Probability of business bankruptcy in theconstruction sector of Ecuador: Period 2011 – 2020




Bankruptcy, Construction, Logistic regression, Probi, Predictive capacity


In business decisions, it is necessary to determine which are the variables that explain the probability of bankruptcy in order to make predictions about them in a second stage. The objective of this research work is to determine the probability of failure of companies in the construction sector in Ecuador. In order to achieve the goal, the logistic regression model and the Probit model were applied, which are binary discrete choice models. Among the important findings, it can be said that the variables that explain the probability of business bankruptcy in the sector are the size of the company, the level of indebtedness, liquidity, profitability and net income. In addition, the predictive capacity of the model was verified under different metrics such as sensitivity, specificity and later the ROC curve. In general, the Probit model gives a better predictive capacity of the model.


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Author Biographies

Iván Felipe Orellana Osorio, Universidad del Azuay

Is Public Accountant and Commercial Engineer from the University of Azuay. He is a Specialist in University Teaching and obtained his Master's Degree in Business Administration MBA from the University of Azuay, in addition, he is a graduate of the INCAE Senior Management Program, and is studying the Doctorate Program in Administration at the National University of Rosario in Argentina. Professor since 2006 of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in management, projects and finance at the University of Azuay and the University of Cuenca.


Luis Gabriel Pinos Luzuriaga, Universidad del Azuay

Is Economist, Master in Insurance and Financial Risks, in the academic field he has served as a teacher in the chairs of Statistics, Econometrics, Actuarial Calculation and Financial Risk Management in undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the University of Azuay and the University of Cuenca. In recent years, he has been linked to research groups at the University of Azuay performing support tasks in the quantitative area.



Marco Antonio Reyes Clavijo, Universidad del Azuay

Is a commercial engineer graduated from the Universidad del Azuay. He obtained his Master's Degree in Business Administration with a Mention in Finance at the Universidad del Azuay. He currently works as a teacher in the area of statistics and as a financial technician and researcher at the Business Observatory of the Universidad del Azuay. His research has focused on the analysis and management of financial risk, applied to different economic sectors of Ecuador. 

Estefanía del Rocío Cevallos Rodríguez, Universidad del Azuay

Is Master in resource management sciences, at the Academy he has worked as a teacher of the chairs of Environmental Audit and Environmental Impact Assessment at the Faculty of Administration Sciences of the University of Azuay. In the last three years, she has been linked to the Business Observatory of the same University, carrying out information management tasks and writing scientific articles and knowledge dissemination documents.

Luis Bernardo Tonon Ordóñez, Universidad del Azuay

EIs conomist from the Universidad del Azuay. Higher Diploma in Finance, Stock Market and Fiduciary Businesses, Higher Diploma in International Negotiation, and obtained his Master's Degree in Business Administration from the Universidad del Azuay. Professor since 2003 at the Universidad del Azuay in the areas of Economics and Finance. He has participated in various research groups and is currently part of the UDA Business Observatory




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How to Cite

Orellana Osorio, I. F., Pinos Luzuriaga, L. G., Reyes Clavijo, M. A., Cevallos Rodríguez, E. del R., & Tonon Ordóñez, L. B. (2023). Probability of business bankruptcy in theconstruction sector of Ecuador: Period 2011 – 2020. ECONÓMICAS CUC, 44(2), 9–32.



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