Scientific and Editorial Committee

Editorial Board


Claudete Gindri 

Universidad de la Costa, Colombia

Claudete Gindri Ramos, a Full Professor at the University of the Coast, Colombia, is a distinguished professional in the field of chemistry and the environment. Her accomplishments and contributions include Education: Bachelor's in Chemistry, Master's in Environmental Impact Assessment (Unilasalle, Brazil), Ph.D. in Mineral and Environmental Technology (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), and Postdoctoral studies in Geosciences (Federal University of Pará, Brazil). Recognized as a Junior Researcher by MINCIENCIAS - Colombia. Leader of the Research Group on Sustainable Industrial Processes in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of the Coast, recognized as a Group A by MINCIENCIAS. Publications Manager for the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of the Coast. Associate Editor of the Frontiers in Climate, Negative Emission Technologies journal. With over 11 years of experience in research, intervention, and innovation in the environmental field at the interinstitutional and international collaboration levels. She has published high-impact scientific articles on topics such as the use of mineral by-products as agricultural inputs, the use of agroindustrial waste as water contaminant adsorbents, environmental toxicology, and sustainable development. Experienced in supervising doctoral, master's, and undergraduate theses. She is a member of research groups such as the Rock Flour and Soil Mineralogy Research Group and Associated Properties in Subtropical Climate and Sediments of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development of Brazil.


Associate Editor

Luana Portz - Spain

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Luana Portz holds a Bachelor's degree in Oceanology from the Federal University of Rio Grande (2005) and a Master's degree in Geosciences from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2008) with a focus on Environmental Management in the Coastal Zone. She earned a Ph.D. in Science from the Graduate Program in Geosciences at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, specializing in Geographic Information Systems and Coastal Management. She currently serves as a professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain. Her expertise lies in Marine Geology, Coastal Management, and Planning with an emphasis on the use of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing tools.


Associate Editor

Julien Vieillard - France
Université de Rouen Normandie

Julien Vieillard obtained his Ph.D. in 2006 under the supervision of Dr. S. Krawczyk at the École Centrale de Lyon on the development of microfluidic labs-on-chip for applications in analytical chemistry. Since 2007, he has been a professor at the CNRS-COBRA laboratory at the University of Rouen, IUT Evreux, France. Dr. J. Vieillard focuses on the surface modification of various materials to develop new biosensors, adsorbents, or electrocatalysts.


Associate Editor

Patrick Fotsing Nkuigue - Cameroon
University of Yaounde

Patrick Nkuigue Fotsing currently works in the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Applied Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Yaoundé I. Patrick's research focuses on Surface Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, and Analytical Chemistry. His current project is dedicated to wastewater treatment, modifying the surface properties of agricultural waste materials, and enhancing the adsorption performance of agricultural waste samples.




Editorial and Scientific Committee


Dr. Armando Fontalvo Lascano - Australia

Australian National University


Dr. Mohamed Azab

Saudi Arabia

Yanbu Industrial College


Dr. Celene Milanes – Colombia 

Universidad del Magdalena


Dr. Daniel Suman – United States  

University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science: Miami, FL, US 


Dr. Edgardo Díaz Ferguson – Panama 

Coiba Scientific Station (COIBA AIP) 


Dr. François Laurent - France

Universite du Maine Le Mans


Editorial coordinator

Yulineth Cardenas Escorcia - Colombaia

Universidad de la Costa