Analysis of the tourism sector of the city of Barranquilla applying Machine Learning


  • Leidy Perez-Coronell Universidad Simón Bolivar



innovation, Machine Learning, tourism market, Information and Telecommunications Technologies, tourism


Introduction: Annually more than 6.5 million people arrive in Colombia from other countries, as indicated by the Ministry of
Commerce, Industry and Tourism, demonstrating that the country is a key tourist destination in the region. It should take advantage of the boom in the sector and enter the market as an innovative, diverse and high-value destination.
Objective: The objective of this research is to present in a general way the tourism sector in Colombia and to introduce the
concept of machine learning applied to this sector.
Methodology: For the documentation of this study, a methodology of exploration of secondary sources was used, through the
exploration of databases such as Scopus, Science Direct, EbscoHost, IEEE, among others.
Results: In the conceptual review, it was found that Colombia has great tourism potential in different areas and in its various
regions. However, there are limitations in the management and organization of the sectors and in the implementation of new
technologies to improve their competitiveness.
Conclusion: The tourism sector seeks more realistic and satisfactory solutions because of ICT innovation and the use of computer systems and telecommunications equipment in information processing, which allows better responses to customers and
improve production systems.


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How to Cite

Perez-Coronell, L. (2023). Analysis of the tourism sector of the city of Barranquilla applying Machine Learning. Computer and Electronic Sciences: Theory and Applications, 4(1).


