Submission of Contributions

As part of the submission process, authors are required to use the article template or Letter to the Editor template and ensure that their submission complies with all the elements listed below. Submissions that do not meet these requirements will be returned to the authors.

Steps to Follow

Authors can register through the "Register" section by completing the requested information and selecting the role of "Author" at the end of the form. After completing this step, you will receive a username and password via email, which you can use to access the platform and initiate the submission of your contribution. In case of difficulties during the registration process, you can contact us via email at

Step 1: When you log in with your username and password to the journal management platform, go to the "Start a New Submission" option to initiate the article submission process. In the first step of the process, select the "Articles" section from the drop-down list. Next, check each of the requirements on the "Submission Checklist" and mark the corresponding checkboxes. If necessary, provide comments for the editor in the text box. To proceed to the next step, click on the "Save and Continue" option.

Step 2: In the following step, select and upload the files to be attached: (i) the article file in Word format with all authorship details, (ii) the article file in Word format, ensuring compliance with anonymous review requirements, (iii) a Letter of Originality from the authors, (iv) Author Guidelines for all authors.

To ensure the integrity of anonymous peer reviews for submissions to this journal, authors, editors, and reviewers (who upload documents as part of the review process) are required to follow these text and file property steps:

- Authors of the document have deleted their names from the text, with "Author" and year used in the references and footnotes instead of the author's name, the article title, etc.

- In the case of Microsoft Office documents, the author's identification should also be removed from the file properties (see in Word under File > Save as > Tools or Options on a Mac > Security > Remove personal information from file properties on save > Save).

- For PDF files, the authors' names should also be removed from the Document Properties, which is found under File on Adobe Acrobat's main menu.

Step 3: In the third step, you need to record the article information. Enter complete information, including Title, Abstract, Collaborating Institutions, and References, in the format required by the journal. Fill out the form in both Spanish English and Portuguese.

Step 4: When submitting, you must register information about all authors of the manuscript. No changes related to authorship will be accepted once the review process has started. Include all author data in both Spanish and English: Names and surnames, ORCID, institutional affiliation, and Curriculum Vitae. The data provided here must match the information provided in your contribution's Word document.

Step 5: In the fifth step, you should include additional material complementary to the article. Include the following additional files:

- Graphs, Tables, and Illustrations: Include graphics, figures, tables, illustrations, and photographs in their original format (preferably in Excel, PowerPoint, or software such as PhotoShop, Corel Illustrator, etc.) or high-resolution image format.

- Author Information: Submit a Word format document with curricular information for each author of the manuscript.

- Authorship Letter: Attach a signed letter from all authors that specifies the order of authorship and their acceptance of it.

- Letter of Originality: Complete and submit the Letter of Originality format for the manuscript, signed by the authors of the article.

- Author Guidelines for each author.

- Research Information: Include information related to the research in a Word document, such as the project title from which the manuscript derives, the financing entity/university of the research project, and the start and end dates of the research project.

Step 6: In the sixth and final step of the process, click on the "Finish Submission" option. You will receive a notification via email indicating the success of the process.

Through the LADEE OJS management platform, authors can monitor the status of the editorial process of the manuscript and will receive the results of the evaluation process, as well as comments and/or suggestions from the peer reviewers via this platform.

Received articles will be identified with a code and will be previously reviewed by the Editorial Committee and the journal's Editor to verify the relevance of their publication. Subsequently, the selected articles will undergo a double-blind peer review process by experts in the thematic field.

Before the publication of the article, the author's copyright must be transferred to the LADEE journal through the form sent by the Editorial Team. This form for transferring the author's copyright must be completed and signed by each of the authors.

Compliance with these guidelines is mandatory.

Checklist for Submission Preparation

Download: Article Template

Download: Letter to the Editor Template

The submission has not been previously published nor is it under consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).

The submitted file is in Microsoft Word format.

Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.

The text follows the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Clarification Note:

Receipt of contributions submitted through the OJS platform (Open Journal System) must necessarily comply with what is established in the Author Guidelines section. This process does not generate an obligation for evaluation or publication. The Editor, in agreement with the Editorial Committee, is responsible for determining whether the contributions are suitable for submission to the expert team's arbitration process.

The Editor, the Editorial Committee, and the University of the Coast are not responsible for the ideas or concepts expressed by the authors of the different articles but do reserve the right to publish content based on the texts' content.

Privacy Statement:

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of LADEE and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.