
Chronology of the journal Económicas CUC

  • 1978: The journal was created as a scientific dissemination project in the Faculty of Economics of the Corporación Universitaria de la Costa. It is granted the ISBN 0120-3932 with the objective of disseminating the process and internal research in printed format to the student community.
  • 2010: The first web page of the journal was created, which was managed under an independent institutional domain and the first scientific papers begin to be visible in this order. The journal begins to be indexed in national and international indexes such as EBSCO and Publindex, requiring a peer review process.
  • 2013: The journal adopts an OJS management system for scientific publishing. The ISSN Online of the journal is requested and granted.
  • 2015: The DOI associated with the crossref for article identification and referential marking begins to be used.
  • 2016: Dr. Ana Judith Paredes is assigned as editor due to her academic and scientific profile, who proceeds with changes to the scientific and editorial committee, achieving progress in the quality of the publications' requirements.
  • 2018: Dr. Ana Cecilia Chumaceiro Hernández is assigned as editor due to her high scientific profile and a rigorous strategy towards the internationalization of the journal and the adaptation of strict ethical policies in the publication is initiated.
  • 2020: The journal begins to publish, in addition to the abstract and title in English, some full papers in this language.
  • 2022: A new call is made to form the editorial board, seeking to associate members with high scientific impact in the contribution of publications in SCOPUS-indexed journals.