Submit your paper

As part of the submission process, authors are required to use the article template or Letter to the Editor Template and check that their submission meets all the elements shown below. Authors will be refunded for submissions that do not 

Steps to follow 

Authors can register through the Register section by completing the requested information and selecting the Author role at the end of the form. Once this step is completed, you will receive an e-mail with a username and password with which you will be able to enter the platform and start sending your contribution. In case of any problems during the registration process, please contact us by e-mail at 

Step 1: When logging in with your username and password to the journal management platform, enter the Start a new submission option to begin the article submission process. In the first step of the process select the Articles section from the drop-down list. Then check each of the requirements in the Submission Checklist and check the appropriate boxes. If necessary, write comments for the publisher in the text box provided. To continue to the next step click on the Save and Continue option. 

Step 2: In the next step, select and upload the files to be attached: (i) article file in Word format with all authorship data, (ii) article file in Word format making sure to comply with the requirements for anonymous review, (iii) authors' originality letter, (iv) Authors' format for all authors. 

To ensure the integrity of anonymous peer review of submissions to this publisher, every effort will be made to prevent authors from knowing the identity of reviewers and vice versa. To this end, authors, editors, and reviewers (who upload documents as part of the review) should verify that the following steps related to text and file properties have been followed: 

  • The authors of the document have deleted their names from the text, and have used "Author" and the year used in the references and footnotes, instead of the author's name, the title of the article, etc. 
  • In the case of Microsoft Office documents, you should also remove the author identification from the file properties (see the File option in Word) by clicking on the options below. Start with File in the main menu of the Microsoft application: File > Save As > Tools (or Options on Mac) > Security > Remove personal information from file properties when saving > Save. 
  • In the case of PDF files, you must also remove the names of the authors from the Document Properties, which can be found under the File option in the main menu of Adobe Acrobat. 

Step 3: In the third step, you must register the information of the article. Enter the complete information Title, Abstract, Collaborating Institutions and References in the format requested by the journal. You must fill out both the English and Spanish versions of the form. 

Step 4: At the time of submission, the information of all authors of the manuscript must be registered.  No changes related to authorship will be accepted once the review process has begun. Include all the authors' data in both Spanish and English: Names and surnames, ORCID, institutional affiliation, curricular summary. The data reflected here must match those provided in the Word document of your contribution. 

Step 5: In the fifth step you should include additional or complementary material to the article. Include the following documents as additional files:  

  • Graphs, Tables and Illustrations: include graphs, figures, tables, illustrations and photographs, in their original format (preferably in Excel, Power Point, or programs such as Photo Shop, Corel Illustrator etc) or in high resolution image format. 
  • Authors' information: it is necessary to send a Word format with the curricular information of each of the authors of the manuscript. 
  • Letter of Authorship: attach a letter signed by all authors stating the order of appearance of the authors and the acceptance of the same by all those involved in the development of the paper. 
  • Letter of Originality: the format of Letter of Originality of the manuscript, signed by the authors of the article, must be filled out and sent. 
  • Format for Authors for each author. 
  • Research Information: In a Word document, include information related to: 
  1. Title of the research project from which the manuscript is derived. 
  2. Entity / University Funding the research project. 
  3. Start and end dates of the research project. 

Step 6: In the fifth and final step of the process, click on the Finish Submission option. A notification will be sent to your email indicating the success of the process. 

Through Económicas CUC's OJS management platform, authors will be able to consult the status of the manuscript's editorial process and will receive the results of the evaluation process and the comments and/or suggestions of the peer reviewers. 

The articles received will be identified with a code and previously reviewed by the Editorial Committee and the Editor of the journal to verify the pertinence of their publication. Then, the selected articles will enter a double-blind peer review process by experts in the thematic field. 

The results of the evaluation will be provided to the authors through the OJS journal management platform.  As it is a peer-reviewed journal, Económicas CUC will base its final concept on these results. 

Prior to the publication of the article, the author's patrimonial rights must be assigned to Económicas CUC, through the form that the Editorial Team will send to the authors. This form must be filled out and signed by each of the authors. 

comply with these guidelines. 

Checklist for shipment preparation 

Download: Article template 

Download: Letter to the Editor Template 

  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor). 
  • The file sent is in Microsoft Word format 
  • Whenever possible, URLs are provided for references. 
  • The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic conditions included in the Guidelines for Authors. 
  • In the case of submitting the text to the peer review section, follow the instructions included in Securing an anonymous review. 

Explanatory note: 

The reception of contributions entered through the OJS platform (Open Journal System), must necessarily respond to what is established in the Section Norms for Authors. This process does not generate any obligation for its evaluation or publication. The Editor, in consensus with the Editorial Committee, is responsible for deciding whether or not the contributions should be sent to the refereeing process by the team of experts. 

The Editor, the Editorial Committee and Universidad de la Costa are not responsible for the ideas or concepts expressed by the authors of the different articles, but reserve the right of publication according to the content of the texts. 

Privacy Statement 

The names and e-mail addresses visible from the journal portal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by Económicas CUC and will not be available for any other purpose or to any other person.