Information For Authors

for authors

Approach and scope

Económicas CUC, is a serial, scientific, electronic and refereed journal of global scope, of continuous publication (publishing 1 issue per semester), which receives and disseminates original and unpublished contributions of teachers - researchers and collaborators in the areas of social sciences, economic, administrative, accounting and related sciences that from a transdisciplinary vision contribute to the generation of new knowledge. Articles are received in Spanish and English, exceptionally and depending on their quality, articles are received in other languages.

Económicas CUC is aimed at students, academics, researchers, academic institutions and business organizations globally.

 The fields of knowledge covered by Economicas CUC are:

 Public administration

  • Business Administration (Includes Labor Psychology)
  • Theory of administration
  • Finance
  • Social responsability
  • Accounting and auditing
  • Other specialties of administration and accounting
  • Economic development
  • Econometrics
  • Business economics
  • Industrial economy
  • International economy
  • Labor economics and human resources
  • Monetary economy
  • Economy of natural resources
  • Economic theory
  • Market structure (analysis of the operation of the market and degrees of competition)
  • Economy of social sectors (economic analysis in health, education, housing, social security, subsidies, justice)
  • Other specialties of the economy 

The reception of articles is permanent and responds to results of research work, review and systematization of experiences, which must be sent through our Open Journal System (OJS) platform.

The editorial rigor of the journal is supported by principles defined by the Publications Ethics Committee (COPE), together with clear regulations regarding the management of copyright and intellectual property rights, and editorial policies addressed to authors. which include the citation and bibliographic references model required by the CUC Economic Magazine.

 The selection or not of articles, is established through the evaluation process based on the double blind system, after selection of national and / or international arbitrators, experts in the areas of knowledge from the article. For the purposes of evaluating the accepted articles, the strict order of application and entry to the scientific record of the Journal in its OJS platform is considered, as well as the opportunity of response by the arbitrators for each case.

 The visibility and accessibility of the scientific articles published, are available in PDF format and in open access, it receives papers without fees, since we have the Universidad de la Costa, CUC as publisher and sponsor institution. Económicas CUC are indexed in Publindex category C, in addition to other indexes, directories, catalogs and databases of international scope, you can consult in the Indexation section.

 The Editor, the Editorial and / or Scientific Committee and the University of the Coast, are not responsible for the ideas or concepts issued by the authors of the different articles, but they do reserve the right to publish according to the content of the texts. This editorial We also invite the authors to publish works of inter-institutional and international cooperation.

 About academic endogamy

To comply with international standards required for scientific journals, Económicas CUC, you can have up to 20% of publications of authors or co-authors belonging to Directly or indirectly to the journal: editors, part of the scientific or editorial committee, employees of the Universidad de la Costa or are related in some way to research projects directed by academics from the same university.

This percentage is calculated based on the total of the authors of the works of all the sections of the Journal in one (1) volume (year). Once this percentage is completed, the remaining works will be left on hold and, for selection to a later number following a strict chronological order according to the date of approval for publication of said work.

To publish

  All articles must be registered in the OJS platform, accessible from the website, in the AUTHORS section, under the heading Article. Simultaneously, a letter of originality must be attached.

Download: article template


  • Contributions are accepted in Spanish and English, exceptionally and depending on their quality, articles in other languages ​​will be received. The Editorial Committee, will dictate in agreement with the relevance of the contents the acceptance of contributions in other languages;
  • The postulation of contributions must be supported by a letter of originality, as proof that has not been presented in other scientific journals, and respond to an original and unpublished intellectual production;
  • The reception of papers, will be effective registration as long as, respond to the areas of knowledge of the CUC Economic Journal, conceived from an interdisciplinary vision;
  • Papers are received from up to 5 authors, who must register in the OJS platform of CUC Economics;
  • Any proposal for nomination, needs to be recorded with the curricular synthesis of He or the author (a), and coauthors, including personal and academic, home address, institutional address, telephone, fax, postal address, email, office data and institution with which you work.
  • The acceptance or not of the work will be done after the validation of the Editorial Committee and the results of the arbitration process. Once accepted its publication does not generate any restriction on copyright.

Structure and development

The papers will be received under the modality of: Original Articles, Review, Essays, Reviews, generated as products of a research process, case studies of the results of knowledge communities, all written under criteria of scientific rigor.

