About the Journal

Focus and Scope

CESTA (Journal of Computer and Electronic Sciences: Theory and Application) is an open access, peer-reviewed, electronic journal of international scope and continuous publication, which receives original contributions in English and Spanish, adopting COPE's ethical parameters regarding theories and applications in computer and electronics related sciences, particularly in the following categories:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer science (miscellaneous)
  • Computer networks and communications
  • Information systems
  • Signal processing

CESTA's challenge is to achieve indexing in the SCOPUS and WoS databases in the short term, with the aim of reaching a significant number of readers and with a view to disseminating new and relevant scientific findings that contribute to the development of society.

Peer-Reviewed Process

The review process follows a double-blind procedure; this means, neither authors nor reviewers will know the counterpart’s identity. The double-blind review helps publication’s confidentiality, fairness, and impartiality during the process.

Publication Frequency

In January 2020, CESTA moves to a Continuous Publication model.  The final version of Accepted articles will be published in the active biannual issue, as soon as copyediting and proofreading processes are completed.  Issues will be closed at fixed intervals of six months.