State of the art: productivity as a concept in the field of health




Healthcare productivity, Performance evaluation, Resource efficiency, Service quality, Health outcomes, Sustainability, Healthcare management


This article aims to analyze the applied productivity in the healthcare sector, covering its historical and conceptual understanding, as well as current trends from different perspectives. It explores the link between productivity and the performance of healthcare institutions, highlighting its significance for healthcare managers' management. By taking a comprehensive approach, it examines various perspectives that enable healthcare managers to understand the importance and impact of productivity on sustainable management and the quality of healthcare services. The study was conducted through a documentary analysis, encompassing relevant research in the field of healthcare productivity. Different approaches and methodologies used to measure and evaluate productivity in the sector were identified. The findings emphasize the need to consider multiple factors, such as resource efficiency, service quality, and health outcomes, when assessing productivity in healthcare institutions. In conclusion, productivity in the healthcare sector plays a crucial role in effective healthcare service management. Healthcare managers should take these aspects into account to ensure the sustainability and quality of the services provided. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the topic and offers valuable insights for healthcare professionals interested in enhancing the management and performance of healthcare institutions.


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Author Biographies

Lydia Aurora Arbaiza Fermini, ESAN Graduate School of Business

she´  s a PhD. in Economics with specialization in Organization Theory from WHU University, Germany. Master in Business Administration. ESAN Business School. Professor at ESAN Business School in Lima - Peru. Director of Institutional Programs.

Yurledis Morales Ospina, Fundación Universitaria Ciencias de la Salud - FUCS

she´  s  a Master student in sustainable development projects, Specialist in Project Management, Professional in Administration and Finance, Professor - university researcher of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences in Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud. Leader of the Proyecta program. Teacher of entrepreneurship and financial line.

Andres Ivan Toledo Bernal, Fundación Universitaria Ciencias de la Salud - FUCS

he´  s holds a Master's Degree in Strategic Thinking and Foresight, a Master's Degree in Education with emphasis in Educational Management and Evaluation from the Universidad Externado de Colombia; Business Administrator from the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. With studies in strategic management in international services at the Universidad de Barcelona UAB (Spain). With more than 15 years of experience in university management as General Secretary in UniCIEO and 8 years as a university professor of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences in Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud. Tutor of multiple projects of business diagnosis and research with undergraduate and graduate students. Researcher of the GIPSAD group. He currently serves as Academic Vice Rector of the Fundación Universitaria CIEO - UniCIEO in Bogotá.


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How to Cite

Arbaiza Fermini, L. A., Morales Ospina, Y., & Toledo Bernal, A. I. (2023). State of the art: productivity as a concept in the field of health. ECONÓMICAS CUC, 44(2), 235–252.



Articles: Administration, Organization and Methods