 The aforementioned modalities need to be presented according to the structure mentioned: 

  • The structure of the work must respond to the number of words according to the considerations defined for the cases of Original Article, Review Article, Essays and Reviews, presented in letter size sheet, Arial font, size 12 and single space for abstract, keywords, Abstract , Key Words and Bibliographic references; to 1.5 space for content development.
  • Margins: No margin at the beginning of each paragraph, which must be presented in a single column. Upper, lower and right and left margins 2.54.
  • Title: must be explanatory, between 12 to 15 words, located centrally.
  • Abstract: followed by the title
  • Author (s): indicate the name of the author and co-authors separately (each one must include their ORCID code). It is important to attach a letter signed by all the authors where the order of appearance of the authors is established and the acceptance thereof, by all those involved in the development of the paper.
  • Summary: elaborate a synthesis of the work in no more than 250 words with the inclusion of 5 to 7 keywords that allow identifying the subject under study. Abstract and Key Word must be included.
  • Introduction
  • Development and analysis
  • Methodology: based on the selected research method, the development of the work.
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • recommendations
  • Bibliographic references: it will be cited and referenced according to the regulations of the magazine CUC Economics.
  • All references containing DOI must be reported with their respective DOI
  • For the footnote, it is required that these appear numbered, without spaces and with justification of margins, in Arial font, font size 10, these are exclusive to expand relevant information for the article, not to put bibliography.
  • The so-called institutional reference of author (a) or authors (as), will not be made at the bottom of the page. The authors must submit curricular synopsis on a separate sheet. Also CUC Economics considers the option of Appreciation, through which the author has the opportunity to recognize people and organizations who contributed to the development of the research, as well as gave the economic contributions for its consolidation.
  • For the representation of tables, graphs and figures, otherwise any other image must be consigned both in the article, as in the original editable file, attached in JPEG or TIFF format, with a resolution of 300 dpi at the size considered for publication. In any case, its preparation should be done as follows:


  • List with Arabic. Eg Table 1 (Top)
  • Put a title in italics, brief, clear and explanatory. (Below Table 1)
  • Use 3 fillets or horizontal lines to make the table• Vertical lines should not be placed. The headers identify the columns.
  • The basic content of the body of the table can be single or double spaced.
  • Letter 12 points (Body of the table).
  • Must have a Note. on italic
  • With brief description and references of where it was adapted
  • Aligned to the left margin
  • No indentations
  • Letter 10 points and double space. 

Figures: (Charts, diagrams, maps, drawings, photographs, etc.)

  • The figures do not have a title.
  • Figure Caption must have a Legend caption, numbered with Arabic and italicized. Eg Figure 1. What is the title? It works as an explanation of the figure, it should be a brief but descriptive phrase.
  • Place the reference where it was adapted as in the note of the table.
  • Aligned to the left margin.• Without indentations.
  • Letter 10 points, double spaced.
  • The Essays and Reviews will be received prior notification in communication according to the structure proposed by the Author (s) 

APA standards for references and appointments

Citation format

Textual or direct quote:

Less than or more than 40 words.

* Before starting the appointment there should be an introductory text prepared with your own words.Less than 40 words• Add introductory text. Quote with quotation marks immersed in the text, without end point.

  • Then the source goes to the end of the cited text, in parentheses and point Ej. (Castro, 2017, p.3).More than 40 words
  • Unfold it in a block independent of the text.
  • Skip the quotes.
  • Apply a 2.54 cm indentation on the left margin.
  • If there are other paragraphs within the appointment, add a half cm indentation.
  • All appointments must go to double space.
  • Add introductory text, quotation, period, then the source goes to the end in parentheses. Ex. (Celin, 2017, pp. 2-3)

 Non-textual or paraphrasing citation:

  • It is immersed in the text.
  • Quote paraphrased, the author, year, page and end point is placed in parentheses. Ex. (Celin, 2017, p.3).Indirect quotes:
  • Gould (1989) attributes Darwin's success to his ability to make appropriate metaphors.
  • In a recent study about the impact of the telenovela industry in Latin America (Mazziotti, 1996) it is said that ...

Quote by Author:

 Less or more than 40 words

* Before starting the appointment there should be an introductory text prepared with your own words.

