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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission is original and has not been previously published nor has it been simultaneously submitted to any other journal.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format.
  • All references contain complete and verifiable bibliographical information, including a DOI identifier or an URL. Only the sources mentioned in the text are included in the list of references.
  • The text complies with all format and Author Guidelines.  All illustrations, figures, and tables are correctly placed and in the description is clearly stated its source.
  • The submission file complies with the Instructions to Ensure an Anonymous Review.

Author Guidelines


Económicas CUC, a scientific journal affiliated to the Universidad de la Costa Faculty of Economic Sciences, receives original and unpublished submissions from researchers and collaborators in the areas of social sciences and alike that from an interdisciplinary vision contributes to the generation of new knowledge.  The journal is published on a six-monthly basis. The evaluation of submissions is determined by the Double-Blind System.  The interest in the process of knowledge diffusion is one of national and international reach and it is established in the areas of Economy, Business administration, Finances, Banking, International business, Accounting, Costs, Taxes, Fiscal control and audits, Taxes, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Information Systems, Health services administration, Marketing and advertising

The editorial collection can be found at  All articles and content are registered since 1978, complete texts are available in interoperable archives that allow visibility and access through a digital format.

The receipt of submissions entered through the OJS platform (Open Journal System) must necessarily respond to the established in the section Guidelines for Authors at, this process does not result in obligation for its evaluation or publication.  The editor and editorial committee are given the responsibility of deciding on the source of submissions to be submitted to the arbitration process in charge of a team of experts.

The Editor, Editorial Committee and Universidad de la Costa, are not responsible for ideas or concepts emitted by the authors of articles, but they do reserve the right of publication according to the content. 

Focus and scope

Económicas CUC is a serial, scientific, electronic and arbitrated journal with a global scope. It continuously publishes (publishing biannual issue), articles produced by academics and researchers and collaborators in the fields of economics, business administration, accounting and others related sciences, that from a transdisciplinary vision contribute to the generation of new knowledge. Articles are received in Spanish and English exceptionally and depending on their quality, articles are received in other languages.

Económicas CUC is aimed at students, academics, researchers, academic institutions and business organizations globally.

Articles are received in the following areas, among others: 

  • Public Administration
  • Business Administration (Including Labor Psychology)
  • Management Theory
  • Finance
  • Social Responsibility
  • Accounting and Auditing
  • Other business administration and accounting specialties
  • Economic Development
  • Econometrics
  • Business Economics
  • Industrial Economics
  • International Economics
  • Labor and Human Resources Economics
  • Monetary Economics
  • Natural Resource Economics
  • Economic Theory
  • Industrial Organization (analysis of market operation and competitiveness)
  • Economics of Social Sectors (Economic Analysis of Health, Education, Housing, Social Welfare, Subsidies, Justice)
  • Other economics specialties

For more information go to Focus and scope

To publish

All articles must be registered in the OJS platform, which can be accessed at our website, in the section AUTHORS, under the title Article. Authors must also attach a declaration of originality


  • Articles may be submitted in Spanish and English. The Publishing Committee will decide whether to publish articles submitted in other languages depending on the relevance of their contents.
  • A Declaration of originality must be attached to the submitted article, stating that it has not been submitted to the consideration of other Scientific Journals and that it is an original and unpublished article.
  • The applications made must not exceed 15% similarity with other works, except for modifications generated by the type of methodology used.
  • Registration of the submitted articles will become effective once the journal verifies that its subject matter is within the fields of knowledge covered by Económicas CUC, with an inter-disciplinary perspective.
  • Articles with up to 5 authors are accepted, and they must be registered in the OJS platform of Económicas CUC.
  • All submitted articles must include a summary of the background of the author and co-authors, including personal and academic information, home address, institutional address, telephone and fax numbers, mailing address, e-mail address, position and the institution they work for.
  • The decision on whether or not to accept a paper will be based on an assessment performed by the Publishing Committee and the results of the arbitration process. Once it is accepted for publication, the author’s rights are no longer restricted.
  • The Editorial and Scientific Committee reserves the right to modify the title and body of the accepted articles and to make the editorial changes it deems pertinent, in order to give the articles, the greatest possible clarity. Therefore, authors are recommended to write with the utmost rigor, verifying the spelling, using short and homogeneous paragraphs and using punctuation marks appropriately.

Article Structure

Articles are accepted under the modalities of: Original Articles, Reviews, Essays and Book Reviews, produced as a result of research, case studies, knowledge community results, all written following rigorous scientific criteria.

