribution that, from an analytical, prepositive and critical perspective of the author, shows the results of completed research projects. This type of document must use original sources and contain no less than 30 theoretical references. It is expected to be between 5000 to 7000 words in length. 
  • Review: a contribution based on a research project that seeks to analyze, systematize and integrate the results of research in order to report on the advances and trends in the literature on the subject. It presents a relevant and current documentary review that makes use of no less than 60 literary references. It is expected to be between 5000 to 9000 words in length. 
  • Case Study: contribution that shows results of a reality or context. It studies a particular situation in order to make known the technical, technological and methodological experiences on a specific case. It should include an interpreted systematic review of the literature on similar cases and contain no less than 20 theoretical references. It is expected to be between 3000 to 5000 words long. 

Structure and development of the original articles 

In this section the papers received should be: scientific and technological research articles; review; reflection or case studies, generated as products of a research process or as results of knowledge communities, all written under criteria of scientific rigor. 

The aforementioned modalities require to be presented according to the structure mentioned: 

  1. The structure of the paper must respond to the number of words according to the considerations defined for the cases of Original Article: scientific and technological research articles; reflection articles; review article or Case Study, see article template. 
  2. Margins: Top, bottom, right and left margins 2.54 with indentation of 0.5 cm at the beginning of each paragraph. 
  3. Title: should be explanatory, between 12 to 15 words, left aligned. 
  4. Author(s): indicate on a separate line and aligned to the left full names and surnames of the author(s) and co-authors (each one including his/her ORCID code (, city; department (State); country and e-mail) in order of appearance according to the scientific contribution of each one according to the criteria given according to the process of production and management of the article submitted to Económicas CUC, the journal adopts the CRedit taxonomy (Contributor Roles Taxonomy), the authors must attach a letter containing the order of authors signed by all of them as a sign of acceptance. NOTE 1: When applicants constitute a plurality of authors, they must designate the corresponding author who assumes the responsibility of completing all the data and metadata information of the article proposal to the journal, as well as the information of all authors (both in English and Spanish), is responsible for communicating with the journal and with the authors respectively during the submission of manuscripts, peer review, the editorial process in general, including after publication. NOTE 2: It is essential that each author fills out our: Authors Form 
  5. Abstract: prepare a summary of the work in no more than 300 words, including: Context / Introduction; Objective; Design / methodology; Results / findings; Limitations / implications; Originality / value and Most relevant conclusion. 
  6. Keywords: 5 to 7 keywords that identify the subject of the study and that are different from the title. 
  7. Abstract and Keywords must be included. 
  8. JEL classification: Three (3) to five (5) JEL descriptors. JEL Classification 
  9. Introduction should answer the following questions: What is the topic to be presented, what was the interest in presenting the topic, what was the methodology or strategy used, and what is the purpose or objective of the topic? 
  10. Literature review: the current state of the theory on the subject is detailed; 
  11. Methodology: cannot be omitted and must be based on the research method selected for the development of the work. 
  12. Results: The findings expressed as results are oriented to the deepening and argumentation in correspondence with the central theoretical categories addressed in the article. Paragraph subtitles may be used in correspondence with the methodological systematization stated in the results. In case of incorporating statistical determinations, they must be really significant. 
  13. Discussion of results: It is important to show a broad understanding of the results and their implications. The data should be described from the findings, then the discussion leads to inference (generalization, explanation, analysis, interpretation and understanding). Subheadings per paragraph can be used in correspondence with the methodological systematization stated in the results. It is suggested that the analysis be based on contrastive processes between: objectives - supporting theory - significance of the finding or data in itself - critical/argumentative stance of the researchers. Include citations of recent mainstream literature that serve as a basis for the presented (in different languages). 
  14. Conclusions: should be independent and linked to the research objectives, with new hypotheses when justified. Include recommendations when appropriate. All conclusions are based on the results, however, they should transcend them. Are precise, not redundant. They visualize the impact of the study and possible future lines to deepen in the central thematic area of the article. Do not include citations in this section. 
  15. Authorship statement according to CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) 
  16. Financing: Authors should specify the sources of funding that gave rise to the research from which the submitted article is derived, for this purpose the following should be provided: title of the project, funding entity or person, project code or identifier (optional). 
  17. Declaration of conflict of interest: Authors must specify that the submitted work does not represent any conflict of interest with them, the journal, the publishing entity and the financing entities. 
  18. Acknowledgments: Authors may extend their thanks to persons (provided they have authorizations for the use of names), entities or others who have made the publication possible through the provision of technical, operational and financial resources. Authors are invited to take special care not to suppress the authorship of persons who have participated in the research process from which the article derives. In case of doubts about this point, it is recommended to consult the COPE parameters on contributions and authorship, available at the link: 
  19. Bibliographic References: Current and sufficient for the type of research proposed, prepared according to APA Standards, all references containing DOI should be reported with their respective DOI, if DOI is not found, enter shortened URL link with Include citations of recent mainstream literature that serves as a basis for the presentation (in different languages). The reference list will only include cited literature. Bibliographic references should be based on APA style (latest edition). To facilitate the reader's use of the referenced sources, the data must be correct and complete. If several works of the same author are referenced, they should be ordered chronologically from the most current to the oldest. If there are several documents of the same year by the same author, a lowercase letter should be added to distinguish them both in the references and within the text. It is recommended that primary bibliographic sources be taken from Scopus and Web of Science. Finally, references should be arranged alphabetically. 
  20. Footnotes must be numbered, without spaces and with justification of margins, in Arial font, font size 10, these are exclusive to expand information relevant to the article, not to include bibliography. 
  21. The institutional affiliation of the author(s) will not be made at the bottom of the page. Authors must submit a curriculum summary on the author´s form. Likewise, CUC Economics considers the option of Acknowledgment, through which the author has the opportunity to recognize people and organizations who contributed to the development of the research, as well as those who gave economic contributions for its consolidation. 
  22. For the representation of tables, graphs and figures, or any other image, they must be included in the article, as well as in the original editable file, attached in JPEG or TIFF format, with a resolution of 300 dpi at the size considered for publication. In any case, they should be prepared in the following manner: 
  23. Tables and charts see article template 
  24. Figures: (graphs, diagrams, maps, drawings, photographs etc.) See article template 
  25. Standards for references and citations  