 Less than 40 words

  • Add introductory text. It starts with the author's last name and the year between parentheses. Ej. Castro (2017)
  • The quotation goes with quotation marks immersed in the text, without end point.
  • Then in parenthesis page or paragraph and point Ex (p 3). (pp. 2-3).

 More than 40 words

  • Unfold it in a block independent of the text.
  • Skip the quotes.
  • Apply a 2.54 cm indentation on the left margin.• If there are other paragraphs within the appointment, add a half cm indentation.
  • All appointments must go to double space.• Add introductory text, source: Author (year) Appointment, point at the end of the appointment, then the page goes to the end in parentheses eg (p.2)

 Quotes from several authors:

  • Muñoz, Reyes, Covarrubias and Osorio (1991) point out that "the incorporation of women into the labor market (...) is the most important explanatory action in the modal configuration of the Chilean family" (page 29)
  • "The incorporation of women into the labor market (...) is the most important explanatory action in the modal configuration of the Chilean family" (Muñoz, Reyes, Covarrubias & Osorio, 1991, p.29).
  • The undesirable behaviors in the classroom are three: incompetence, indolence and irreverence (Kearney et al., 1991)

 Referencing format


A reference must contain the name of the author, the date of publication (year), the title of the work and the publication data (city, country and publisher). Each book brings a description in the preliminary pages that provides the necessary data to make the bibliographic reference.

  • Example: Moreno C. F, Marthe Z. N. and Rebolledo S., L. (2010). How to write academic texts according to international standards: APA, IEEE, MLA, Vancouver and ICONTEC. Barranquilla, Colombia: Ediciones Educostas

 Book in electronic version

  • Last name, A. A. (Year). Title. Retrieved from
  • Gutiérrez, H. (2013). Statistical control of quality and Six Sigma. Retrieved from

 Chapter of book:

A chapter of a book is referenced when the book is with an editor, that is, that the book consists of chapters written by different authors.

  • Surname, A. A., and Surname, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter or the entry. In A. A. Surname. (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. Xx-xx). City, Country: Editorial

.• Duncan, M., and Fajans, E. (2016). "Formative research": a way to build knowledge in legal education. In J. S. Trujillo (Ed.), Lessons and comparative experiences on the teaching of law (pp. 353-374). Sabaneta, Antioquia, Colombia: Editorial Fund Unisabaneta.

 Articles of scientific journals.

  • Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B, and Surname, C. C. (Date). Article title. Name of the journal, volume (number), pp-pp.
  • Marenco-Escuderos, A. D, and Ávila-Toscano, J. H. (2016). Dimensions of social support associated with burnout syndrome in teachers of academic media. Psychological Thought, 14 (2), 7-18

 Journal article: variation according to the authorsAn author

  • Surname, A. A. (Date). Article title. Name of the journal, volume (number), pp-pp.
  • Arias, G. (2015). A structure, two houses. Axxis, 262, 48-49.

 From two to seven authorsAll authors are written separated by a comma and the last one is written "&".

Acosta, L., & Medina, R. (2015). The victim and his compensation in the Colombian criminal systems. Legal Journal CUC, 11 (1), 39-58.

Astocondor, L., Chávez, G., García, Y., Montalvo, R. (2005). Malignant external otitis with ecthyma gangrenosum in a patient with HIV infection. Infectio: Journal of the Colombian Association of Infectious Diseases, 20 (1), 41-44.

 Internet articles.General form - online documents

  • Surname, A. A. (Date). Article title. Name of the newspaper. Retrieved from http: // www.

 Newspaper references.

General form - newspapers [Published on paper]

  • Last name A. A. (Date). Article title. Name of the newspaper, pp-pp.
  • Herrera D., L. (March 9, 2017). Venezuelan children, dilemma for schools. aDN, pp. two.LawsTitle or name of the law (Information such as decree or resolution number) (Issue date). Name of the publication, number of the publication, year, day, month of publication


[Photography of Name and Surname of the photographer]. (Place, year). Name of the collection Location.

 Symposia and conferences

Author, A. and Author, A. (Date). Title of the paper. In A. Last name of the president of the congress (Presidency), Title of the symposium or congress. Symposium or conference held in the congress Name of the organization, Place.