Articles in the above modalities should be submitted according to the structure indicated below.

  1. The article must have the number of words established for each type of article, i.e. Original Article, Review article, Essay or Books Review, written in letter-size paper, Arial 12 type and single line spacing for the Abstract, keywords, and Bibliographic References; and 1.5 line spacing for article contents.
  2. Margins:No spacing before each paragraph, the entire document in a single column. Upper, lower, left and right margins of 2.54 cm.
  3. Title: It should be explanatory, with between 12 and 15 words, centered
  4. Author(s): On a separate line indicate the names of the authors and co-authors (ORCID code of each). It is important to attach a letter signed by all the authors indicating that all those involved have agreed on the order in which the authors will appear
  5. Abstract: Prepare a synthesis of the work in no more than 250 words that includes: Introduction, Objective, Design / methodology / approximation, Results / findings, Limitations / implications, Originality / value and Conclusions.
  6. Keywords: about 5 to 7 keywords to identify the subject under study. 
  7. Introduction
  8. Discussion and analysis 
  9. Methodology: Specify the research method selected for the study.
  10. Results
  11. Conclusions
  12. Recommendations
  13. Bibliographic References: Follow the guidelines established by the Journal Económicas CUC
  14. When available, include the DOI
  15. Footnotes should be numbered, with single space between paragraphs, justified on the margin, in Arial 10 type. These are used exclusively to add relevant information to the article, but not for the bibliographic references.
  16. Reference to the institutional affiliation of the author(s) should not be included in footnotes. Instead, authors should submit a separate summary of their background. Económicas CUC does allow the inclusion of Acknowledgements, which enable the author to acknowledge people and organizations that contributed to the study and/or provided finance for the project.
  17. Tables, graphs, figures, and any other images should be included both in the article and in a separate file in their original editable form, such as in JPEG or TIFF format, with 300 dpi resolution in an appropriate size for publication.

• Number them with Arabic numerals, e. g. table 1 (above the table)
• Include a brief, clear and explanatory title in italics (below the table)
• Use 3 horizontal lines to form the table 
• No vertical lines should be used. The headers should identify the columns.
• The contents in the body of the table may be in single or double space.
• 12-point font size (body of the table). 
• It should include a Note in italics with a brief description and the source it was adapted from 
• Left-aligned 
• Not indented 
• 10-point font size and double spacing.

Figures:(Graphs, charts, maps, drawing, photographs, etc.) 
• No titles are placed on figures. 
• There must be a caption below the figure, with numbering in Arabic numerals, in italics, e.g. Figure 1, which serves as title and explains the figure. It must be a brief but descriptive sentence. 
• Include the source from which it was adapted, in the same manner as the note to a table. 
• Left-aligned. 
• Not indented. 
• 10-point font size and double spacing

Standards for references and appointments

Citation format

Textual or direct citation: Less or more than 40 words. 
*Before including a citation, there must be an introductory text written in the author’s own words.

Less than 40 words.
• Add an introductory text. Quote within the next using quotation marks, with no final period. 
• The source is indicated at the end of the citation, in parentheses, with a period at the end. E.g. (Castro, 2017, p. 3).

More than 40 words. 
• Place it in an independent block of text. 
• Do not use quotation marks. 
• Indent the text by 2.54 cm from the left margin. 
• If the citation includes several paragraphs, add a 0.5 cm indentation. 
• All citations must be double-spaced. 
• Add an introductory text, the citation, period, and place the source at the end in parentheses, e.g. (Celin, 2017, pp. 2-3)

Non-textual quote or paraphrasing: 
• Embedded in the text. 
• Following the paraphrased citation, in parentheses include the author, year, page and full stop, e.g. (Celin, 2017, p. 3).

Indirect citations:
• Gould (1989) attributes Darwin’s success to his skillful use of appropriate metaphors.
• A recent study on the soap opera industry’s impact on television in Latin America (Mazziotti, 1996) claims that...

Citation by Author: Less than or more than 40 words
*An introductory text must be included before the citation written in the author’s own words. 
Less than 40 words. 
• Include an introductory text. Begin with the author’s last name and the year in parenthesis, e.g. Castro (2017) 
• The citation is enclosed by quotation marks within the text, with no final period. 
• Then in parentheses, the page or paragraph and period, e.g. (p. 3). (pp. 2-3). (paragraph 3).

