Editorial boards

Editor in Chief

Ph.D. Ana Cecilia Chumaceiro Hernández, Universidad de La Costa, Colombia.   

Ana Chumaceiro is a Post-Doctor in State, public policies and social peace. And a Ph.D in Political Science. Professor and researcher with more than 15 years of experience in the areas of organizations and research. Leader of national and international research groups, lines and projects. She had been the manager of the CEISEP Research Center. Her research interests are in the areas of: Organizational social responsibility; Responsibility and social happiness from individuals, companies and the state; Public and tax policies. She is a professor of Social Responsibility and Strategic Management at the Universidad de la Costa, Barranquilla-Colombia. She was rank like SENIOR by MINCIENCIAS. Editor in chief of Económicas CUC journal. E-mail: achumace@cuc.edu.co.

Ph.D. Oscar Daniel Licandro Goldaracena, CLAEH University, Uruguay.    

Oscar Daniel Licandro Goldaracena. He has a degree in Sociology (Universidad de la República - Uruguay), Master of International Management (University of Saint Thomas - USA) and PhD in Administration (Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina). Researcher and coordinator of the Chair of Social Responsibility of Organizations at CLAEH University, Uruguay. He is a member of the National System of Researchers (SNI) of Uruguay.

He is editor of Responsibility and Sustainability journal. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the journals International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, Journal of Business (Universidad del Pacífico, Perú) and Signos (Universidad de Santo Tomás, Colombia). He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the journals Ciencias Administrativas (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina) and Económicas CUC (Universidad de la Costa, Barranquilla, Colombia).

He is the author of articles published in scientific journals published in: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Croatia, Ecuador, Germany, Lithuania, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, Switzerland, Uruguay and Venezuela. He has also published books, book chapters and multiple articles in popular magazines. He has lectured in Latin American and European countries.

He is the representative in Uruguay of the International Association on Public and Nonprofit Marketing (IAPNM). He has worked as a consultant for companies and various international organizations (IDB, UNESCO, UNDP, IOM and ECLAC).

Ph.D. Arminda Do Paco, Universidad de la Beira Interior, Portugal.

Arminda Paço (PhD in Management) is an Associate Professor at the University of Beira Interior, Portugal. She is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences and researcher of NECE – Research Unit of Business Sciences. Her areas of interest are sustainability and environmental marketing. She has published several articles in international journals and has edited books in the field of sustainability. Additionally, she has participated in national research projects and in international projects (ICT Entrepreneur, SCIENT, ARTISAN, SPRING, ENTRANCE, RE_START, START Circular).

Scientific and Publishing Committee

Ph.D. Judith Josefina Hernández García de V., Universidad de la Costa, Colombia.

Ph.D. Lissette Elena Hernández Fernández, Universidad del Zulia, Universidad del Atlántico, Universidad de Chile, Venezuela, Colombia, Chile.

Ph.D. Gertrudis Ziritt Trejo, Universidad del Norte, Colombia.  

Ph.D. Rafael Ravina Ripoll, Universidad de Cádiz, España.

Ph.D. Ana Hirsch Adler, Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación, México.

Ph.D. Francisco Anibal Ganga Contreras, Universidad de los Lagos, Chile.  

Ph.D. Eduardo Ahumada Tello, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México.  

Ph.D. Luis Bayardo Tobar Pesántez, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana del Ecuador, Ecuador.  

Ph.D. Ernesto López-Valeiras, Universidad de Vigo, Spain.

Ph.D. Mariby Boscan, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela.

Ph.D. David Naranjo, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Spain.