Olaciregui, J. (September 2010). Us and the myths. In N. Gil (Presidency), Nature, law and democracy. Symposium held at the IX Congress of the Colombian Association of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (ASOFIDES), Barranquilla, Colombia.

 Thesis and online degree jobs

Author, A. and Author, A. (Year). Title of the thesis (Undergraduate, master's or doctoral thesis). Retrieved from

García, A. M. (2013). Design of the salary structure for the administrative area of ​​the company Aseocolba s.a in Bogotá (Undergraduate thesis). Retrieved



Surname, A. (Year) Title of the article. Title of the encyclopedia [Medium used]. Place of publication: Publishing house, URL Great encyclopedia planet [electronic version]. Barcelona, ​​Spain: Editorial Planeta,


Surname, A. (Day, month, year). Title of the post [Message in a blog]. Retrieved from http: //


Name vs. Name, page of the volume of the source (date of the court).

 Type of publication 

Articles that wish to be published in the journal should frame one of the following types of articles: 

Original article  

They respond to the results of original and unpublished research, with important contributions to knowledge, the rigor of the scientific method must be evident. It is considered a minimum of 3,000 and a maximum of 9,000 words; including tables, tables, figures and Bibliographic References.  

The original articles can be:

* Articles of scientific and technological research: respond to results of research activities, it is expected between 5,000 to 9,000 words.     

* Reflection Articles: through which results of finished research are presented from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author on a specific topic, using original sources. An extension between 3000 to 5000 words is foreseen.     

* Review articles: this responds to the results of research whose foundation is based on theoretical components that allow the understanding and analysis of the object of study. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of no less than 50 bibliographical references. An extension of between 3000 to 5000 words is envisaged.

In any case, its structure is established as follows:     

  • Title: (Spanish and English) up to 15 words, can be informative or indicative;     
  • Summary: (Spanish and English) in no more than 250 words, must contain the problem, object of study, scope of the research, methodology used, relevant results and main conclusion. It should not be too long or detailed or contain quotations;   
  • Keywords and key words: between 5 and 7. It must be remembered that they are the main descriptors of the research;   
  • Introduction: answer the why? And for what? the research has been done, it exposes the interest in the scientific context, it must include previous works and what aspects are not clear, this is the object of its investigation. The last paragraph of the introduction is generally used to summarize your study objective;   
  • Materials and methods: answers the question of how was the study done? Includes (as the case may be) design, population, sample and selection criteria; place of study; techniques, measurements and units, pilot tests, equipment and technology, etc .; statistical analysis, statistical methods used and how the data have been analyzed.    
  • Results: expresses the results of the experiments and / or analyzes described in the Material and Methods and presents the evidence that supports these results;    
  • Discussion: Begin the discussion with the answer to the question of the introduction, based on the evidence shown in the results obtained. Include the recommendations that you consider appropriate;    
  • Conclusion: Close the paper with a logical reasoning validated by your findings, remember it is not a suggestion, nor a summary of the above;    
  • Bibliographic References: will quote and reference according to the regulations of the magazine CUC Economics.

Review article

 They are a non-original scientific publication, therefore they do not provide new knowledge. This type of article seeks to collect bibliographic information on a specific topic. The reading of this type of article is useful for any researcher, since it allows to achieve a quick contextualization of the topic. 

In this case, the journal establishes between 4,500 and 7,000 words, as a basic criterion, the relevance and the contribution that this generates to the area of ​​knowledge, as well as the assertiveness in the definition, scope of the objective and actuality in relation to the background of the study.

These papers can be:     

Articles of exhaustive review of everything published: It is an article of extensive bibliography, they are quite long and very specialized works    Descriptive review articles: provides the reader with an update on useful concepts in areas of constant change. 

Its structure: 

 Title: (Spanish and English) up to 12 words, can be informative or indicative;

  • Summary: (Spanish and English) in no more than 250 words, must contain the problem, object of study, scope of the research, methodology used, relevant results and main conclusion. It should not be too long or detailed or contain quotations;
  • Keywords and key words: between 5 and 7. It must be remembered that they are the main descriptors of the research;
  • Introduction: it is more extensive than in other articles. The objectives of the article are defined (review the bibliography, collect information on one topic, another.) It is very important to take the time to write the introduction, since it is very likely that the reader decides to continue reading the article or not depending on what is explain in this section;
  • Method: it is explained how the bibliography has been searched, what criteria have been used for its selection, the utility or not for the article, quality is evaluated in the chosen documents and finally the reliability is analyzed.
  • Analysis: it should not only contain a list of citations or summaries, but it should establish a systematization among them, congruences and contradictions of the available literature, and where the different conceptualizations and methods are explained;
  • Conclusion: Close the paper with a logical reasoning validated by your findings in the selected documents, remember it is not a suggestion, nor a summary of the above;
  • Bibliographic References: will quote and reference according to the regulations of the magazine CUC Economics. 