More than 40 words. 
• Place it in an independent block of text. 
• Do not use quotation marks. 
• Indent the text by 2.54 cm from the left margin. 
• If the citation includes several paragraphs, add a 0.5 cm indentation. 
• All citations must be double-spaced. 
• Add an introductory text, the source: Author (year), citation, period at the end of the citation, then the page number at the end in parenthesis e.g. (p. 2)

Citations of several authors:
• Muñoz, Reyes, Covarrubias and Osorio (1991) point out that "the incorporation of women into the workforce (...) is the most important explanatory variable for the types of configuration of Chilean families" (p. 29).
• "The incorporation of women into the workforce (...) is the most important explanatory variable for the types of configuration of Chilean families" (Muñoz, Reyes, Covarrubias & Osorio, 1991, p. 29).
• There are three types of undesirable behaviors in the classroom: incompetence, indolence and irreverence (Kearney et al., 1991)

Referencing format

Book: The reference must indicate the author’s name, the publication date (year), the book title and publication data (city, country, publisher). The first pages of every book include a description of the information required for bibliographic references.
• Example: Moreno C. F, Marthe Z. N. and Rebolledo S., L. (2010). How to write academic texts according to international standards: APA, IEEE, MLA, Vancouver and ICONTEC. Barranquilla, Colombia: Ediciones Uninorte

Book in electronic version 
• Last name, A. A. (Year). Title. Downloaded from 
• Gutiérrez, H. (2013). Statistical quality control and Six Sigma. Downloaded from

Book chapter: A reference is made to a book chapter when the book is an edited collection with chapters written by different authors. 
• Last name, A. A., and Last name, B. B. (Year). Title of the book chapter or entry. In A. A. Last name. (Ed.), Book title (pp. xx-xx). City, Country: Publisher. 
• Duncan, M., and Fajans, E. (2016). “Educational research”: a path for creating knowledge in legal education. In J. S. Trujillo (Ed.), Comparative lessons and experiences on teaching of law (pp. 353-374). Sabaneta, Antioquia, Colombia: Fondo Editorial Unisabaneta.

Articles from scientific journals. 
• Last name, A. A., Last name, B. B, and Last name, C. C. (Date). Title of the article. Name of the journal, volume (edition), page-page.
• Marenco-Escuderos, A. D, and Ávila-Toscano, J. H. (2016). Social support dimensions associated with the burnout syndrome among middle school teachers. Pensamiento Psicológico, 14(2), 7-18

journal Article: changes depending on the number of authors 
One author 
• Last name, A. A. (Date). Title of the article. Name of the journal, volume (edition), page-page. 
• Arias, G. (2015). One structure, two houses. Axxis, 262, 48-49. 
Between two and seven authors 
All the authors are spelled out, separated by commas, and “and” is written before the name of the last author. 
Acosta, L., and Medina, R. (2015). Redressing of victims in the Colombian criminal system. Revista jurídicas CUC, 11(1), 39-58.
Astocondor, L., Chávez, G., García, Y., Montalvo, R. (2005). Malignant external otitis with ecthyma grangrenosa in a patient infected by HIV. Infectio: Revista de la asociación colombiana de infectología, 20(1), 41-44.

Internet Articles.

General format – on-line documents 
• Last name, A. A. (Date). Title of the article. Name of journal. Downloaded from http:/ /www.

Newspaper References.

General format - newspapers [Print publications]
• Last name A. A. (Date). Title of the article. Name of the newspaper, pp-pp.
• Herrera D., L. (March 9, 2017). Venezuelan children, a dilemma for schools. aDN, page 2.

Title or name of the law (Information such as the decree or resolution number) (Date of issue). Name of the publication, publication number, year, day and month of publication

[First and Last name of the photographer]. (Place, year). Name of the collection. Place.

Symposia and conferences 
Autor, A. and Autor, A. (Date). Title of the presentation. In A. Last name of the Chairman of the Congress (President), Title of the symposium or congress. Symposium or conference held during the congress of Name of the organization, Place. 
Olaciregui, J. (September, 2010). Myths and Us. In N. Gil (Chairman), Nature, law and democracy. Symposium held during the 9th Congress of the Colombian Association of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (ASOFIDES), Barranquilla, Colombia.

