Focus and scope

Económicas CUC, identified with e-ISSN: 2382-3860 / ISSN: 0120-3932, is a serialized, scientific, electronic and refereed journal, of continuous publication with packaging in biannual issues, which receives and disseminates original, unpublished and innovative contributions from researchers in the areas of economic, administrative and accounting sciences within the framework of social sciences and from a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary  and transdisciplinary vision that contribute to the generation of new knowledge. Económicas CUC provides a specialized academic space for dissemination of research results of the highest quality that receives articles in Spanish and English, focused on the following fields of knowledge: 

  • Sustainable development and social responsibility 
  • Innovation, global competitiveness and productivity. 
  • Public and business administration (including occupational psychology) 
  • Economics of social sectors (economic analysis of health, education, housing, social security, subsidies, justice) 
  • Finance, Accounting and Auditing 

Económicas CUC has been consolidating as a means of dissemination that publishes Letters to the Editor, scientific and technological research articles, review articles, reflections and case studies proposed by researchers on the topics of the journal, including humanistic versions of the processes. Its complete collection is available through open access on its Web page. 

Likewise, Económicas CUC frames its procedures in a strict peer review process in a double-blind format. double-blind as stated by ELSEVIER, likewise, it does not accept papers that have been previously published, submitted simultaneously to other journals, that present redundant data or information or any indication of malpractice in the research work, therefore, it rigorously adjusts to the appropriation of what is established by the code of ethics of COPE to which we are attached: Publication ethics and ethical violations.also ELSEVIER: Publishing Ethics Resource Kit for editors and the The Singapore Declaration on Research Integrity, these guidelines are expanded in the ETHICS AND ETHICS POLICY section.These guidelines are expanded upon in the section on ETHICS POLICY AND TREATMENT OF MALPRACTICE. 

The editors, the Editorial and/or Scientific Committee of Económicas CUC, the Universidad de la Costa and EDUCOSTA are not responsible for the opinions expressed by the authors. In turn, authors must strictly comply with the ethical policies and editorial standards for the publication of their work. 

Económicas CUC reserves the rights of printing, total or partial reproduction of the material, as well as the right of acceptance or rejection of the corresponding article. It also reserves the right to make any editorial modification it deems convenient to obtain a publication with the highest possible editorial quality and readability. 

On academic inbreeding 

In order to comply with international standards for high-impact journals, Económicas CUC may publish up to 10% per year of manuscripts and authors belonging to the publishing institution, or related to research projects led by academics from the same institution. 

This percentage is calculated on the basis of the total number of authors in the journal for each volume. Once this percentage has been reached, the manuscripts will be included in a bank of articles for possible selection in subsequent issues in chronological order according to the date of acceptance. 

Likewise, in order to avoid inbreeding among authors from outside the publishing institution and to avoid bad practices in scientific publication, as well as to promote open access to knowledge and the principle of transparency in editorial matters, all authors -regardless of their origin- must wait at least one semester to resubmit a manuscript for possible publication; the above, with the exception of "Letters to the Editor" due to their special nature.