Research essay

 They are received as part of the critical analysis, evaluation and reflection of the authors before a topic that responds to the areas of knowledge of CUC Economics, it is necessary to consider as part of its structure the elaboration of being conceived clearly through the introduction, development, conclusions and contributions of the author, as well as the inclusion of bibliographies. Its elaboration must be conceived with criteria of scientific rigor and argumentation as a basic foundation. Its extension should not exceed 3000 words. In certain cases, this process is done by inviting experts on behalf of the Editorial Committee and special calls for publication. 

Bibliographic reviews

 Section through which a space is granted for the authors in order to disseminate from a personalized and argued view the works of interest with the area of ​​knowledge of CUC Economics, its elaboration structure does not correspond to any of the previous sections, for what the freedom of analysis and reflection are left as a fundamental aspect for its acceptance and publication. Its extension is estimated at no more than 2,500 words.

Ethics in investigations

Ethical principles of editorial management

 CUC Economics, governs its editorial management in accordance with the Guidelines on good practices for publications, issued by the Publications Ethics Committee.

Of authorship

 The authors who send their contributions for the publication process through an originality letter must justify that the process has not been and is not being reviewed by other scientific publications. The originality of the works is required and must be unpublished. Your submission must be registered with the consent of all the authors, who commit themselves with CUC Economics not to send their contribution to other publications, during the evaluation period for its publication or not. 

The management for each contribution received is subject to the strict order of entry of the authors to the OJS platform of the journal, in addition they must attach a signed letter by all the authors where the order of appearance of the authors and the acceptance of the same is established, by part of all those involved in the development of the paper. 

The preselected contributions according to their thematic, pertinence, validity will be sent to the team of experts for the double blind review process. The evaluation results will be supplied to the authors regardless of the verdict: Article Approved without Modifications, Accepted Article with slight Modifications, Accepted Article with Important Modifications and Denied Article, through the OJS platform. 

Once the publication is approved, it is necessary to sign the format of transfer of patrimonial rights of the author to the journal, which must be signed by all the authors.

Plagiarism management

 Within the framework of the ethical economic principles CUC declares the non-acceptance of plagiarism consequently all contributions received must faithfully comply with: 

The authors are responsible for respecting the authorship of all information included in their contribution, of which tables, graphs, photos, figures are mentioned, so the declaration that these contents do not infringe the copyright, is part of the content of the letter of originality, also all received articles will be validated previously by a plagiarism detection software, so that there should not be cases of total, partial copy, paraphrasing without its proper reference and other practices of mishandling and use of information. 

The omission of any of the precepts defined here leads to not being properly processed and therefore published, if the effect of its publication, the magazine will also generate the errata that may occur. 

Conflict of interests

 The selection of experts for arbitration processes based on the area of ​​knowledge of the article is established as a priority, ensuring that the review process faithfully responds to the established double-blind standard in search of objectivity and corresponding validation, which will allow the issuance of an objective verdict that should be sent to the editor, who manages the decisions corresponding to the author. 

Also CUC Economics considers the option of Appreciation, through which the author has the opportunity to recognize people and organizations who contributed to the development of the research, as well as gave the economic contributions for its consolidation. For more information about the evaluation process see our separate evaluation


 Economics CUC ratifies the policy of reception of unpublished and original works exposed in the ethical statement on good practices, consequently the authors are thanked in the development of their contributions for the inclusion of fragmented sections of previously published works excluding the corresponding citations. The omission of the aforementioned process can be detected as coincident content that violates the criteria of originality established by us. 

With these policies, we declare the search for ethics and good practices in this publication. All the established criteria keep the considerations established by COPE and by the Ethics criteria for Investigations and Publications of Elsiever.