On-line theses and graduation projects 
Autor, A. and Autor, A. (Year). Title of the thesis (Undergraduate, master’s or doctoral thesis). Downloaded from 
García, A. M. (2013). Design of the salary structure of the administrative area of the company Aseocolba S.A. in Bogotá (undergraduate thesis). Downloaded from

On-line encyclopedia 
Last name, A. (Year) Title of the article. Title of the encyclopedia [Media used]. Place of publication: Publishing House, URL

Gran enciclopedia planeta [versión electrónica]. Barcelona, España: Editorial Planeta,

Last name, A. (Day, month, year). Title of the post [Blog message]. Downloaded from http:/ /

Law Cases 
Name vs. Name, page of volume of the source (date of court hearing).

Type of publication

Articles that wish to be published in the journal should frame one of the following types of articles: 

Original article

Articles should present the results of original and unpublished research that make important contributions to knowledge and that rigorously follow the scientific method. The article should be between 3,000 and 9,000 words long, including charts, tables, figures and Bibliographic References.

The following are the acceptable types of articles:

  • Scientific and technological research articles: They present research results and should normally be between 5000 and 9000 words long.
  • Reflection articles: They present the results of completed research on a specific topic from the author’s analytical, interpretive or critical perspective, in reference to original sources. They should be between 3000 and 5000 words long.
  • Review articles: They present research results based on theoretical components that provide an understanding and analysis of the studied subject. Their main feature is that they include a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references. They should be between 3000 and 5000 words long.

In all cases, the article’s structure should be as follows:

  • Title: (in Spanish and English) up to 15 words, which may be informative or indicative.
  • Abstract: (in Spanish and English) In no more than 250 words, it should present the problem, the purpose of the study, scope of the study, methodology used, relevant results and main conclusion. It should not be too long or detailed and should not contain citations.
  • Keywords: between 5 and 7. Keep in mind that these are the main descriptors of the study.
  • Introduction: it answers the question of why and to what end the study was undertaken. It explains why it is interesting from a scientific standpoint, and it should mention previous work and aspects that remain unanswered and that will be addressed by this study. The last paragraph of the introduction usually provides a summary of the study’s objectives.
  • Materials and methods: this section describes the means used to carry out the study. It includes (as appropriate) design, population, sample and selection criteria; place of the study; techniques, measurements and units, pilot tests, devices and technology, etc.; statistical analysis, statistical methods used, and how the data were analyzed.
  • Results: it explains the results of the experiments or studies described in Material and Methods and presents the evidence that supports these results.
  • Discussion: The discussion begins by answering the question made in the introduction, based on the evidence explained in the results. Include any recommendations you consider relevant.
  • Conclusion: Close the paper with logical argumentation supported by your findings. Keep in mind that this should not be a suggestion or a summary of what was presented earlier.
  • Bibliographic References: citations and references should be according to the APA standard, APA.

Review article

Review articles are non-original scientific publications, and consequently do not contribute any new knowledge. Articles of this type consist of a compilation of bibliographic information on a specific subject. Researchers find articles of this type useful because they provide quick contextualization on the subject matter.

The basic criteria established by the journal for articles of this type, which should be between 4,500 and 7,000 words long, are its relevance and contribution to the field of knowledge, as well as well-focused definitions, scope and objectives, and inclusion of recent trends in the field of study. Such papers may be either:

  • An exhaustive review of all literature published: A very long article with extensive and highly specialized bibliography
  • A descriptive review: It updates the reader by providing useful information in areas that are constantly changing.


  • Title: (in Spanish and English) up to 12 words, which may be informative or indicative.
  • Abstract: (in Spanish and English) in no more than 250 words, it should present the problem, the purpose of the study, scope of the study, methodology used, relevant results and main conclusion. It should not be too long or detailed and should not contain citations.
  • Keywords: between 5 and 7. Keep in mind that these are the main descriptors of the study.
  • Introduction: it is longer than in other types of articles. It defines the article’s objectives (review the literature, collect information about a topic, other.) The introduction should be carefully written, because it is likely to determine whether or not the reader will continue to read the rest of the article.
  • Method: it explains how the bibliographical search was performed, the selection criteria used, their usefulness for the article, the quality of the selected documents and their reliability.
  • Analysis: this should not be simply a list of citations or summaries. The sources must be systematically presented, indicating any congruencies and contradictions in the available literature, and providing an explanation of the various conceptualizations and methods.
  • Conclusion: Close the paper with a logical argument supported by your findings in the selected documents. Keep in mind that this should not be a suggestion or a summary of what was presented earlier;
  • Bibliographic References: citations and references should be according to the APA standard APA


Essays present the authors’ critical analysis, assessment or reflection on a topic within the fields of knowledge covered by CUC. The article’s structure must be clearly set out to include an introduction, discussion, conclusions and the author’s contributions, and a bibliography. It must be conceived with rigorous scientific criteria and solid argumentation. It must be no longer than 3000 words. In certain cases, such articles are published on invitation by the Publishing Committee and special calls for publication.