Citation Format Standards  

Textual or direct quotation: Less or more than 40 words.  
*Before starting the quotation there must be an introductory text elaborated with your own words. 

Less than 40 words. 
- Add introductory text. Citation with quotation marks immersed in the text, without period.  
- Then the source goes at the end of the quoted text, between parentheses and period Ex. (Castro, 2017, p. 3). 

More than 40 words.  
- Spread it out in a separate block of text.  
- Omit quotation marks.  
- Indent the left margin by 2.54 cm.  
- If there are other paragraphs within the quotation, add an indentation of half a cm.  
- All quotations should be double-spaced.  
- Add introductory text, citation, period, then the source goes at the end in parentheses. E.g. (Celin, 2017, pp. 2-3). 

Non-textual or paraphrase quotation:  
- It is immersed in the text.  
- Paraphrased quotation, the author, year, page and period are placed in parentheses. E.g. (Celin, 2017, p. 3). 

Indirect quotations: 
- Gould (1989) attributes Darwin's success to his ability to make appropriate metaphors. 
- In a recent study on the impact of the telenovela industry in Latin America (Mazziotti, 1996) it is said that... 

Citation by Author: Less or more than 40 words  
*Before starting the citation there must be an introductory text elaborated with own words.  
Less than 40 words.  
- Add introductory text. It starts with the author's last name and the year in parentheses. E.g. Castro (2017)  
- The quotation goes with quotation marks immersed in the text, without a period.  
- Then between parentheses page or paragraph and period, e.g. (p. 3). (pp. 2-3). (para. 3). 

More than 40 words.  
- Spread it out in a separate block of text.  
- Omit quotation marks.  
- Indent the left margin by 2.54 cm.  
- If there are other paragraphs within the quotation, add an indentation of half a cm.  
- All quotations should be double-spaced.  
- Add introductory text, font: Author (year) Citation, period at the end of the citation, then the page goes to the end in parentheses Ex. (p. 2) 

Quotes from various authors: -  
Muñoz, Reyes, Covarrubias and Osorio (1991) point out that "the incorporation of women into the labor market (...) is the most important explanatory action in the modal configuration of the Chilean family" (p. 29)  
- "The incorporation of women into the labor market (...) is the most important explanatory action in the modal configuration of the Chilean family" (Muñoz, Reyes, Covarrubias & Osorio, 1991, p. 29). 
- There are three undesirable behaviors in the classroom: incompetence, indolence and irreverence (Kearney et al., 1991).