Modelos de Picking, Routing, Layout y Slotting en la Gestión de Almacenes - una Revisión Sistemática de la Literatura


  • Andrés Sánchez-Comas



Cuatro Bases de Datos fueron exploradas, EBSCO, SCHOLAR, IEEE Explorer y SCOPUS, con el objetivo de identificar a lo largo de la literatura modelos de Picking, Routing, Layout y Slotting que han sido propuestos como aportes a la gestión de almacenes en publicaciones de Revistas Científicas. Se describen los modelos propuestos segmentados por cada una de estas temáticas así como un breve análisis cienciométrico.


Los datos de descargas todavía no están disponibles.


Melacini, M., Perotti, S., & Tumino, A. (2011). Development of a framework for pick-and-pass order picking system design. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 53(9-12), 841–854.

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Roodbergen, K. J., & Vis, I. F. a. (2006). A model for warehouse layout. IIE Transactions, 38(10), 799–811.

Andriansyah, R., Etman, P., & Rooda, J. (2010). Aggregate modeling for flow time prediction of an end-of-aisle order picking workstation with overtaking. Winter Simulation Conference, 2070–2081.

Ji, S. Y., & Chen, H. S. (2010). Optimization for order picking of the automated warehouse based on ant colony algorithm. Wuhan Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Wuhan University of Technology, 32(23), 69–71.

Liu, S. (2012). An Integrated Model of Picking and Packing Functions of Automated Warehouse System Based on Culture Algorithm. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, 4(20), 229–240.

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Daniels, R. L., Rummel, J. L., & Schantz, R. (1998). A model for warehouse order picking. European Journal of Operational Research, 105(1), 1–17. Retrieved from 0031996750&partnerID=tZOtx3y1

Parikh, P. J., & Meller, R. D. (2009). Estimating picker blocking in wide-aisle order picking systems. IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers), 41(3), 232–246.

Parikh, P. J., & Meller, R. D. (2010). A note on worker blocking in narrow-aisle order picking systems when pick time is non-deterministic. IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers), 392–404.

Hong, S., Johnson, A. L., & Peters, B. a. (2012). Large-scale order batching in parallel-aisle picking systems. IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers), 44(2), 88–106.

Rao, S. S., & Adil, G. K. (2013). Optimal class boundaries, number of aisles, and pick list size for low-level order picking systems. IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers), 45(12), 1309–1321.

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Molnár, B., & Lipovszki, G. (2005). Multi-objective routing and scheduling of order pickers in a warehouse. International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology, 6(5), 22–32.

Pan, L., Huang, J. Z., & Chu, S. C. K. (2011). Order Batching and Picking in a Synchronized Zone Order Picking System. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 156–160.

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Jiang, M. X., Feng, D. Z., Zhao, Y. L., & Yu, M. F. (2013).Optimization of logistics warehouse layout based on the improved Fishbone layout. Xitong Gongcheng Lilun Yu Shijian/System Engineering Theory and Practice, 33(11), 2920–2929. Retrieved from 84891643846&partnerID=tZOtx3y1




Cómo citar

Sánchez-Comas, A. (2019). Modelos de Picking, Routing, Layout y Slotting en la Gestión de Almacenes - una Revisión Sistemática de la Literatura. Boletín De Innovación, Logística Y Operaciones, 1(1), 28–34.