Book Reviews

In this section authors are given the opportunity to express their personal views and argumentation on works of interest in the fields of knowledge covered by Económicas CUC. The review’s structure is unlike any of the other article types, and the author is allowed freedom in analyzing and reflecting on the selected topic. Its length is estimated at no more than 2,500 words.

Ethics in investigations

Ethical principles on publishing

Económicas CUC manages its publications in accordance with the Guidelines on good publishing practices issued by the Committee on Publications Ethics 

Conflict of Interest

Expert peer reviewers are selected based on the article’s field of knowledge, ensuring that the review process faithfully abides by the double-blind standard, with the aim of promoting objective reviews and objective verdicts, which are subsequently forwarded to the editor to make the appropriate decisions.

In this understanding, any pair that decides to accept the evaluation of an assigned paper certifies NOT having any type of conflict of interest with it.

Similarly, Económicas CUC offers the option of including Acknowledgements, which enables the author to acknowledge the contributions of people and entities to the study, as well as any financial support received.

For additional information on the peer review process, please see the section on peer reviews.

On authorship

Authors who submit articles for publications must sign a Declaration of originality indicating that the paper has not been submitted to consideration at other scientific journals. The submitted articles must be original and unpublished. All authors must have agreed to the article’s publication and must make a commitment to Económicas CUC not to submit their contribution to other journals while the assessment for publication is in progress.

Submissions will be processed strictly in the order in which they are recorded in the journal’s OJS platform. Additionally, a declaration signed by all co-authors must be submitted indicating that all those involved in preparing the paper have agreed on their order of appearance in the publication.

For more information go to Ethics

Correction and Retraction

Económicas CUC is an Open Access publication, which means that anyone can access and read the full text with no limitations and free of charge. In the event you or any reader has any questions, concerns, comments or suggestions about an article, they may be submitted by e-mail to the address Letters to the Editor can also be sent to the same e-mail address.

If you find any scientific errors of potential ethical issues, please contact us in order to open the respective investigation and take immediate action. In the event the error or ethical issue is demonstrated, the appropriate correction or retraction process will be initiated.

Fraud in research:

Económicas CUC only receives articles that are the result of a scientific research process, which implies that the author must submit information on the research sources it is based on. Also, during the peer review process the experts’ assessment takes into consideration aspects related to methodology, presentation of results, argumentation, and conclusions reached to ensure the consistency and accuracy of the presented information, as well as its relevance and contribution to knowledge in the field.

Authors are advised to have available evidence on the data that were used, given that such data and all other sources may be requested by the editor and/or the reviewers.

Submission of duplicate articles

The instructions for authors of Económicas CUC establish that articles submitted for publication must not have been published or have been submitted for publication in any other publications that require the assignment of copyrights. The articles must be original and unpublished and must be submitted with the consent of all the authors, who are committed to Económicas CUC to maintaining such status until a decision is made regarding its publication or non-publication.

 In accordance with the journal’s plagiarism policies, no inadequate paraphrasing will be allowed in the publication. If the idea is derived from other articles, the original text must be mentioned using quotation marks and an appropriate citation must be made.

The journal has established that it will not publish articles that have been previously published in a different language. Though publishing rights in general do contemplate this practice, Económicas CUC has decided not to use this option.

Handling of Plagiarism

In the framework of its ethical principles, Económicas CUC declares that it will not accept plagiarism, and consequently all papers received must strictly comply with the following:

The authors are responsible for protecting the authorship of all the information included in their paper, including tables, graphics, photos and figures. A declaration in the sense that all such contents do not violate any copyrights is included in the declaration of originality. Similarly, all received articles will be previously run through plagiarism detection software. Consequently, all full and partial textual citations and paraphrases must be duly referenced, and the paper must be free from any improper use of information.

Any omission of the above principles implies that the article will neither be processed nor published, and in the event the paper has already been published, the journal will issue the appropriate erratum.


Económicas CUC ratifies its policy of receiving unpublished and original papers in accordance with its ethics statement of good practices. Consequently, authors are requested to avoid submitting fragments or segments of previously published work that do not include adequate citations. Otherwise, the plagiarism detection program will detect matching contents that violate the originality criteria we have established.

More information Ethics


Privacy Statement

The names and email registered will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other person.