Electromechanical design of a plastic cap shredding machine for making animal shelter


  • Meglys Pérez Universidad Autónoma del Caribe
  • Andrés Felipe Álvarez Peinado Universidad Autónoma del Caribe
  • Bryner Jose Ramírez Rodríguez Universidad Autónoma del Caribe
  • Saling Pallares Escorcia Universidad Autónoma del Caribe
  • Jorge Acevedo Zühlke Engineering GmbH




Shredding machine, plastic cap, PET, animal shelter, capacitive single-phase motor, motor guard, App Inventor


Introduction: The problem with animals in street conditions is observed. Every day you can see how these animals suffer from all kinds of needs due to not having a place to shelter, eat or have moments of tranquility. In parallel due to pollution by plastic waste, many climatic phenomena occur.

Objective: Pursuing a solution for both problems, a proposal was made to the FundaPamVi foundation, dedicated to abandoned animal care, but they do not have all the necessary resources to provide quality conditions to all the animals.

Method: Therefore, the proposal consists of designing and implementing a PET-type plastic cap crushing machine in the Inventor application, assembled in the CIALC company, validated by studies and external agents that comply with the PET material standard that is required to process these materials and convert them into raw material for the foundation to manufacture houses and utensils for the animals.

Results: When passing the plastic through the crushing machine, small pieces of plastic are obtained, these are collected and transformed into blocks with the collaboration of the extruder machine of the FundaPamVi foundation, these blocks will be used to create houses that allow sheltering stray animals.

Conclusions: A mechanical design was implemented to the crushing machine that incorporates a protection and automation system through cycles that allows optimizing, verifying and starting the correct operation of the process made up of the recycling and transformation of plastic to be used for the objective proposed by the Foundation.


Shredding machine; plastic cap; PET; animal shelter; capacitive single-phase motor; motor guard; App Inventor.



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How to Cite

Pérez, M., Álvarez Peinado , A. F., Ramírez Rodríguez , B. J., Pallares Escorcia , S., & Acevedo, J. (2023). Electromechanical design of a plastic cap shredding machine for making animal shelter. Computer and Electronic Sciences: Theory and Applications, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.17981/cesta.04.01.2023.03


